
Using multiple .settings classes from a class library, how to proceed?

Having two projects: one is a class library (a .dll assembly) and the other is a GUI (.exe) using the class library. In the class library, I've added two .settings files (which automatically adds the app.config file to the project) using all "application" settings. When I compile the project I effectively get the MyLib.dll.config file i...

need links to xml concepts for asp.net 3.5 web app development

Hi, We are developing a project using asp.net 3.5 and sql server 2008. I know a bit of xml like creating, loading, adding elements to xml file. I was not exposed to XML Scema, XSLT and XPath kind of stuff. And now there is LINQ to XML and LINQ to SQL also. Could anyone please provide me some good links to learn complete XML for using...

Load Data and show a splash screen during that

I got to load some data out of a db4o database which takes 1 or 2 seconds at the startup of my app, the rest has to wait because first of all the data has to be loaded. doing this in an own thread would mean that the rest has to wait for the thread-finishing. I'd like to do a splash screen or something during the data is loaded for what ...

C# code to serialize plain-old-CLR-objects to JSON

Within an ASP.NET application, I'd like to serialize a collection of plain-old-CLR-objects (POCO) to a JSON string, which will then be sent down to the client as part of a web response. Is there a light-weight C# library that does this? ...

In .NET, which is best, mystring.Length == 0 or mystring == string.Empty ?

Possible Duplicate: Checking for string contents? string Length Vs Empty String In .NET, which is best, if (mystring.Length == 0) or if (mystring == string.Empty) It seems that these would have the same effect, but which would be best behind the scenes? ...

Set default isolation level for Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary

Hi all, I've got a .net 3.5 website that calls thousands of different stored procs using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary. We have been getting alot of timeouts and after some playing and testing the use of (nolock) on the end of the table join in stored procs works real well and reduces the timeouts. I want to now do this to al...

Implementing IEquatable<T> where T is an interface.

I have a domain model that is trivially represented by the following. IMyInterface ClassA : IMyInterface ClassB : IMyInterface What I want is to implement IEquatable in such a way that I can write code something like. if(dynamicallyCreatedInstanceOfClassA == dynamicallyCreatedinstanceOfClassB) { // Do something relevant } My fi...

Linq stored procedure with dynamic results

So I'm extremely new to Linq in .Net 3.5 and have a question. I use to use a custom class that would handle the following results from a store procedure: Set 1: ID Name Age Set 2: ID Address City Set 3: ID Product Price With my custom class, I would have received back from the database a single DataSet with 3 DataTables inside of it...

Finding what Groups/Distribution lists a specific user belongs to in active directory

Let's say I'm in OU=Groups,DC=contaco,DC=com,ct I can find all the groups in a sub OU, but the only way to find all of the groups user 'bobdole' belongs to is for me to look at each group and see if he is in the 'member' field. Unfortunately, when I look at user 'bobdole', I don't see a memberOf field that has all of these lists, he...

Linq-to-SQL datacontext not generating an object

I am working in a .NET 2.0, recently upgraded to .NET 3.5 environment (VS2008, VB.NET) on an existing ASP.NET website project. I am able to generate a Linq-to-SQL Class (also called a DataContext?) in the App Code folder, drag over tables from an active connection, and save it. Let's call it MyDB. When I go to the code-behind file for my...

Is the directorysearcher object capped at 5000 even if pagesize is set to greater

Is the directorysearcher findall results method capped at 5000 results even if pagesize is set to greater. It really seems to be, because no matter what I get exactly 5000 results. This is C# ...

C#, WinForms and Extension Methods

The Question Aside from all the obvious answers, what would cause extension methods to generate compiler errors like this one: 'DataType' does not contain a definition for 'YourExtensionMethodName' I've got a real stumper here, and it's spelled out for you in detail below. I've exhausted all the possible causes I can think of. Scenar...

Error with Subsonic 2.1

I'm getting very odd errors when compiling our Data Access library (all subsonic). Errors are Error 35 The type name 'Web' does not exist in the type 'S3.DACL.System' C:\Projects\S3\src\DACL\AspnetUser.cs 369 63 DACL And Error 37 The type name 'ComponentModel' does not exist in the type 'S3.DACL.System' C:\Projects\S3...

How to Map oracle datatype SYS.XMLTYPE in Nhiberbate

Hi, I have a table in oracle having column of datatType SYS.XMLTYPE and have to map it in Nhibernate hbm to retrieve the XML. I am using C# with .net framework 3.5 is there any specific dataType available to map this or can i use byte[] or char[] for mapping? Thanks Arvind ...

Are XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter fully implemented in Mono project?

I'm working on a cross-platform solution currently. The solution uses XmlMtomReader and XmlMtomWriter from .NET framework 3.0. Now i need to know if these two classes (and all the nessasary infrastructure around them) are fully supported in Mono project from the porting-it-to-linux point of view. :) ...

Sorting a Dictionary<string,Dictionary<string,string>> by the value of the inner Dictionary value using LINQ?

I can't seem to wrap my head around this one. I need to sort a Dictionary by the value of an inner Dictionary using LINQ. Any thoughts? ...

WPF / Windows 7: Disable Default Progress Bar Glow Animation

Quick WPF question - on Win 7 (and I assume Vista) in WPF, the default progress bar does a nice little glowing "whoosh"-y animation. I'm showing progress of about 48 things on one screen, and it's a tad overwhelming to have all of these things whooshing on you - can you disable just these animations without affecting the rest of the def...

Postback intermittently not working with ASP.NET 3.5 and IE?

We have an ASP.NET application that we recently migrated onto a new server with IIS7 and .NET 3.5. In this new environment, some users that are on IE (6, 7, or 8) are experiencing bizarre intermittent problems with postback not working on ASP.NET buttons. (you click the button and nothing happens) The issue happens sporadically. Someti...

Transactional (In-Memory) Edits with Entity Framework

In the olden days of the DataSet (and related objects), the in-memory representations of the data objects--DataRow and DataRowView--supported transactional edits through BeginEdit, EndEdit, and CancelEdit. Having both in place allowed more than simply being able to "undo" changes made to an object and reverting it back to its retrieved (...

Optimizing independent foreach iterations in .NET3.5

Let's say I have foreach(int x in xs[]) // xs is an array of int { x++; } Each time through the foreach is independent of the others. Is there a quick way to instruct the CLR to do each on a seperate thread or speed it up by natively parallelising it? Maybe it already knows to do this. I know you I could create threads and start t...