
Can't receive multicasts on Windows Server 2008

I have the following code which works fine on my Windows 2003 server: static void Main(string[] args) { UdpClient sock = new UdpClient(5353); IPAddress multicastIP = IPAddress.Parse(""); IPEndPoint multicastEndpoint = new IPEndPoint(multicastIP, 5353); sock.JoinMultica...

Expanding an existing ASP.NET 1.1 application using ASP.NET MVC

Currently I'm working with a big, old and extremely poorly written ASP.NET 1.1 application and the continuous maintenance is becoming quite a problem. Basically it's reaching breaking point and I'm reluctant to expand it any more than I have to as demanded by the business. Based on my experience creating other projects from scratch it wo...

Custom model validation of dependent properties using Data Annotations

Since now I've used the excellent FluentValidation library to validate my model classes. In web applications I use it in conjunction with the jquery.validate plugin to perform client side validation as well. One drawback is that much of the validation logic is repeated on the client side and is no longer centralized at a single place. ...

MMC 3.0 snap in development and 'connect to another computer...' dialog

Hello, I'm in the process of developing a custom MMC 3.0 snap-in and was wondering if there is some built in SDK/API way of connecting to another computer running the same snap-in? If so, can someone provide some code samples or links to tutorials on how this is possible? If it is not possible, what do you recommend to use for commun...

What cultures are supported by the CultureInfo class in .NET 3.5?

I need a list of cultures that are supported by .NET 3.5, regardless of the OS used. This seems to be quite a struggle to obtain, though I am not sure why! Edit: Arghh, I was not aware that it is dependent on the OS, that would explain the lack of documentation. Any ideas on what is supported by Mac/Linux OS as well? Thanks :) ...

What changes do I have to make to a .NET 2.0 Application so that it installs and runs fine on Windows Server 2008

I get CLR20r3 error and very non-descriptive messages. I tried making an installer as well as used click once to deploy the app onto the server but failed both the times. Is there a set of steps that we have to go through to target 2008 server deployments? Here is the error message : Description: Stopped working Problem signature: ...

Does SharePoint 2003 support .NET 3.5 framework?

Hey everyone, I would like to know if there are any concerns that we should be aware of if we were to upgrade our SharePoint 2003 server to .NET 3.5. Does this version of SharePoint even support 3.5? Thanks in advance. Clint ...

Linq randomly returns periodic null results.

I've got a linq query, which is admittedly pretty large. I can't identify where it is going wrong because it ONLY happens on the remote server and I don't have the access to debug it. But it is basically like this... This code lists all of the 'folders' that the current member can see. (Folders contain images.) if (members...

VJSLIB_2.0.50727 is not getting recognised in .Net 3.5 framework.

Hi, I recently migrated my project from Visual studio 2005 to Visual studio 2008 and the .Net framework from 2.0 to 3.5. My project has a dependency on VJ#. I redistribute it along with my installer. It gets perfectly installed. But my install projects for which the VJ# is a pre-requiste is not able to detect its presence. Please let me...

Strange DataTable PrimaryKey Behavior

Hi everyone, I have a DataTable that contains several DataColumns, two of which act as the primary key (think OrderDetails from the Northwind database). Here's what it looks like: Dim tblPM As New DataTable("ProductMerchant") Dim dc As DataColumn With tblProducts dc = .Columns.Add("merchantID", GetType(Byte)) dc = .Columns.Add("prod...

AesManaged versus RijndaelManaged

Hi all, I'm currently porting a peace of code written in .NET 3.5 to 2.0. At some point in the code (heavy load) the AesManaged class is being used, are there any performance gains from this implementation compared to RijndaelManaged, and should there be any risk when changing from AesManaged to RijndaelManaged concerning heavy load? g...

.Net sync menu item with toolbar button

Hello, I'm creating a .Net3.5 Application (c#) and I want to write a generic code that synchronizes certain properties between toolbar buttons and menu Items that have the same purpose. For example setting a button as disabled should set the respective menu item as disabled. My idea is to hold in a dictionary the lists of "paired" contr...

Microsoft Reporting Services. Should I use webservices as a datasource?

I have a dilemma. Here is my set-up: ASP.NET/NET 3.5 web application build using standards(DB layers, BL layers, etc...) I need to generate some reports. Standard way of doing that is to have reporting service query database directly OR I can have reporting services query web services(which I will create). I like web services approach ...

How to sign a SOAP request with WCF

I have an 3rd party SOAP web service. I need to make a call to one of its methods. The request needs to be signed. How can I sign the request? ...

Stopping Application Loop in secondary AppDomain

First off, apologies for the length... I have a Host/Plugin application akin to MAF. We are not using any of the System.Addin or associated namespaces as this is a custom plugin architecture with multiple AppDomains in play. The Host UI (user interface) is running in it's own application loop (AppDomain). When an item in a listview is...

Excel Pivot table in ASP

Is there a way I can create Excel Pivot tables using ASP .NET 3.5 with C# ? ...

AppDomain Unload killing Parent AppDomain...

I am having trouble figuring something out about my AppDomain.Unload(...) call. I have a detailed explanation with code from my earlier question. As it turns out, I was performing a couple of steps that apparently, I don't need to. However, I am fairly certain that when an AppDomain is created and then held in a collection: private stat...

How to read an .RTF file using .NET 4.0

I have seen samples using Word 9.0 object library. But I have Office 2010 Beta and .NET 4.0 in VS2010. Any tips on how to go with the new Word Dlls? So I just wanted to get the functionality of RTF to TEXT with .NET3.5 or later. ...

use dynamic snippet in Visual Studio 2008 Add-in

hi, it`s possible to create snippet into StringBuilder/MemoryStream or something else and to use it? More important: without to create snippet files on hard disk in Visual Studio folder ( ...\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\VC#\Snippets\1033\Visual C#) I can do it? and how? ...

how to get a list of users currenltly logged in(Authenticated) to IIS6

Need to get a list of currently loggedn in(authenticated) users from IIS6, and to display them in updatepanel (ajax). ...