
Scala syntax - pass string to object

While playing around with regexps in Scala I wrote something like this: scala> val y = "Foo" y: java.lang.String = Foo scala> y "Bar" scala> As you can see, the second statement is just silently accepted. Is this legal a legal statement, and if so, what does it do? Or is it a bug in the parser and there should be an error message? ...

Do you have a modeling notation that you use for MVC?

Hopefully (but not necessarily) one that is independent of language or framework? ...

How do you read dot notation in JavaScript?

For the sake of an example, is this statement window.Number.constructor.prototype.constructor(); read like a path? C:\Users\Vista\Documents\Work\text.txt From left to right window:\Number\constructor\prototype\constructor() where window is the root object, Number is an object inside window, constructor is an object inside Number...

Can someone explain this C++ notation?

if (vector1.x > ((float*)&vector1)[j]) Is j simply just an index into the vector? e.g. is C++ able to retrieve these values using array notation even though vector isn't an array? If so I'm guessing it achieves this by referencing vector by its address? ...

What is the difference between Θ(n) and O(n)?

Sometimes I see Θ(n) with the strange Θ symbol with something in the middle of it, and sometimes just O(n). Is it just laziness of typing because nobody knows how to type this symbol, or does it mean something different? ...

How should complex numbers be rendered?

Mathematics naive question: What is the "canonical" way to represent 14+1i? 14+i1 or 14+i Similarly, is it likely, in the 'real world', that scientific notation is going to creep into a complex number so as to freak out a complex numbers parser? For example, 1.2345E+02-1.7002E-09i Edit: Finally, is it 8.45358210351126e+066i ...

About Trees and Prefix (Polish) Notation?

My MIPS Assembly class required me to read in an expression of unknown size into a Parse Tree. I've never had to deal with trees, so this is how I went around storing values: Lets say the user entered the expression 1 + 3 - 4 (each operand could only be a digit 1-9) My leftmost child node would be the starting point and contain 2 piec...

PHPExcel: scientific notation of double/float

The problem is the following: We are creating an instance of a class testObject and fill a var with a double. A class TestExcel extends from PhpExcel and when submitting the object testObject into the constructor we get a scientific notation of the var when we do a var_dump. Can anyone help us out. My colleagues and I don't understand ...

Comma notation in jQuery?

So I've taken a look at this some comma notation in this tutorial using jQuery. The link is here: After looking at all the selectors on the jQuery site, I can't seem to find out what this ', this' notation represents. Any answers? Here's a quick snippet: var popup = $(popup, this).cs...

IP Subnet Notation

I am taking an IT class that is a bit over my head, but trying hard to keep up. On a lab to regarding network topology using port scanners, I am instructed to "to develop a network inventory and topology for the subnet." What does the notation 0/24 mean there? I had assumed it meant to consider the network range 123.218...

Good Naming Convention for Anonymous Types

An anonymous type can be thought of as a "Set Once" Object type, whereas an plain old Object or Variant can be set many times. An object or variant tends to be short lived, while an anonymous type is expected to live longer, making it important to communicate intent. What naming convention do you use to communicate intent when using ano...

Compact MATLAB matrix indexing notation

I've got an n-by-k sized matrix, containing k numbers per row. I want to use these k numbers as indexes into a k-dimensional matrix. Is there any compact way of doing so in MATLAB or must I use a for loop? This is what I want to do (in MATLAB pseudo code), but in a more MATLAB-ish way: for row=1:1:n finalTable(row) = kDimensionalMa...

postfix 'd+0' in Fortran real literal expressions

Does anyone knwow what the postfix "d+0" means in the assignments to M1, M2 and M4 below or is there any resource on the web or a book where one is very likely to find this information? subroutine plot( t, x, p, q, nga, nt, wron, & ngq, gq, ngaq1, ngaq2, gaq, rwh, iwh ) implicit none intege...

Wanted to share an important insigt I found out today about the .self notation in ObjC

Hi, First thanks so much to users in this site for many answers I stumble upon when investigating bugs... I am working now a few months on a Obj-C project (IPhone), today I made a big discovery (in a beginners PoV) while working with a singleton. In short if you are accessing a @property with self.someProperty it will use the "(nonato...

A productive alternative to UML

I find UML hard to create quickly. I'd like to put my ideas more quickly, especially for small open sourced projects. If it was big enough I'd bother with UML but the project is too small for this kind of thing. I don't want yet another tool that will make me think "nehh I'll do it later". Any suggestions? ...

Why can't I write @F[1..-1] to get elements 1..last?

In Perl, the array index -1 means the last element: @F=(1,2,3); print $F[-1]; # result: 3 You can also use the $# notation instead, here $#F: @F=(1,2,3); print $F[$#F]; # result: 3 So why don't -1 and $#F give the same result when I want to specify the last element in a range: print @F[1..$#F]; # 23 print @F[1..-1]; # <empty> T...

Anyone have an ERD symbols quick reference?

I'm looking for a one-page quick-reference or cheatsheet (preferably in PDF) to the meanings of the various ERD symbols in Crowsfoot/Martin notation. I've done a lot of googling, but have not found a good, concise quick-reference guide, though I'm sure one must exist. ...

Python Notation?

I've just started using Python and I was thinking about which notation I should use. I've read the PEP 8 guide about notation for Python and I agree with most stuff there except function names (which I prefer in mixedCase style). In C++ I use a modified version of the Hungarian notation where I don't include information about type but o...

Mathematical notation in algorithms

I am currently reading the Algorithm Design Manual, but my mathematical notation has become a little rusty. What does mean? ...

Historic reason for using periods in version numbers?

Is there a historic reason that periods are used instead of any other separator for software versions? One of our products was previously version 3.5, and now it's 3.08 -- I'm sure this was management saying that putting a leading zero would make it less confusing for our customers once we hit 3.10. But as a software developer, version...