WebStorm by JetBrains has some serious javascript parsing and refactoring muscle.
I've tried Coda, TextMate, Expresso, BBEdit, and Komodo. Except WebStorm, BBEdit and Komodo were the only ones that were able to figure out autocompletion reliably, however, both have no refactoring facilities at all. The rest were pretty much "dumb" editors and could offer no help, no completion and no refactoring. Only WebStorm could do symbol highlighting.
Netbeans is worth a separate mention. It is on par with WebStorm in terms of parsing muscle and refactoring, but it doesn't have a project type for creating HTML+JavaScript projects. You can add your src folder to "Favorites" without creating a new project and it will work fine. However, between the two, WebStorm is clearly a more focused and complete product for web developers.
Also, WebStorm seems to be the latest entry and already it runs circles around the competition. I think JetBrains took their IDEA Java IDE and striped pieces off it to make it a web developer's IDE. As the result, the product feels lightweight yet mysteriously powerful.