
Visual studio 2008 - Referenced project dll

I got a project named MyProject.Views and in this project I reference another project named MyProject.Models. The MyProject.Models have a reference to Mysql.Data.dll. In the references option, the copy local is set to true. My problem is I have to manually add a reference to MySql.Data.dll in the project MyProject.Views. Which I think ...

Is there any way to profile .NET Framework?

We have a complex client-server application that is developed using .NET Framework and uses SQL Server 2005. We use LinqToSql but we manage the life time of all the connections and we pass open connections to any DataContext that gets created. We've also used Microsoft WF in this product. WF makes its own connections to persist workflow...

WCF Service with .NET 2.0 and Java Clients

Hello, My WCF Service is complete with .NET 3.5 and I used wsHttpBinding while implementing my service. For .NET 3.5 clients, there were no problems, but .NET 2.0 and Java Clients had issues in wsHttpBinding. So I added a new endpoint with basicHttpBinding with similar security as wsHttpBinding with following criteria in mind: I wou...

save datetime in registry using installer class during installation of C#.NET Setup

I want to create a setup in C#.NET as a trial version.So I want to save the date of installation in registry and to check for the trial version validity.I tried using the installer class.But I don't know the exact method to store the datetime of the installing product.It would be helpful if explained with code examples. Thanks in advanc...

WPF: PreviewMouseMove not firing when left mouse button is pressed?

I'm writing a small drag and drop feature on the project I'm working on. I've done this type of feature several times before, and I always use a combination of PreviewLeftMouseButtonDown and PreviewMouseMove to detect the start of a drag. It's always worked before. On this project, though, I'm finding PreviewMouseMove is not firing when...

How can I download a file from an untrusted secured site in a WPF application?

I have a file on a secured site I would like to download using a WPF application. The file is a tab delimited text file at a URL of the form https://my.server.com/test/my%5Ffile.txt. Here is the code that I have so far: Uri uri = new Uri("https://my.server.com/test/my_file.txt"); System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClien...

Is sqlconnection object closed and/or disposed on timeout?

If an sqlcommand is executed and times-out, is the respective sqlconnection closed and/or disposed? Thanks in advance! ...

entity framework performance

I am using Entity Framework to layer on my SQL Server 2008 database. The EF is present in my web service and the webservice is invoked by a Silverlight client. I am seeing a serious performance issue in terms of the duration taken by a query to execute in the EF. This wouldn't happen in the consecutive calls. A little bit of googling ...

System.DBNull with data contract name not expected in WCF

I have an object array that I am passing to a WCF call that has DBNull.Value as one of the values. WCF is apparently choking on it because it doesn't know how to serialize it. Googling it only shows people who replaced the DBNull.Value with something else. Do I have to do that, or is there a way for me to have DBNull.Value on the clie...

Best way to implement singleton in a console application C#?

I have a console application that is server based. I only want 1 instance of it running at once for a particular server (this is regardless of the user who might be running it). I need to add a check to make sure only 1 instance of it is running, I can already do this by checking the running processes on the server, but is this best pr...

Method signature for IList<T>.Split() extension method

I'd like to be able to write the following code: // contains 500 entries IList<string> longListOfStrings = ... // shorterListsOfStrings is now an array of 5 IList<string>, // with each element containing 100 strings IList<string>[] shorterListsOfStrings = longListOfStrings.Split(5); To do this I have to create a generic extension met...

WPF: How to detect Key repetition, in Key* events?

NOTE: e.IsRepeat is confirmed to work. The problem exists because I use Remote Desktop from Ubuntu to Windows. I found a workaround for this Remote Desktop problem: Disable key repetition in Ubuntu. In host Windows: Enable FilterKeys with "Turn on Repeat Keys and Slow Keys" Using regedit go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Accessibi...

Effect on clients of moving from .NET framework 2.0 to 3.5

We have a desktop application run on a few thousand client computers. We want to move from framework 2.0 to 3.5, but are concerned with the impact on clients. I understand that 3.0 and 3.5 are additions to the framework, and that they install service packs to 2.0; what I want to know specifically: When a client upgrades to the latest...

Windows service and changing timezone

I have a windows service written in C# with .Net 3.5. It had been running on a server for a few weeks when it was discovered the that the server's timezone was not set correctly. This was corrected but the service was not restarted. To my surprise the service did not pick up the clock change. My question is will this also be a proble...

Visual Studio 2008 XAML Designer doesn't like default name space in same assembly.

Environment Visual Studio 2008 SP1 Visual C# WPF Application Project .NET Framework 3.5 Problem You have a user control in the same assembly as another user control or window, and you are using it in this new user control or window. It compiles and runs fine, however the designer doesn't work and gives an exception "Could not crea...

Upgrading from .NET 3.5 to 4. Questions to think about?

Curious about things to consider to avoid any code breaks, etc to upgrade from .NET 3.5 to 4. I am particularly interested in: - What would be the server requirements to deploy a .NET 4 app? Does it need any particular version of IIS and Windows Server to run? I am facing serious performance issues with Entity Framework due to the larg...

A method that executes any time a class property is accessed (get or set) ?

C# - .net 3.5 I have a family of classes that inherit from the same base class. I want a method in the base class to be invoked any time a property in a derrived class is accessed (get or set). However, I don't want to write code in each and every property to call the base class... instead, I am hoping there is a declarative way to "si...

WPF: Scrolling Doesn't Update in FlowDocumentScrollViewer Placed in TabControl if the Tab is Inactive

I'm working on a chat client using the .NET Framework 3.5 and WPF. I use a TabControl to handle multiple chat windows. Inside each tab, I use a FlowDocumentScrollViewer to display the chat log. When content is added to the chat log, I call ScrollToBottom() on the ScrollViewer (unless the user has moved the scroll bar away from the bot...

XBAP applications won't download: The operation has timed out?

Trying to download any XBAP application on a workstation that used to be able to, the presentationhost loads and then sits at "Downloading Application" with zero bytes downloaded for several minutes. Eventually it comes up with "Application Download Error" with the error log shown below. Also several folders are created under my profil...

Tracking declarative rule condition results

Hello, I'm creating a custom tracking service and I need to know how I can monitor the results of declarative rule conditions in IfElseBranchActivity. RuleActionTrackingEvent only works on the PolicyActivity and I can't seem to find any example around the internet. Thanks a lot! Carlos ...