I want to use a ColorMatrixFilter with a HDividedBox element so that the left and right boxes make the chart black & white, but leave the center section in color.
It seems like the filter would have to be on the AreaChart instead of the HDividedBox, but I was wondering if there is a way to setup the canvases to mask the content behind them.
My current code looks as follows; the grey filter has no effect.
<mx:HDividedBox id="dividedBox" horizontalScrollPolicy="off"
width="100%" height="100%"
liveDragging="true" >
<mx:Canvas id="leftBox" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
backgroundAlpha="0.5" width="50%"
height="100%" />
<mx:Canvas backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" backgroundAlpha="0"
width="50%" height="100%" buttonMode="true"
minWidth="{rangeDataRatio * 4}"
mouseUp="showAnnotations = true; refreshAnnotations()"/>
<mx:Canvas id="rightBox" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF"
backgroundAlpha="0.5" width="0%" height="100%"
filters="{[greyFilter]}" />
The filter code is as follows:
var greyMatrix:Array = [
0,0,0,1,0 ];
var greyFilter:ColorMatrixFilter =
new ColorMatrixFilter(greyMatrix);