
Does public variable scope is for all sessions, or each session has its variable copy?

If i declared a variable as public in a web page, does this variable can hold the same value between different sessions, or each session has its own copy? And if yes it holds between sessions, how to prevent that? is there an attribute to declare as for one session copy? May be its a silly question? but i am confused about something.. ...

Parameterising DllImport for use in a C# application.

We have a supplier who provides a library for access to their hardware. Unfortunately, if you have multiple devices, you need to import their library multiple times, with different dll names. As a consequence, we have a metric ton of duplicated code, and I'm worried that it will soon become be a maintenance nightmare. What we have at th...

Posting a web form to a different page in asp.net 3.5

I am told that form.action attribute is being honored right now; so we can post a form to a different page. i have tried that, but i get an error to do with ViewState (I realise why). What I am trying to find out for sure if I can in fact post to a different page w/o getting this error; otherwise I see no point for Microsoft to impleme...

Re-hosted workflow designer - read-only view

Hi I have re-hosted the workflow designer in my own application. Now I want to make the workflow view read-only. I know I can disallow drag&drop but delete and move should also be disabled. I still want the user to be able to scroll in the view. Can anyone help. Best regards, Michael ...

Is there a way to set System.Windows.Controls.SplashScreen to a System.Windows.Window

Hello folks! I was wondering if I can set the splash screen to a programmatic SplashScreen instead of having to do it thru an image. Any ideas? Best regards ...

Obtaining a list of connected clients for a wcf service.

How can I enumerate some sort of location identifier for all of the connected clients for a servicehost? I'm using a duplex connection for long running calculations. The Service host is a singleton. I can figure out (in .net 3.5) the ip of the calling client but i am unsure how to get the ip of all connected clients. ...

WPF app builds in vs2k8, but not on command line w/ msbuild

I have a fairly small solution that includes a WPF windows application. It builds perfectly fine when built from the solution. I recently integrated the projects contained within the solution into an existing, much larger command line build that uses MSBuild. When built from the command line, however, I get the following errors: MainWin...

Troubleshooting Web Service Consumption

I am attempting to connect to hosted solution's web service. The solution takes an xml query and returns an xml resultset via soap. When I connect to the WSDL using a .Net 3.5 service, the code will not compile due to ambiguity errors. When I connect using a .Net 2.0 Web Service the project compiles and when I build the xml query and...

How to connect implementation and contract assemblies with WCF assembly?

I tried to use separate assemblies for the implementation, contract and WCF service library but starting the service in debug produced an error because it couldn't find the service/contract. If I move them into the same assembly it works. What is needed to wire up the WCF when it's in different assemblies? ...

Unit Testing .NET 3.5 projects using MStest in VS2010

There's a bug/feature in Visual Studio 2010 where you can't create a unit test project with the 2.0 CLR. https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/ViewFeedback.aspx?FeedbackID=483891&wa=wsignin1.0 This causes all sorts of problems when the project being tested is targetting the 2.0 CLR (ASP.NET MVC 2 on top of .Net 3.5 SP...

How to display short read only FlowDocument in a label-like control

I am looking for a way to present short FlowDocument strings in a label-like control. In WPF the user can input text into a RichTextBox. The result is a FlowDocument string. I'm looking for a way to present that text in a label, in which: The user should not be able to edit or select (with the mouse) the text. There should be no scrol...

How Do I Find all Form Items in a Specified Control in ASP .NET

I ma using ASP .NET with a ListView, at one point, I need to go through each ListViewDataItem and find all of the form items within it, then pull the values from said form items. here is a general idea of what i want to do: foreach (ListViewDataItem listItem in MyList.Items) { foreach (FormItem formItem in listItem){ //so...

migrating an application from dotnet 2.0 to 3.5

is there any documentation on changes that i might hit when migrating an app from dotnet 2.0 to 3.5. Its my understanding that this is not really a core runtime change but rather an addition of a bunch of new libraries (LINQ, etc). Assuming i am correct, should I have to change any 2.0 code at all to compile successfully in 3.5. My of...

Using the new .net printing API (System.Printing.dll) how do you get the IPAddress of a network printer?

Using the new .net printing API (System.Printing.dll) how do you get the IPAddress of a network printer? The classes i am looking at are http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.printing.printqueue.aspx http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.printing.printserver.aspx Here is some example code PrintServer printServer =...

Issues with custom ASP.NET RoleProvider

I am having difficulties implementing a custom ASP.NET RoleProvider. First off, let me show you the relevant settings in my web.config file: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <system.web> <authentication mode="Forms"> <forms loginUrl="Login.aspx" name="FormsAuthentication" path="Default.aspx" ...

ASP.net and Jquery questions

Using this tutorial: http://dotnetslackers.com/articles/ajax/Using-jQuery-with-ASP-NET.aspx 1) The web service is invoked such as Service1.asmx/HelloToYou The default web service in asp.net however won't load the page with this rewritten url, instead i can only refer to it as: Service1.asmx?op=HelloToYou How do I implement the so-call...

Save Contents Of a TextBox To a File

Hello, I'm developing an application that has a TextBox. I want to write its contents to a file, but how can I do this? ...

When selecting an anonymous type with LINQ from EF, is there no way to run a method on an object as you select it?

Let's say I have a method: bool myMethod(int a) { //return a bool } So let's say I the following // assume a has prop1 and prop2 both ints var mySelection = from a in myContainer where a=somecondition select new { a.prop1, myMethod(a.prop2) ...

asp.net mvc optional parameter

I am trying here to kinda merge 2 routes in 1 with asp.net mvc These routes are : http://www.example.com/e/1 and http://www.example.com/e/1,name-of-the-stuff Currently it is set as this in the Global.asax.cs : routes.MapRoute( "EventWithName", "e/{id},{name}", new { controller = "Event", action = "SingleEvent...

All characters of the c# application shown as square character in only one computer

Hi everyone, I have a .net 3.5 application written in c# and it works fine except in one windows 2003 server. In that server all characters of the application shown as square characters. i have another windows 2003 server with exactly the same regional settings but application works fine in that server. Also when i copied the square cha...