
How to load a .NET assembly for reflection operations and subsequently unload it?

I'm writing a tool to report information about .NET applications deployed across environments and regions within my client's systems. I'd like to read the values of assembly attributes in these assemblies. This can be achieved using Assembly.ReflectionOnlyLoad, however even this approach keeps the assembly loaded. The issue here is th...

Detect when a Python module unloads

I have a module that uses ctypes to wrap some functionality from a static library into a class. When the module loads, it calls an initialize function in the static library. When the module is unloaded (presumably when the interpreter exits), there's an unload function in the library that I'd like to be called. How can I create this hook...

Why does my winsock control not function correctly in vb6 within the context of a Form_QueryUnload?

My goal is to have this program send a logout command when the user is logging off or shutting down their pc. The program is connected to a server application via a tcp socket using a Winsock object. Calling singleSock.SendData "quit" & vbCrLf is simply a way of logging out. I am going to start capturing data with Wireshark, but I'd l...

Creating cookie onunload (even after deleting browser cache)

Is it possible to create a cookie after a user has deleted his/her browser cache (+cookies) entirely? E.g. Predefined variables loaded into memory var userID = 1337; var IP =; var trackingUID = 'LaughingAtDancingFooBars'; If the above method of storing the data doesnt work, perhaps storing the data inside the document...

Does jQuery dispose events automatically on window unload

For example on a page I have $(document).ready(function() { $('#some-element').click(function() { // do something.. }); }); Do I also need to add the unbind code - or will jQuery automatically do this for me? $(window).unload(function() { $('#some-element').unbind(); }); ...

How to reload an assembly for a .NET Application Domain?

We are loading an assembly (a DLL) which reads a configuration file. We need to change the configuration file and then re-load the assembly. We see that after loading the assembly the 2nd time, there is no change in the configuration. Anyone see what is wrong here? We left out the details of reading in the configuration file. AppDomai...

Unloading objects for the garbage collector in AS3

I've created an object called loginInterface in flex builder. When this object is initialized it loads the login interface, creating buttons, input boxes and so on. I created a method for this object called unload. I also have a method which returns whether the interface has been loaded yet. Now, I want to unload the object so that the ...

iPhone Dev - Multi-View App lazy loading

(Just so you know I am learning to develop for iphone, without interfacae builder) I'm coding my first multi-view app, which has a root viewcontroller and two other viewcontrollers, and the root viewcontroller uses lazy loading, so when viewDidLoad, it creates the first viewcontroller and adds its view to the subview, but doesn't create...

Running a PHP through Ajax on Unload

I'm trying to have a php script run when the user navigates away from the page. This is what I'm using currently: function unload(){ var ajaxRequest; // The variable that makes Ajax possible! try{ // Opera 8.0+, Firefox, Safari ajaxRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); } catch (e){ // Internet Explorer Browsers try{ ajaxRequest = new ...

when i unload my page embed my activex. activex don't destroy

My MFC ActiveX is simple active. I make it by MFC ActiveX template of Visual Studio 2008. i just add call show message dialog when ActiveX destroy to test. CmfcActivexCtrl::~CmfcActivexCtrl() { AfxMessageBox(_T("destroy")); } I open my page embed this ActiveX. After I navigate to other address. if i disable skype-addon then mes...

How do I dispose of a VB6 COM object i'm using via an interop assembly from IronPython?

Hello. I'm using a third party COM component by means of a .NET interop assembly in IronPython, as seen here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1237200/how-can-i-use-a-vb6-com-reference-in-ironpython My experience in this area has been great, I'm very impressed by the amount of stuff that works seamlessly... except one thing. The 3rd...

Unload CodeDom-compiled assembly

I have some C# code (let's call it "script") I am compiling at runtime. It uses an interface in my main program that I use to access its functions. Once compiling is done I have CompilerResults.CompiledAssembly in which case I can CreateInstance(Type). Once I am done using the script I would like to unload completely. From what I und...

jQuery: how to unload functions?

Hi, its very simple. I have a self made jQuery hidden content switch. I use jQpanView in the Div´s. It only works, when I load the jQpanView for every hidden content DIV once. But then, it also starts the function for every clicked tab again. Here we go: the problem example . The link <a href="#" id="apozin_30_pic1" class="apozin_3...

My app domain won't unload

At runtime, I'd like to be able to unload a DLL and reload a modified version of it. My first experiment went down in flames. Can anyone tell me why? Thanks in advance! private static void Main() { const string fullPath = "C:\\Projects\\AppDomains\\distrib\\MyLibrary.dll"; // Starting out with a version of MyLibrary.dll which o...

WPF Window.Close() not triggering UserControl.Unloaded event

I have a Window that contains a custom UserControl. The UserControl needs to know when the Window containing it has been closed so that it can terminate a thread. My best guess as to how to accomplish this is to handle the UserControl's Unloaded event. However, the Unloaded event only seems to be firing when the user actually clicks t...

DOM Window unload event, is it reliable?

Can I rely on the window unload event to be triggered when a user closes a tab/window/browser? Edit: Found a list of what triggers the unload event in IE. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms536973%28VS.85%29.aspx I would like to know in which edge cases the unload event won't be triggered. ...

AS3 - Unload Class Loaded from VAR

Hi, I have a XML image gallery created within a custom class. This is the way I add the gallery to stage: var mainContainer:MovieClip = new galleryXML(stage, "xml/image_gallery.xml"); This works perfectly. But I'm thinking in setup my navigation in the same way. Creat the pages within custom classes and them loading them as I lo...

How to unload content from loaded div by AJAX

Hi I loaded some content in a DIV with AJAX. Then, i loaded different content from content that i loaded before. But it seems, previous loaded content is not gone, cuz there is a conflict between same named elements. is there a way to clean up that previously loaded content? Thanks in advance ...

Is there a way to prevent that a WPF page was navigated away?

I'm building a WPF navigation app, with pages. I want to ask the user if he want to save the changes when he leaves a page. Is there a way to do it? ...

Assemblies mysteriously loaded into new AppDomains

I'm testing some code that does work whenever assemblies are loaded into an appdomain. For unit testing (in VS2k8's built-in test host) I spin up a new, uniquely-named appdomain prior to each test with the idea that it should be "clean": [TestInitialize()] public void CalledBeforeEachTestMethod() { AppDomainSetup appSetup = new A...