
WPF : Assigning to RichTextBox.Document extremely slow (7 minutes!)

I'm constructing a formatted FlowDocument from XML. The XML is well formed and consists mainly of 10,000 nodes each with a single node with a 6 character string value. Parsing the XML to an XElement and constructing the FlowDocument in memory takes about 5 seconds. Assigning the FlowDocument to the Document property of a RichTextBox in ...

WCF: The request for security token could not be satisfied because authentication failed.

I have two WCF services on the same machine. One is the publisher and one is the listener. The Publisher is dynamically creating proxies based upon and endpoint. I am configuring the proxy in code like this: WSHttpBinding binding = new WSHttpBinding(SecurityMode.Message, true); binding.Security.Message.Negotia...

MVC 2 AreaRegistration Routes Order

I noticed that in MVC 2 Preview 2, AreaRegistration is loading the routes for each area in an arbitrary order. Is there a good way to get one before the other? For example, I have two areas - "Site" and "Admin". Both have a "Blog" controller. I would like the following: /admin/ --> go to Admin's Blog controller / --> go to Site...

Manually calling __doPostBack('myUpdatePanelId','mycustomeventarg')

In my Javascript I am manually calling __doPostBack('myUpdatePanelId','mycustomeventarg') It works fine except the EventArgs in my protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) is always empty. Do I have to cast it to something else somehow? ...

automation for file download from Mainframe using Dotnet as frontend

Hi I need to know how to connect mainframes with dotnet using FTPwebrequest class. Please provide some materials for reference. ...

Running 32bit .NET application in 64bit OS slow

My environment : asp.net 3.5 framework with xp I have a query. We developed our product using 32 bit. When we deployed in 64 bit machine(windows 2008 virtual machine) it seems very slow when compared to 32 bit version of iis. Do we need recompile our assembly in 64 bit machine to get faster response in 64 bit environment ? or Is ther an...

Difference between NativeGuid and Guid in Active Directory

I need to update some AD querying code and want to use the new .NET 3.5 System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement objects to query AD in a managed way as opposed to our current method of using LDAP. I encountered an odd problem when reading the UserPrincipal.Guid value. It turns out that it is similar to but different from the Guids w...

Reference a .Net2.0 project from a .Net3.5 solution without upgrading project file [csproj]

Hello StackOverflow. I have an interesting problem. I am developing for a .Net2.0 solution. I have finished my development and checked my source in [er, to a local Clearcase stream - don't ask, this just means I'm done dev]. This source is, and must remain .Net2.0 Vs2005 compliant. Unit testing is somewhat more lax. I would like to tak...

WCF: CallbackChannel error

Hi there, I have some C# code, the server app, that access a WCF service, thE client app, using a WCF service hosted in the client app WheN the server connects to the client it uses a DuplexChannelFactory and passed in an instance of a class to be used for the client to talk back to the server The client is a singleton i.e. [Service...

WPF popup capturing mouse doubleclick events

In my main application window, there are controls, each of which opens a popup that presents more controls to the user. Other controls in the main application window have mousedoubleclick event handlers. My problem is that when the a user double clicks in the popup, the controls behind the popup are receiving the mousedoubleclick event...

How to determine what happens behind the scene in .Net

What tool or method can I use to see what code something like an anonymous method or LINQ statement gets compiled to? Basicly seeing what happens behind the scene? ...

.net 3.5 iis : 2 logical questions

I am a little bit confused about 2 things. Firstly when I create an IIS site, I have the option to have the .net version set to 1 or 2 and their respected sub versions. However the DLL's I've compiled and shipped to the bin are for .net framework v3.5. What is the relationship here between v3.5 and v2, because it seems from an IIS poin...

LINQ to XML Question: Returning Nodes with a particular select

Hi, I have this XML: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ConfiguraCanale ID_Comando="1"> <canaleDigitalOUTPUT ID_Canale="1" > <stato>0</stato> </canaleDigitalOUTPUT> </ConfiguraCanale> <ConfiguraCanale ID_Comando="2"> <canaleAnalogicoINPUT ID_Canale="2"> <timeAttesaPreCamp>00:03:00</timeAttesaPreCamp...

Is there a way to require .NET 3.5 SP1 as a prerequisite for ClickOnce applications?

I have a ClickOnce application that won't run unless the client machine has .NET 3.5 SP1. When Stop() gets called on the Storyboard I'm running it crashes. After I installed SP1 on my client virtual machine everything works perfectly. My problem is I'm deploying with ClickOnce, and I've made .NET 3.5 a prerequisite, but I don't know h...

Asp.net MVC membership design

Hello All, Some Background to begin: I've implemented a custom MembershipProvider that validates a user from my service layer called "WebMemberShipProvider" Currently I have a service called "MembershipService", this service implements the interface IMembershipService on the service layer. this MemberShipService queries the dal, and v...

Need help creating Linq.Expression to Enumerable.GroupBy

I am attempting to generate an Expression tree that ultimately calls a series of GroupBy methods on the Enumerable type. In simplified form I am attempting something like this: IEnumerable<Data> list = new List<Data>{new Data{Name = "A", Age=10}, new Data{Name = "A", Age=12}, new Data{Name = "B", Age=20}, new Data{Name="C", Ag...

Determining whether a Type is an Anonymous Type

In C# 3.0, is it possible to determine whether an instance of Type represents an Anonymous Type? ...

How do I capture a web applications screen to attach to an e-mail on error?

I am working on a web application and we would like to capture the screen (either the applications current screen or the whole screen) and attach this to an e-mail that is automatically generated for error messages. I've seen a few posts about how to do this in a winform app, but nothing really on how to do it in a web app. Is it the s...

Ubiquitous way to get the root directory an application is running in via C#

My application requires that I have access to the file system. Regardless if the code runs on a web server or a console app, how can I get the root directory the application is running in. Something like C:\TheApplication... Thanks! ...

Ms charts : Area chart is not loading sometimes when using div.Load ,method to render a chart

I am trying to load mschart in my aspx page(SalesOverview.aspx) using jQuery.load() method, I am loading another aspx page(ChartHandler.aspx) which accepts the parameters and render the chart . but when trying to execute,the chart is not getting rendered sometimes.Instead i could see an image holder kind of thing in the page (Similar to...