So I am trying to learn SDL and creating a small game. When the user presses the space bar, it should play a sound. This works, but the sound takes about .5 seconds to play... How would I fix this? I've checked the actual file to see if the delay was just part of it, and that turned out to not be the case.
SDL with c++ on win vista.
Here's some relevant code:
Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096 )
Mix_PlayMusic( BG_Music, 0 ); //background music
while( quit == false )
fire.handleInput( event, ship.get_x_pos() );
the handle input function:
void lasersC::handleInput( SDL_Event &event, int x )
Uint8 *keystates = SDL_GetKeyState( NULL );
if ( keystates[ SDLK_SPACE ] && delay == 0)
Mix_PlayChannel(-1, laser, 0);
fired * F = new fired( NULL, S_HEIGHT - 50, x + 20 );
F->shot = lasers;
F->y_pos = S_HEIGHT - 50;
F->x_pos = x + 20;
weps.push_back( F );
delay = 10;
If more is needed, let me know.