I am trying to create a large flex project. This Project consists of a CORE application, and other sub-applications.
The CORE application should contain information that will be shared by all other projects (e.g., link to database, data manager which loads data from the database, application information like height width colors fonts... etc.).
The sub-applications each has a certain task. Each sub-application is a large project by itself so I don't think its a good idea to put all code inside one HUGE project.
The CORE project should run the main application, and through a navigation menu, I should be able to click and run other sub-applications.
Is there a way to created the CORE application to reference those sub-applications so that I can run them inside of the CORE. At the same time, those sub-applications should reference the CORE applications to get the NetConnection to the database and other important information that they might share?
What is the best way to structure this project?