What would the Windows command line script be to rename a folder from the current month, to the current month - 3, using the format YYYY-MM ?
should become:
What would the Windows command line script be to rename a folder from the current month, to the current month - 3, using the format YYYY-MM ?
should become:
You will have to dissect the contents of %DATE%
by yourself, unfortunately. There are no localization-safe date/time manipulation facilities in cmd.
For my locale (which uses standard ISO 8601 date format) I could just use the following:
@echo off
rem %DATE% comes back in ISO 8601 format here, that is, YYYY-MM-DD
set Y=%DATE:~0,4%
set /a M=%DATE:~5,2% - 3
if %M% LSS 1 (
set /a Y-=1
set /a M+=12
ren myFolder "%Y%-%M%"
However, depending on the date format you use it may look slightly different.
For my locale, I need something different.
Also you need to deal with single-digit months, I suppose.
@REM example: Thu 06-11-2009
set stamp=%DATE%
@REM get the year
set year=%stamp:~10,4%
@REM example: 2009
@REM get the month
set month=%stamp:~4,2%
@REM example: 06
@REM subtract 3 months
set /a month=%month%-3
@REM example: 3
@REM test if negative (we rolled back beyond January 1st)
if %month% LSS 1 (
set /a month=%month%+12
@REM example: 8
set /a year=%year%-1
@REM example: 2008
@REM prepend with zero for single-digit month numbers
set month=0%month%
@REM take last 2 digits of THAT
set month=%month:~-2%
set newFolder=%year%-%month%
@REM move %1 %newFolder%
The version of the answered question for UK date format (DD-MM-YYYY) is:
@REM example: 11-06-2009
set stamp=%DATE%
@REM get the year
set year=%stamp:~6,4%
@REM example: 2009
@REM get the month
set month=%stamp:~3,2%
@REM example: 06
@REM subtract 3 months
set /a month=%month%-3
@REM example: 3
@REM test if negative (we rolled back beyond 1st January)
if %month% LSS 1 (
set /a month=%month%+12
@REM example: 8
set /a year=%year%-1
@REM example: 2008
@REM prepend with zero for single-digit month numbers
set month=0%month%
@REM take last 2 digits of THAT
set month=%month:~-2%
set newFolder=%year%-%month%
move c:\myfiles\myFolder\ %newFolder%