
.NET Framework at Windows 7

What version of .NET Framework is built-in for Windows 7? ...

How to access Form controls on Postback from Dynamically built form.

I'm adding controls at run-time to the Page Form object. Each control has an Id. On postback, I want to be able to access these controls and their values. Currently, when I do a postback, the form has no controls in the Form.Controls Collection. How can I rectify this? Is this only possible if you add the controls to the page every ...

Linq, Where Extension Method, Lambda Expressions, and Bool's

Greetings, I am having some issues with using a bool operation within a Where clause extension method of an IQueryable object obtained using Linq to Entities. The first example is showing what does work using Bool1 as the operation I need to move to a where clause extension method. The second example is what doesn't work after the chan...

Is it possible to add properties to My.Application or My.User?

Is it possible to add user-defined properties to the My.Application or My.User objects? I've got some properties defined currently that tell me what environment the app is running in (i.e. "Development", "Testing", "Production", etc.), whether the user is an administrator, etc. It would seem logical to get this info from something like ...

XML Deserialization Not Setting Class Values

I am not seeing what I am doing wrong. To see what was being done, I changed the constructor values to "TEST", after the XML gets read in (I verified what the XML is), the class values are still stuck to "TEST". Any more Ideas? I am doing this process already in another class that works fine, neither me nor some co-workers could find the...

How to implement face recognition in an image in .net 3.5?

Hi all, I need to implement face recognition like in orkut album. In my website when a user uploads a photo and checks the photo in album I need to implement the feature and place rectangles over the faces in photo like in orkut album like in this link. Please help me to implement this. Thanks in advance. ...

C# lambda ref out

I'm trying to do this, but it doesn't work. Some suggestions? int test_i = 0; DoSomethingThatTakesAgesAndNeedsToUpdateUiWhenFinished(test_i); test_i <- still is 0 and not 3!!! public void DoSomethingThatTakesAgesAndNeedsToUpdateUiWhenFinished(int i) { DisableUi(); m_commandExecutor.ExecuteWithContinuation( () =>...

Providing .Net Training to recruitment team

In our organization responsibility is given to me to teach .net to our recruitment team (non technical), i need to design the entire training session. They want a training so they can filter out some of the candidates at their level. Please give me suggestion that what i should teach them in my training ? ...

WPF: TemplateBinding to StrokeThickness of Shape does not work?

Looks like the following Ellipse in ControlTemplate does not get the BorderThickness, but why? <Window.Resources> <ControlTemplate x:Key="EllipseControlTemplate" TargetType="{x:Type TextBox}"> <Grid> <Ellipse Width="{TemplateBinding ActualWidth}" Height="{TemplateBinding ActualHe...

Retrieving applications from app.config during debug

I'm using VS 2008 with .NET 3.5, and I'm having trouble retrieving app settings when debugging. I've added a reference to System.Configuration and the console app compiles and runs, but when I try and retrieve an app setting, the return value is always null. App.config: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <configuration> <configS...

Critical error in WCF service

Hello, I am hosting WCF service in console application(just temporary, I will move to service later. Using administrator account). After several hours of execution I get Critical Error from Console(HOST) and my service stop working. What is the best method to trace error? I have tried code below to log error but it seems code do not cat...

ASP.NET 3.5 properties' private member access within class

I have read about how in ASP.NET 3.5 you can declare properties in C# public DateTime DisplayDate { get; } instead of private DateTime _displayDate public DateTime DisplayDate { get {return _displayDate;} } like this post explains. My question is, within the class, how do I access the private variable? For example inst...

So confused on what version I made my application for and what version my phone runs

Hi HP iPAQ 110 Classic Handheld. I made an application that uses windows mobile 6.0 professional SDK with .net 3.5 framework. the phone settings sates windows mobile 6 classic CE OS 5.2.1616(Build 181200.0.4.0). So why is it when I try to run my application it I get MissingMethodException This application requires a newer ...

Scriptmanager not supporting for .net 2.0

I am deploying a website which is developed in 3.5 framework.Server only support 2.0. hence i recompliles the same project by changing the target framework. But there is a scriptmanger in my website. which is not supporting 2.0 framework... is there any work around for this? ...

Is there a way to silently or automatically install .NET?

I am selling desktop software written in C# to multiple clients, and having a huge problem: The .NET install. The users of this software are not computer-savvy and usually don't have any version of the .NET framework installed, and many times don't want it. Nearly every single one of my support requests is due to someone not installing...

Datagridview: How to set a cell in editing mode?

Hey guys (this one is about winforms) I need to programatly set a cell in editing mode. I know that setting that cell as CurrentCell and then call the method BeginEdit(bool), it should happen, but in my case, it doesn't. What i really want to do is, with my DGV with several columns, the user can ONLY select and also edit the first two....

How do I display only the list items that will fit on screen in WPF?

I have an application that will have a dashboard like interface for the main screen, and I need to display a list of recent items in the top left of the screen... each item view will be a fairly tall item displaying quite a bit of data... I want to only display the items that will fit on the screen in the area that the control is in... I...

using reflection for this, is there another way?

I have a list of keyvaluepair(string,string) first string is something like class.property, second string is the value to assign to that class.property. I'm currently looping through that list and by using reflection I set every value. it work, but my question is there a faster way to do this? ...

Using conditional operator in lambda expression in ForEach() on a generic List?

Is it not allowed to have a conditional operator in a lambda expression in ForEach? List<string> items = new List<string>{"Item 1", "Item 2", "Item I Care About"}; string whatICareAbout = ""; // doesn't compile :( items.ForEach(item => item.Contains("I Care About") ? whatICareAbout += item + "," : whatICareAbout += ""); Compilati...

Unrecognized attribute 'transactionFlow' when using basicHttpBinding

Hi, I'm creating an ASP.NET web application that is to communicate with a WCF web service. When executing the asp.net web application, that is, when I'm accessing it through a web browser, i get the following error: Unrecognized attribute 'transactionFlow' in web.config. transactionFlow is indeed an attribute under basicHttpBinding in ...