I have .h (e.g. A.h) file open in XCode, is there a quick way to open the corresponding .cc/.cpp (e.g. A.cpp) file?
I have .h (e.g. A.h) file open in XCode, is there a quick way to open the corresponding .cc/.cpp (e.g. A.cpp) file?
This works both with .h and .m objective-c files and .h and .cpp/.cc files
Option-Cmd-UpArrow switches between implementation (.c/.m/.cpp/.mm) and header (.h/.hh) files.
the preceding answers are basically correct, assuming that one is using the default XCode Key-bindings...
to change the shortcut: xcode preferences->Key Bindings-> View-> "Switch to Header/Source File"
I prefer to use ⌘§