
Pack Notation in WPF

Hello, I have a question about pack notation. I'm trying to access a png image file within a XAML page from another resource assembly. Let's say the Resource Assembly (which is outside of the local assembly that my xaml file is in), is ResourceAssembly.Common.Resources and that my image is in ResourceAssembly.Common.Resources/Images/im...

What kind of notation is this?

I've a string which looks like this: [{text:"key 1",value:"value 1"},{text:"key 2",value:"value 2"},{text:"key 3",value:"value 3"}] I'm not sure what kind of notation this is, AFAIK this is generated by a ASP .NET backend. It looks a lot similar to JSON but calling json_decode() on this fails. Can someone bring me some light on this ...

Good WYSIWYG Math Expression Builder or WYSIWYG Plug in?

Anyone know of a good Math Expression builder for an online WYSIWIG. Ideally the user would be able to easily create common math symbols/notations like summation, integrals, radicals, etc... online, ideally in an existing editor. I also need to be able host it (and ideally integrate it) in a .NET stack (IIS/Windows). Thanks in advance!...

Complex number notation

My DotNET application has a limited scripting language build in (modelled loosely on VBScript) mainly for post-processing numbers, points and vectors. I've just added support for complex numbers, but I'm struggling with the notation. I don't want to use the A + Bi notation, since it is not a clear division if A or B are defined as equat...

Entity Relation notation in text

Is there a standard (non-graphical) notation for Entity Relationships? right now I'm using my own janky notation: User >> Photo , (1-many) User > Profile , (1-1 hasOne) Profile < User , (1-1 belongsTo) Photo << User , (many-1 belongsTo) Photo <> Tag , (many-many) ...

Differences between [in, out] and [out, retval] in COM IDL definitions

In some of the IDL I work with I have noticed that there are 2 conventions for marking return values in methods - [in, out] and [out, retval]. It appears that [in, out] is used when there are multiple return values, for example: HRESULT MyMethod( [in] long InputParam, [in, out] long* OutputParam1, [in, out] long* OutputPa...

Proper notation using doubles

It is more stylistically acceptable in java to write constants in double operations with or without ".0" ? As in, double var= 200.0; double d= var/250.0; double h= 1.0 - d; vs. double var= 200; double d= var/250; double h= 1 - d; Thanks ...

Easier way to prevent numbers from showing in exponent notation

I'm going to rely on the saying that no question is a dumb question, but I have a slightly dumb one to ask. EDIT: Seems that this question has been asked and answered a few times on here already, though using titles I didn't come across when searching for duplicates. Here are some related posts:

Writing expressions: Infix, Postfix and Prefix

Greetings, My task is to write an app(unfortunatly on C) which reads expression in infix notation(with variables, unary and binary operators) and store it in memory, then evaluate it. Also, checks for correctness should be performed. for example: 3*(A+B)-(-2-78)2+(0A) After I got all values, program should calculate it. The ques...

Muscial notation on the iPhone. Any suggestions for example code?

I'm writing an iPhone app where I'd like to display some simple musical notation (just a chord or two). This question is a call for suggestions on the quickest way to go about it. For instance: Is there any iphone OR objective-C libraries for doing this that I'm missing? Are there any examples of open-source objective-C software in th...

Potential problems in using condensed notation

In the snippet of code below, I'm using a class to get a reference to an instance of BookList. This class has a getBook() method which returns an instance of a Book from a String representing an isbn code. The instruction is run in the doGet() method of a HttpServlet. protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse ...

Coloring notes in Lilypond by height

lilypond can color notes in a arbitrary way using \override NoteHead #'color = #red c with the default color is black. But I like to color all notes by height, so that my kids can more easily learn to recognize the notes as the c, d, e, f, ... are associated with its own color. The above allows me to do this, but is rather verbose. I...

XAML: What is the functional difference between the following notations?

XAML: What is the functional difference between the following notations? Is there any reason I shouldn't use the first method for properties? <Setter Property="Shape.Stroke" TargetName="circle" Value="#FF3C7FB1"/> <Setter Property="Shape.Stroke" TargetName="arrow"> <Setter.Value> <SolidColorBrush>#FF222222</SolidColorBrush> <...

JavaScript dot notation

The following line is apparently written best in dot notation. I am trying to clean my JavaScript code to make it strict. What does it mean? if (ie||ns6) { var tipobj=document.all? document.all["dhtmltooltip"] : document.getElementById? document.getElementById("dhtmltooltip") : ""; } I added some context to my line of code, in c...

Visual Studio VB pretty listing settings

Does anyone know how to stop Visual Studio VB.NET editor from changing my beautiful scientific notation numbers into hideous decimal notation? It seems that this is part of "Pretty Listing" (single checkbox in the options). I'd like to keep the other features of pretty listing, I just don't want to have to stare at 0.0000000000000001 wh...

Dot notation - Does it take parameters?

Hello there, Is it correct if I say that [anIstance aMethod]; is equivalent to anIstance.aMethod; --? If it is the case, what about methods which take one ore more parameters? Does the following statement [anIstance aMethod : aParameter]; have an equivalent dot notation? I have tried with anIstance.aMethod : aParameter; ...

Why do Python function docs include the comma after the braket for optional args?

Redo: (Shorter version just for Stephen202) What is the significance in putting the comma after after the open bracket, instead of before? And, what is the significance of nesting the brackets. How they are: RegexObject.match(string[, pos[, endpos]]) What I would expect: RegexObject.match(string, [pos], [endpos]) WHY ARE THE BRAC...

Representing code algebraically

Dear all; I have a number of small algorithms that I would like to write up in a paper. They are relatively short, and concise. However, instead of writing them in pseudo-code (à la Cormen or even Knuth), I would like to write an algebraic representation of them (more linear and better LaTeX rendering) . However, I cannot find resources...

bash case statements evaluate to strings

I've caught the functional programming bug, so naturally nothing is good enough for me anymore. ;) So, in bash one could write: case $status in "foo") status="bar" ;; "baz") status="buh" ;; *) status=$status ;; esac but I'm afraid of typos, so I'd prefer to write: status=case $status in "foo") "bar" ;; "baz") "buh" ;; *...

Ways to work around Mathematica Notation bug?

Mathematica offers the Notation package to define custom notation, and it seems to work great until I save a notebook with custom notation as a package and try to use Needs["..."] to import the new notation. As documented on the Mathematica mailing list, this causes bizarre syntax errors when evaluating any call to Notation[]. The sugges...