I would like to rar a folder but exclude a certain of folders and all the files beneath them - the .svn folder.
How could I make this happen using the rar console command (rar.exe)?
I would like to rar a folder but exclude a certain of folders and all the files beneath them - the .svn folder.
How could I make this happen using the rar console command (rar.exe)?
The final working version, three steps involved:
1) dir /b /s /a .sv? > svn.lst
2) for /f \"tokens=* delims=\" %%i in ('dir /s /b /a:d *svn') do (dir /b /s /q \"%i\") >> svn.lst
3) rar a [email protected] myarchive [files....]
These three lines has to be in a .bat file.
You could do an svn export, then you wouldn't have the .svn folders in the first place.