I have creating a distributed note taking application in flex, it basically is a notepad I can keep in my desktop tray. When I add notes and goes back to a server and saves it in a database.
To am struggling to design the application correctly, I want to have a Syncing service that polls the webserver for changes and updates an Array of Note objects. The problem is that my note corresponds mxml component, aka SingleNote component. There are four different cases when being, a. a note is updated from the server poll, in that case I want to singlenote to update the settings b. a note is added to the array from the server, in that case a new SingleNote needs to be created c. a SingleNote is added from client, in that case a Note is added to array, and sent back to server d. a SingleNote is change from client, in that case the Note is updated in the array and sent back to server
The properties are SingleNote(Width, X, Y, Text).
Can you recommend how to achieve this complex databinding? How would you design this?