



So I am trying to learn SDL and creating a small game. When the user presses the space bar, it should play a sound. This works, but the sound takes about .5 seconds to play... How would I fix this? I've checked the actual file to see if the delay was just part of it, and that turned out to not be the case.

SDL with c++ on win vista.

Here's some relevant code:

Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096 )



    Mix_PlayMusic( BG_Music, 0 );   //background music

        while( quit == false )
         fire.handleInput( event, ship.get_x_pos() );

the handle input function:

void lasersC::handleInput( SDL_Event &event, int x )
    Uint8 *keystates = SDL_GetKeyState( NULL );

    if ( keystates[ SDLK_SPACE ] && delay == 0)
     Mix_PlayChannel(-1, laser, 0);
     fired * F = new fired( NULL, S_HEIGHT - 50, x + 20 );

     F->shot  = lasers;
     F->y_pos = S_HEIGHT - 50;
     F->x_pos = x + 20;

     weps.push_back( F );
     delay = 10;

If more is needed, let me know.


There is usually a check for DirectX headers when compiling SDL (apparently)

Can you try to recompile with DirectX support?

Also, how much buffering are you enforcing at the client side? It may be a problem with that.

EDIT - After the comments below:

  1. Try to increase the size of your buffer.
  2. What I mean by recompiling with DirectX support is, try to include headers from the following source so that SDL skips checking for them.
Suvesh Pratapa
I'm not really sure what that means.
@ the buffering, Mix_OpenAudio( 22050, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096 )
Check my edit above.
Suvesh Pratapa
the buffer changing worked. I set it to 2048 which was good, but 1024 seems right on. I don't understand though, I thought I higher number would make it better but it made it worse. Do you have a link or explanation on what exactly that (buffer) parameter does in the Mix_OpenAudio()?
Not really, but I looked online and 1024 seems to be a standard. Give me some time and I'll try to think of why that is.
Suvesh Pratapa
Alright thanks anyways. Weird that you found 1024 to be the standard of all the tutorials I've been using, they put 4096.. oh well.