First thanks so much to users in this site for many answers I stumble upon when investigating bugs...
I am working now a few months on a Obj-C project (IPhone), today I made a big discovery (in a beginners PoV) while working with a singleton. In short if you are accessing a @property with self.someProperty it will use the "(nonatomic, retain)" - or what ever settings you set for this accessor's operation, while if you are directly assigning a value to a (although) synthesized someProperty, for example like this: someProperty = [someClass fun:option]; it will not "retain" it as I had expected before. (due to not using the actual synthesizes accessor via the "." notation)
The reason I am posting this possibly obvious insight is because I have seen few threads on this site debating this exact question, while I was not able to deduct this conclusion until now..
Cheers, Roman