
Why is Linq to SQL trying to change the primary key of an entity when a child entity is assigned to it?

I don't follow: var refreshedSched = newTicket.Schedules .FirstOrDefault(s => CompareSchedules(s, sched)); if (refreshedSched != null) { if (refreshedSched.ScheduleExtension == null) refreshedSched.ScheduleExtension = new ScheduleExtension(); refreshedSched.ScheduleExtension.RTUpdateCurrent =...

Split large file into smaller files by number of lines in C#?

I am trying to figure out how to split a file by the number of lines in each file. THe files are csv and I can't do it by bytes. I need to do it by lines. 20k seems to be a good number per file. What is the best way to read a stream at a given position? Stream.BaseStream.Position? So if I read the first 20k lines i would start the positi...

How do you bind a collection of items to a list box of checkboxes?

Sorry for the vague description, I can't think of a better way to put it. Let's say that my ViewModel has a property as follows: public List<MyClass> SubSystems { get; set; } and the SubSystems class: public class SubSystem { public string Name { get; set; } public bool IsSelected { get; set; } } In the view, I'd like to ...

If I target .NET 2.0, can I still get runtime features from newer versions?

I'm pretty pleased with targeting .NET 2.0 for my XNA games on the basis that it is more widely available (and I can still use nice C# 3.0 language features). But I recently came across an article saying that the .NET 3.5 SP1 JIT added inlining of value-type methods (something that, as a game developer, I use a lot of). So my question ...

Problem with Deploying localized win form app in .net 3.5 C#

The Problem in Short: Localized text works perfect on my development machine(windows 7) but NOT when the app is deployed to some other machine(Win XP). Details: I am writing a small, single form app. It must display text in Hindi. Below is my form in the Default Language. couldnt post image coz im new Here it is in Hindi: coul...

How to set the background image of a TreeView Control? (VS 2008/.Net 3.5/C#/WinForms)

I have been doing some research and this seems to be not possible unless I start digging into InterOperabilty, i.e PInvoke and what not which is not really my kettle fish. I am re posting this question as I want to know if anyone has managed to do this yet? I use .png for all my images and get a professional to provide my images so I kn...

Is it possible to use <%: in .net framework 3.5

This may be a duplicate of some other question, but it's hard to search the web for <%: so I can't really find anything. When I created a new Asp.net MVC 2 project its templates use the new notation of automatic html encoding. WHen I changed .net framework target to 3.5, these server scripts stopped working. When I changed them to <%= e...

What versions of .Net framwork are installed when you install .Net 3.5 SP1?

I'm trying to confirm which versions of the .Net framework are installed when you just install 3.5 SP1. I know that with 3.5, 2.0 + SP1 and 3.0 + SP1 are installed. I have a client that has a 1.1 app and I want to know what version is loaded when it runs if 1.1 isn't installed. ...

Specifying the records to be deleted from a database using the TableAdapter.Update method

I have been messing with this for quite some time now and it's getting less and less fun; I followed the MSDN guide for deleting a row from a datagrid. And it works for any row however I am not able to specify the row... essentially I can delete random rows by using the CurrentIndex parameter anything I try to be more specific gets me a ...

unable to fine the Scroll Position of MdiClient of Form

I created a mdi form and added mdi childs to it. when i move the mdi children outside the bounds of the form, scroll bars appear. I want to set a logo as the background of the mdi parent. So, when scroll bar position is changed, the background image must be redrawn with respect to the position of the scroll bars. I couldn't find any prop...

Dynamic changes in ASP:GridView column

Hello, I have created a GridView whose columns are dynamically created based on my data source. One of the column is a status field which displays Yes?No image based on the status field in database. <asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Status"> <ItemTemplate> <asp:Image ...

Find and replace for equations (regex?)

I'm converting some excel formulas to another system and need to do some fairly nifty search and replace magic. I presume Regex are the tools for the job in this case, but if anyone has any other ideas I'd like to hear them. I'm working on getting these formulas into something resembling SQL syntax. I also have to deal with algebraic sy...

CultureInfo: Haitian Creole and .NET 3.5 on ASP.NET/MVC?

It's been easy to get French and Spanish translations added to our site, but we want to add Haitian Creole now and there is no Culture support for it. What's the best way to get this done? ...

Over coming screensize issues in asp.net

Hi, my development machine has a fairly large size screen (19inch). Some of my customers have smaller size screens (or they may chose to not maximize my webpage) so the controls on the page are all over the place and overlapping each other. Any idea how I can resolve this? ...

Map two values to one object

I am trying to write a function in C# that will take two small int values (range 0-3) and return a Color object based on those values. The problem is that there is no way to programmatically determine the color from the two values, they are specific to a type of LED and must be hardcoded. The simplest way I can think of would be a mass...

Why does this query timeout? V2

This question is a followup to This Question The solution, clearing the execution plan cache seemed to work at the time, but i've been running into the same problem over and over again, and clearing the cache no longer seems to help. There must be a deeper problem here. I've discovered that if I remove the .Distinct() from the query, ...

multiple inheritance can't Support in C#. why?

c# can support single inheritance. it uses only interface. but why it can't support multiple inheritance..... ...

Casting entire array of objects to string

I have an array of type object which are strings. I would like to convert them to strings what would be the quickest way of doing so. Eg. I have this "object[]" and want to convert it so it is this "string[]" UPDATE - i think the problem is that some of the objects on the object[] are actually other objects like integers. I would ...

Extender Provider failed to return an Extender

We upgraded from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5. A co-worker of mine is getting the following dialog when attempting to run the ASP .NET web project under the debugger in Visual Studio 2008. He can build fine, but he can't debug (hence, it's a run-time issue): Microsoft Visual Studio "The Extender Provider failed to return an Extender for this...

.Net Workflow Foundation design: Multiple workflows or one big workflow with IfElse activities?

I've been reading about workflow designs a bit and I am confused on how to model my application. Any help is greatly appreciated! Here's the requirement: Sequential workflow with 5 top level Activities Each top-level activity may contain 1 - 5 child activities. New child activities may be introduced in future. The input to the wo...