
ASP.NET Ajax Extensions 1.0 on server with framework 3.5?

Is it possible to install ASP.NET Ajax Extensions 1.0 for ASP.NET 2.0 on a web server that has the 3.5 framework installed? I have a project targeted for the 2.0 framework (cannot run 3.5), and I need it to run basic ASP.NET Ajax on a server that has the 3.5 framework installed. I tried installing Ajax Extensions 1.0 but it claimed the...

What do our customers have from migrating from .Net 2.0 to .Net 3.5?

Hi SOers, I found very much about the benefits of using a newer .Net version for programmers (LINQ, WPF etc.) but I didn't find anything about the benefits for our customers. So, I'm thinking about migrating our application (WinForms, C#, .Net2.0) from .Net2.0 to .Net3.5 and I need answers to the question: "What are the benefits for ou...

Server design using SocketAsyncEventArgs

I want to create a asynchrone socket Server using the SocketAsyncEventArgs event. The server should manage about 1000 connections at the same time. What is the best way to handle the logic for each packet? The Server design is based on this MSDN example, so every socket will have his own SocketAsyncEventArgs for receiving data. Do t...

.NET 3.5 ActiveX dll InteropServices.COMException

Using vs2008 .NET 3.5 SP1 I am trying to use an ActiveX dll in my c# console application project and I am getting this runtime exception: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800702E4): Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {4E58088E-7275-4EAA-8958-A9CCC971DDE9} failed due to the following error: 800702e4....

is there a way that Flash & .Net can work togethere

hi, I would need to create a website that has all the screens using Flash. The Flash screen would be having authentication system and get few data like Menu info, image info.................. Just wondering what is the way that Flash & .Net can talk. Application front end: Flash Platform: .Net (Asp.Net, C#) Back end: SQL server........

.NET 3.5 DLL using its own config file

I need to have a .NET 3.5 DLL have its own config file. This DLL could be called from many different apps so the information (like connection strings) stored in the config file needed to be kept in a config file that the DLL can reference. What I want is when the DLL is used, I need to "switch" the config file that is used to reference...

Multi-Column Selector

Hi there. I am searching for some hybrid of ComboBox and ListView and I am wondering why there exists nothing like that, although I feel it's a quite natural wish to have it. In more detail: A WPF ItemsControl should have an ItemsSource of all applicable items. These items have multiple properties, say ID:int, Name:string and Descripti...

.NET zlib Stream compatible with Actionscript ByteArray.uncompress

I can't seem to get a stream that Flex 3 want's to decompress. I've tried: System.IO.Compression.GZipStream System.IO.Compression.DeflateStream ICSharpCode.SharpZipLib.Zip.Compression.Streams.DeflaterOutputStream zlib.ZOutputStream None of these seem to make ByteArray.uncompress happy, i.e. I get Error #2058: There was an error ...

Should updating an element in List<T> by index be quicker than using ArrayList index?

I am running through some tests about using ArrayLists and List. Speed is very important in my app. I have tested creating 10000 records in each, finding an item by index and then updating that object for example: List[i] = newX; Using the arraylist seems much faster. Is that correct? UPDATE: Using the List[i] approach, for my Li...

Building up interactive app with .NET

Hi there I am familar developing .net web apps. Try to attempt to build a simple app that more interactive using a bigscreen with desktop. Trying to tap in WPF, Windows Silverlight and Windows Form and not sure which the best approach is. The data will be displaying list and any update from the server will be get refreshed automatical...

Hierarchical Gridview

Hello everyone. I need to bind hierarchical List object to a Gridview (Hierarchical in windows form). How can this be achieved - any examples ?? Ex: of list object List of CargoMovement => Cargomovents and each CargoMovement has List of Transactions thanks for help ...

.NET Routing match all pattern (wildcard) with exceptions

If say I have a route that is defined like this: "{books}/{*all}", then any URL that have a root folder defined will match it (i.e. http://mysite.com/greekbooks/somethingirrelavant.htm). But what if I wanted to go further, and would like to present a custom handler for greekbooks published in 1982 (i.e. the url http://mysite.com/greekb...

C# Creating a log system

Hello, I was reading the following article: http://odetocode.com/articles/294.aspx This article raised me a lot of question regarding logs. (I don’t know if I should have made this in separated questions… but I don’t want to spam stackoverflow.com with questions of mine) The 1st one is if I should store it in a .txt, or .xml file… or ...

How to send email from windows form app with log4net

I have set up log4net in my C# 3.5 windows form application. I am looking for how to send email from a client pc with log4net. The SMTPAppender requires knowledge of SMTPHost and the examples I've seen are for web applications. Is there a way to send email from an application that will work on any client's computer that may or may not...

SQL Server CE "module could not be found" Crash

We are getting following error message in one Windows XP - X86 Exception Source: System.Data.SqlServerCe Exception Type: System.DllNotFoundException Exception Message: Unable to load DLL 'sqlceme35.dll': The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E) Exception Target Site: DllAddRef SQL S...

Crystal Reports Failing after upgrading app to VS2008\.NET 3.5

I'm in the process of upgrading an existing ASP.NET2.0 application to .NET3.5 (moving from VS2005 to 2008 - yes I know I'm late!) and have encountered a problem with Crystal Reports. Basically the following line of code causes the Webdev.WebServer.exe to close and the application to crash (I'm returned to VS). CrystalDecisions.CrystalR...

Implementing Row-Level Security – (SPs vs LINQ to Objects)

Hi all, I believe this is more a question about best practices and design than anything else. I tried searching for similar queries regarding this but couldn’t find any. I actually found the Row Level Security with Entity Framework but I believe the context here is a bit different. I will try to explain my scenario first: I have a .ne...

Could not load file or assembly

I've got an assembly of domain objects. It WAS called company.xpo.domain (it was named that by the contractor that initially named the project, and they are longer with us - we own the software). I did a global rename of the namespace to xpo.domain and I changed the default namespace in the designer to xpo.domain. I also did a find in v...

Mixing DNN modules that use .NET 2.0 and 3.5

I am running a DNN 4.9.x site with a number of custom modules that we've written. They all use .NET 2.0 until I upgraded one of them to use 3.5. Now I'm getting this error on the 2.0 modules error CS0433: The type 'System.Web.UI.UpdatePanel' exists in both 'c:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_MSIL\System.Web.Extensions\

AdornerDecorator that lets some adorners pass?

Question: Is it possible to create AdornerDecorator that takes only adorners I want to its adorner layer? public class SimpleCircleBehavior : Behavior<TextBox> { private SimpleCircleAdorner sca; protected override void OnAttached() { base.OnAttached(); AssociatedObject.Loaded += new RoutedEventHandler(Associa...