Hi the wise folks at SO. This is an SOS.
I'm in a deep trouble. In my web application there is an object (Say it is a request for something). User submits his/her request. After this it comes to the people who can approve/disapprove that request. During the period from submission to approval/disapproval many actions can be taken on the request. I have to present user with actions panel (collections of links) using which he/she can modify the state of the request.
Now based on which stage of processing the request is some actions are not allowed. Also if some action has already been taken it excludes the possibility of other actions.
Overall it creates a pretty complex matrix of allowed/forbidden actions that my tiny head is not able to take care of it.
I've create some static classes/methods which returns the arrays of allowed actions based on the state of the request. There are about 20 states that a application can be in. I've taken care based on state to remove/disable links for actions that are not possible in that state. Now problem arises is that suppose request is in state X.
Now if in past action l has been taken on request we may not allow l or based on this some arbitrary actions m,n,o.
After writing all the methods to get arrays of links for 20 states, I have to filter the arrays based on the past history of actions (which is stored in sql db) which is very very big task.
Please suggest me some pattern which is easier to implement and efficient. It is getting on my nerves.