
.NET 3.5 SP1 Code from Network - "The system cannot find the file specified."

This issue has nothing to do with whether the assemblies have been signed or caspol has been run for the shared network folder. Apparently, the location of the files is the issue, but I cannot find what the real problem is. I have one executable that references 5 dll's. I can run the app from a local drive without any problem. When I...

Order By file date in collection

I don't think the, System.Collections.ObjectModel has any sort or order by capability. I have a list of files and I'd like to sort by the file date. Dim list AS System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection(Of String) list = My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles("C:\SearchFolder" _ , FileIO.SearchOption.SearchByTopLevelOnly _ ,...

Working With a Notification Hide

Hello, I'm trying to use a NotificationBallon, but now I want to create a if function that when the user dismiss(hide) it, the application executes a Application.Exit(), but how I can do this? notification1.Visible = true; notification1.Text = "Exiting..."; ...

Is there any online radio library or method out there?

Hello, One of my new programs that I'm thinking to develop is a online radio listener, but is there any library or method to do this? Thanks. ...

Managing multiple .Net-Frameworks on a webserver

So I'm in charge to deploy my project on the productive server where some other ASP.NET-Websites are also set up. The problem now is that I wrote my whole project under .NET 3.5 but on the webserver the current installation is .NET 1.1 as some of the other projects require them (don't ask me why, I can't figure it out either but my PM s...

Using List.Find or LINQ on lists of enums in .NET 3.5

How come List.Find (and LINQ-queries on the list as well) always return the first enum element when the list does not contain the element I am searching for? Scenario: My enum: public enum TestEnum { EnumOne, EnumTwo, EnumThree } My test: var TestEnum1 = TestEnum.EnumOne; var TestEnum2 = TestEnum.EnumTwo; var TestEnum3 ...

Passing parameters to a User Control

We are trying here to localize our user control basically we want to be able to do something like this : <in:Banner runat="server" ID="banners" Lang="fr" /> The way we do this is by page level and send it to master that then send it to the control: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Master.Lang = "FR"; } Th...

.Net 3.5 sp1 unable to start debugging on web server.

Hi, When trying to debug my web application, I'm getting an "unable to start debugging on the web server" error then with html displayed right after in the same pop up. All the inline code in the html shows an exception e.g object reference not set, unhandeled exception was generate, etc. I tried all the suggestions on google to no ava...

Will ASP.NET MVC 2 be supported in Visual Studio 2008 / .NET 3.5?

The ASP.NET MVC 2 preview 2 was first released for Visual Studio 2008 only. Later on, it was also included in Visual Studio 2010 beta 2. I've read that ASP.NET MVC 2 will be included in Visual Studio 2010 RTM, but is there any official word on weather or not ASP.NET MVC 2 will be officially supported in Visual Studio 2008 / .NET 3.5? ...

secure a web application

Ok... I have created a web application using Visual Studio 2008 using C#.. Now i need to secure this website; for that i need to add a login page. I am not using the login control of visualstudio.. i am just entering the username and password and there is an API which returns true or false after authentication... If it returns true t...

What is the difference of webparts and websites?

i dont know the actual use of webparts , so. better to know difference with webpage ? any answer is appreriate.. ...

Are the SpeakCompletedEventArgs of the SpeechSynthesizer inaccurate?

Using the System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer class in .Net 3.5, the AudioPosition property of the SpeakProgressEventArgs appears to be inaccurate. The following code produces the following output: Code: using System; using System.Speech.Synthesis; using System.Threading; namespace SpeechTest { class Program { stat...

Search for base64 encoded content in StreamReader?

I need to parse a NDR file from an SMTP badmail folder from IIS. Attached to the NDR is the content which is base64 encoded. That is what I need to get to. I was hoping that, using a StreamReader, it would be all one line, but they are separate lines when a perforam a .ReadLine. Here is a sample of an NDR: From: postmaster To: hidden...

Entity Framework - Many to many question

I have a table called ASB and a table called PeopleInvolved. There is a junction table called PeopleInvolved_ASB which simply contains an ASBID and a PeopleInvolvedID column. The columns act as a composite primary key. The designer does not show the junction table (as expected). I want to retrieve a list of PeopleInvolved based on an AS...

Adding a 'User' to the eventlog using Enterprise Library Logging Block

I'm using the Enterprise Library Logging application block to allow my application to log various events. This is working fine and the logs can be seen by Event Viewer (eventvwr.exe) going into the Application log. However, Event Viewer always shows the user field as "N/A". Other applications have the field populated - how do I popula...

Smooth movement of icon displayed on a Panel

Hi there! I'm coding an app where I display a System.Drawing.Icon object on a System.Windows.Forms.Panel using a code that goes something like so: Graphics g = _panel.CreateGraphics(); g.DrawIcon(this.NodeIcon, _rectangle); I have code to move the icon around using drag-n-drop. My problem is that when the user move the icon around, i...

Creating association with custom field in Linq2Sql

Scenario Table A: field_1 (with leading 0's, Ex. 125) Table B: field_1 (no leading 0's, Ex. 000125) What is the best way to setup my model in L2S so that I can have an association b/t the 2 tables by the "field_1" column? I basically need a way to create a custom property (or whole seperate entity) that I can perform a simple...

Is using a table inheritance a valid way to avoid using a join table?

I've been following a mostly DDD methodology for this project, so, like any DDD'er, I created my domain model classes first. My intention is to use these POCO's as my LINQ-to-SQL entities (yes, they're not pure POCO's, but I'm ok with that). I've started creating the database schema and external mapping XML file, but I'm running into som...

Accessing member variable directly vs through property

Friends, I am asking this question with performance as main concern. But I would like to know other possible advantages / disadvantages for both approaches. The question is: Since properties are converted to methods in IL, could there be significant performance penalty if properties are called instead of accessing fields directly (from...

WPF Layout of user control as a run

Hi In WPF, I want to create a Window that looks like the following: On the screen are four user control, #1, 2, 3, 4. As you can see, user control 2 should not be rendered as a box, but inlined. If this were a WPF flow document: 1, 3, 4 would be a paragraph (boxing) 2 a run (inlining) The reason is that 2 could be used i...