
Execute WPF Element validation in C#?

How can I force validation when user clicks button? One would think this should be easy, since always you have to do something if the element values are valid. private void buttonOk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { // How can I force the validation here? So that empty values are not allowed (validator doesn't allow those) ...

Deploying .Net 3.5 in a cd to clients

Hi We need to ship and deploy .Net 3.5 in a cd to clients who do not have it installed. The CD will contain a custom app developed in wpf. The scenario is that the clients do not necessarily have internet connection so downloading .net 3.5 F/W online is not possible. From what i understand we will need to have the users download .Net 3.5...

Problem Calling WCF Service Library from jQuery

I have a WCF Service Library exposed through my ASPX site as follows [System.ServiceModel.OperationContract] [System.ServiceModel.Web.WebInvoke( Method= "POST", RequestFormat=System.ServiceModel.Web. WebMessageFormat .Json, ResponseFormat=System.ServiceModel.Web.WebMessageFormat .Json)] LogonResponse Logon(LogonRequest logonRequest); ...

VB.NET 3.5 SocketException on deployment but not on development machine

I have written an async UDP client to talk to a server at my company. When I run on my developer machine all is well. When I deploy to another machine I get a socket exception on EndReceive the first time I send data over the socket. My dev box is Win7 and I have deployed to both an XP SP3 machine and a Server 2003 R2 machine. Below ...

Uploading issues with an asp.net website

I have created my first website using asp.net 3.5 . I have used App_Code for managing my source code files. Now, after completion: List item What needs to be uploaded to the server ? Do uploading all file including webforms files, source code files make any sense ? Please provide your own suggestions apart from these. ...

Starting a process as a user account

Currently I am working on an windows installer which has a custom action built in to run an installed exe immediately after installation. My problem is that using System.Diagnostics.Process the application launches under the SYSTEM user when I would like the application to launch under the same user that is running the installer. Is ...

Silverlight ignores WCF path from web.config file.

I am writing a Silverlight app calling WCF service. Another solution contains following projects for Silverlight: - Web project for hosting silverlight app - Silverlight app project - Silverlight class library project with service reference to WCF When i run the Silverlight app on my locahost, the Silverlight invokes WCF using localhos...

FileUpload .net control and saving files to virtual folder on remote file server

I have a .net website that resides on a webserver running IIS 6.0 on win2k3 server. This includes a virtual directory that points via a UNC name to a file server. The "connect as" is set to use a service account in our AD domain that has access to the web application as well as write and modify to the file server folder. I am currentl...

How asynchronous methods work in C#?

I am using asynchronous methods in some of my project and I like it since it allows my application to be a lot more scalable. However, I am wondering how asynchronous methods really work in background? How .NET (or Windows?) knows that a call is completed? Depending on the number of asynchronous calls I made, I can see that new threads a...

captcha image from WebBrowser Control into a picturebox

I need to be able to place the captcha image into a picturebox on my form, the reason being that I need to zoom the captcha image for the visualy impaired users. It appears to be such a simple task, just take the image from the web page and put it into a picturebox but it is turning out to be not so simple. i have WebBrowser control in ...

.NET Runtime 2.0 Error on .NET 3.5 application

Hi, My colleagues and I have some misunderstandings about the .NET runtime. I've written a WPF application (targeted for 3.5) that randomly crashes, and in the event log, we see .NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting as the source. Just to confirm: 3.5 still runs on the .NET 2.0 Runtime (i.e., it's an extension of it), so an application...

Asp.net Membership & Authentication

I'm beginning to design the infrastructure of web application developed with ASP.NET MVC preview 2 as a learning experience. I have my own domain model and database schema I wish to use for authentication. I want to perform a variant of role base authentication. However, I can't seem to wrap my head around how to do this. I have a user...

.NET 3.5: How to host WF runtime in WCF?

I need to find a tutorial for hosting the Workflow Foundation Runtime in WCF using .NET3.5. Does anyone know any good links specifically on this? UPDATE: Preferably, it should have some code samples on the implementation. ...

.NET 3.5 - Object not implementing IComparable?

When converting a project (in which a template method of IComparable was used a few times) from VS 2005 to VS 2008 I've got some errors: Error 12 Type argument 'Object' does not inherit from or implement the constraint type 'System.IComparable'. Is this an actual fact that System.Object no longer implements that interface, or somethi...

Why is there a conflict between variables and functions of the same name in JScript?

I have a variable named age and a function named AGE. Ignore the problem I am having with JScript beign case insensitive at the moment, i.e. age(dob) and AGE(dob) both work... Why does JScript try to use the age variable as a function? My best guess would be that jScript is treating the function declaration as both declaration and exp...

Is there a better C# ECMAScript engine than ScriptControlClass?

Implementing the ScriptControlClass was extremely easy, unfortunately the side effects with the language implementation is really starting to worry me. The goal was to have a language that was the same as the browser's JavaScript. However, I am finding a difference in case sensitivity, function declarations and behavior of scoping bet...

HttpContext.Current.Session["list"] == null in Firefox but not in IE

Hi there, Any ideas/suggestions to why I get (HttpContext.Current.Session["list"] == null) in Firefox but not in IE? The check is called in .cs Cheers, Tim ...

Making a HTTP POST to a REST endpoint

Hi all, I'm trying to make a simple HTTP post a endpoint with ONLY url arguments. At least thats how I understand the following instructions: POST to that address with a single parameter named url, the address of the feed that changed. As with the XML-RPC method, it verifies that the feed has changed, and if so it notifies the ...

Remove Item in Dictionary based on Value

I have a Dictionary<string, string>. I need to look within that dictionary to see if a value exists based on input from somewhere else and if it exists remove it. ContainsValue just says true/false and not the index or key of that item. Help! Thanks EDIT: Just found this - what do you think? var key = (from k in dic where string.Co...

Creating a GridView Based Week to View Control

I am trying to build a simple booking application for a school presented as a WebPart that pulls data from several SPLists for existing bookings, recurring (timetabled) bookings and a list of available rooms used as a filter. I admit from the outset that ASP.net isn't my strong point, I am more inclinded to use Console and WinForms proj...