




Hi All,

First time here asking a question and still learning on how to format things better... so sorry about the format as it does not look too well. I have started learning flex and picked up a book and tried to follow the examples in it. However, I got stuck with a problem. I have a jsp page which returns xml which basically have a list of products. I am trying to parse this xml, in other words go through products, and create Objects for each product node and store them in an ArrayCollection. The problem I believe I am having is I am not using the right way of navigating through xml.

The xml that is being returned from the server looks like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?><result type="success">
  <name>Plasma Television</name>
  <desc>65 inch screen with 1080p</desc>
  <name>Surround Sound Stereo</name>
  <desc>7.1 surround sound receiver with wireless speakers</desc>
  <desc>Bottom drawer freezer with water and ice on the door</desc>
  <desc>Large capacity with water saver setting</desc>
  <name>Leather Sectional</name>
  <desc>Plush leather with room for 6 people</desc>

And I have flex code that tries to iterate over products like following:

private function productListHandler(e:JavaFlexStoreEvent):void
   productData = new ArrayCollection();
   for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response..product )
    productData.addItem( {

with trace, I can see the xml being returned from the server. However, I cannot get inside the loop as if the xml was empty. In other words, JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response..product must be returning nothing. Can someone please help/point out what I could be doing wrong.

My JavaServiceHandler class looks like this:

package com.wiley.jfib.store.data

{ import com.wiley.jfib.store.events.JavaFlexStoreEvent;

import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import flash.net.URLLoader;
import flash.net.URLRequest;

public class JavaServiceHandler extends EventDispatcher
 public var serviceURL:String = "";
 public var response:XML;

 public function JavaServiceHandler()

 public function callServer():void
  if(serviceURL == "")
   throw new Error("serviceURL is a required parameter");

  var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
  loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleResponse);
  loader.load(new URLRequest(serviceURL));

// var httpService:HTTPService = new HTTPService(); // httpService.url = serviceURL; // httpService.resultFormat = "e4x"; // httpService.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, handleResponse); // httpService.send();


 private function handleResponse(e:Event):void
  var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(e.currentTarget);
  response = XML(loader.data);
  dispatchEvent(new JavaFlexStoreEvent(JavaFlexStoreEvent.DATA_LOADED) );

// var httpService:HTTPService = HTTPService(e.currentTarget); // response = httpService.lastResult.product; // dispatchEvent(new JavaFlexStoreEvent(JavaFlexStoreEvent.DATA_LOADED) );




Even though I refer to this as mine and it is not in reality. This is from a Flex book as a code sample which does not work, go figure.

Any help is appreciated.




I'm, not exactly an XML / Flex whiz, but is this a typo?

for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response..product )

Did you try

for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response.result.products.product )

That's how I do it. Explicit, explicit, explicit.

Thanks for answering Aethex. I tried that, too, however it would be the same result.

Try looking at JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response with a debugger. If it IS the XML you're referring to, then your method of accessing product should work. So, it's likely that your Java backend returns not the XML you're expecting.

Try loading the same XML from a simple text file, or simply embed it into a string to make it even more simple:

[Embed (source="xmltest.xml")]
private var xmlTest:String;

And then initialize XML with a var xml:XML = new XML(xmlTest); and try trace(xml..product)

Thanks for the comments. I will try to do this in see if it can read simple xml file. One question, when I use 'embed' syntax compiler does not like it? Any ideas why would that be?
It's likely it can't find xmltest.xml. Place this file in the root folder of your code (generally, src folder in the project)

The root element in your XML is result. So you should have either

for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response.products..product )

Yes, two dots - no typo there, or (if you know for sure you'll have only product elements):

for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response.products.children() )

Because you didn't tidy up your XML, you mistook products element for the root, as it took some time for me to notice too. The moral of the story is: always tidy up your XML.

I tried this but still the same issue. Thanks for the answer. When figure out this problem, hopefully i can, i will reply back here

Hi, could you fix it ?

I tried all your suggestions, none works. Also check this thread at Adobe : http://forums.adobe.com/thread/446369

Same question, same problem.

Does anyone know where the problem could come from ?


+1  A: 

Hi, I just tried following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"

   import radekg.JavaServiceHandler;

   private function onComplete():void {
    var jsh:JavaServiceHandler = new JavaServiceHandler();
    for each ( var node:XML in jsh.response.products.product ) {
     trace( node.id.text() );
     trace( node.cat.text() );
     trace( node.name.text() );
     trace( node.desc.text() );
     trace( node.price.text() );



And radekg/JavaServiceHandler.as which emulates your handler class:

package radekg
 public class JavaServiceHandler
  public var response:XML = <result type="success">
       <name>Plasma Television</name>
       <desc>65 inch screen with 1080p</desc>
       <name>Surround Sound Stereo</name>
       <desc>7.1 surround sound receiver with wireless speakers</desc>
       <desc>Bottom drawer freezer with water and ice on the door</desc>
       <desc>Large capacity with water saver setting</desc>
       <name>Leather Sectional</name>
       <desc>Plush leather with room for 6 people</desc>

And as a result I'm getting:

Plasma Television
65 inch screen with 1080p
Surround Sound Stereo
7.1 surround sound receiver with wireless speakers
Bottom drawer freezer with water and ice on the door
Large capacity with water saver setting
Leather Sectional
Plush leather with room for 6 people

Your JavaServiceHandler.result points to the XML root tag so in other words, replace your:

for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response.products..product )


for each (var item:XML in JavaServiceHandler(e.currentTarget).response.products.product )

Hope that helps.


Assign static value for DATA_LOADED in JavaFlexStoreEvent.as

public static const DATA_LOADED:String="onDataLoaded"


I Think you are not created JAvaFlexStoreEVent Here I am Posted full class

package com.wiley.jfib.store.events { import flash.events.Event;

public class javaFlexStoreEvent extends Event
 public static const DATA_LOADED:String="onDataLoaded";
 public function javaFlexStoreEvent(type:String, bubbles:Boolean=false, cancelable:Boolean=false)
  super(type, bubbles, cancelable);




Hi I have the same problem !

When I trace JavaServiceHandler(event.currentTarget).response I get the XML:

1electronicsPlasma television65 inch screen with 1080p$3000.02electronicsSurround Sound Stereo7.1 surround sound receiver with wireless speakers$1000.03appliancesRefrigeratorBottom drawer freezer with water and ice on the door$1200.04appliancesDishwasherLarge capacity with water saver setting$500.05furnitureLeather SectionalPlush leather with room for 6 people$1500.0

but when I trace




I have no result.

Did you solve that or do you have any Idea...

Thank you
