I have a list object and I'm adding items to it with addItem through the dataProvider.
Before adding an item to the list I want to make sure it's not a duplicate. I've tried using indexOf on the dataProvider and it returns null. I've tried casting it to an array and it works, but always returns -1 even if the element exists in the dataProvider.
The only method I've been able to use seems a little hacky and I'd like to know if there is a better way to find an element in a dataProvider.
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute" styleName="plain" applicationComplete="init()">
import mx.controls.List;
public var testListArray:Array;
public function init():void
//search for element in dataProvider
if(testList.dataProvider.toString().indexOf('banana') > -1)
//search for element in dataProvider
if(testList.dataProvider.toString().indexOf('goat') === -1)
trace('not found');
<mx:List dataProvider="{testListArray}" x="260" y="204" id="testList" borderStyle="solid" borderColor="#000000"></mx:List>