



Hey All,

So I think I'm going to get buried for asking such a trivial question but I'm a little confused about something.

I have implemented quicksort in Java and C and I was doing some basic comparissons. The graph came out as two straight lines, with the C being 4ms faster than the Java counterpart over 100,000 random integers.


The code for my tests can be found here;


I wasn't sure what an (n log n) line would look like but I didn't think it would be straight. I just wanted to check that this is the expected result and that I shouldn't try to find an error in my code.

I stuck the formula into excel and for base 10 it seems to be a straight line with a kink at the start. Is this because the difference between log(n) and log(n+1) increases linearly?



+23  A: 

Make the graph bigger and you'll see that O(n logn) isn't quite a straight line. But yes, it is pretty near to linear behaviour. To see why, just take the logarithm of a few very large numbers.

For example (base 10):

log(1000000) = 6
log(1000000000) = 9

So, to sort 1,000,000 numbers, an O(n logn) sorting adds a measly factor 6 (or just a bit more since most sorting algorithms will depend on base 2 logarithms). Not an awful lot.

In fact, this log factor is so extraordinarily small that for most orders of magnitude, established O(n logn) algorithms outperform linear time algorithms. A prominent example is the creation of a suffix array data structure.

A simple case has recently bitten me when I tried to improve a quicksort sorting of short strings by employing radix sort. Turns out, for short strings, this (linear time) radix sort was faster than quicksort, but there was a tipping point for still relatively short strings, since radix sort crucially depends on the length of the strings you sort.

Konrad Rudolph
Fantastic answer, thanks for clearing this up for me. Just reading through your post now, really interesting stuff.
Good sorts tend to go for a linear algorithm once they have divided and conquered into sufficiently small pieces. Exactly how small is a matter of benchmarking (real data).
Tom Hawtin - tackline
Tom: I'm not sure what exactly you mean by linear. Often, sorting algorithms do the opposite, using O(n^2) sortings such as insertion sort on small portions, since their constant factor is so small that even quadratic runtime outperforms nlogn sorting. On the other hand, introsort uses a strategy to break out of too deep recursions – but again, this isn't anywhere linear, it just exchanges a quadradic worst case for O(n logn) behaviour.
Konrad Rudolph
+2  A: 

log(N) is (very) roughly the number of digits in N. So, for the most part, there is little difference between log(n) and log(n+1)

James Curran
log-base-*10* is very roughly the number of digits in N (assuming you're using the decimal representation). Most sort/search algorithms would be using log-base-2 which, while proportional to log-base-10 (so the big-O still applies), is nothing like what you describe :-)
Another way to say it is that log-base-2 is roughly the number of digits in N when written in binary, aka the number of bits required to represent N.
Tyler McHenry

Try plotting an actual linear line on top of it and you'll see the small increase. Note that the Y value at 50,0000 is less than the 1/2 Y value at 100,000.

It's there, but it's small. Which is why O(nlog(n)) is so good!

Chris Harris
It's still a damn sight better than O(n^2).
  1. Usually the O( n*log(n) ) algorithms have a 2-base logarithmic implementation.
  2. For n = 1024, lg(1024) = 10, so n*lg(n) = 1024*10 = 10.240 calculations, an increase by an order of magnitude.

So, O(N*log N) is similar to linear only for a small amount of data.

Tip: don't forget that quicksort behaves very well on random data and that it's not an O(n*log(n)) algorithm.

Nick D
All logarithms are the same, they differ only in scale. So I don't see the significance of your first statement. Also, I don't agree with your statement that O(n log n) only similar to linear for a small amount of data. Once again, it's a scaling thing. As a counter-example, just look at the graphs in the original question.
I don't mean graphically similar (to a straight line) but time-complexity similar. O(n*logn) time can easily be an order of magnitude bigger than O(n). If the graphs compared O(n*logn) and O(n) algorithms you would see what I mean. :) As the N goes bigger and bigger the O(n*logn) *moves* to next logarithimic scales.
Nick D
On average Quicksort IS an O(n log n) algorithm.
+4  A: 
Jouni K. Seppänen
a) Without specifying, O() is usually used to denote the *expected* (average) complexity.b) O() notation doesn't include constant factors, so O(n) and O(2n) are the same. Since log(n) is nearly constant (for large numbers, compared to n), it can be said that O(n) and O(n log(n)) are nearly the same. You should have plotted:
This is generally untrue. Big O notation typically denotes worst case asymptotic complexity, and it notates a function which bounds above the algorithms complexity. O(n) does not approximate O(nlogn), although for practical purposes O(nlogn) is relatively good and not much worse. The worst case performance of quick sort is certainly *not* an uncommon thing to encounter. Try doing a quicksort on the entries in the dictionary if you don't believe me.