
C# - Determine if class initializaion causes infinite recursion?

I am working on porting a VB6 application to C# (Winforms 3.5) and while doing so I'm trying to break up the functionality into various classes (ie database class, data validation class, string manipulation class). Right now when I attempt to run the program in Debug mode the program pauses and then crashes with a StackOverFlowException...

Windows Mobile - Way to invert compact framework controls

I have a screen in my windows mobile app that I is intended for another person than the user to look at and interact with (it is a signature screen). There is a few edit boxes and such on that screen. Is there any way to make them display upside down? If so I would love to hear how. Thanks! ...

How can I translate my programmatic WCF configuration into app.config

Hi, I have an self hosted WCF server with hard coded configurations. the server worked fine until I tried to implement some new configurations functionality (changed ports, added ssl) the new config setting did not work (urrr.... ) and I find it hard to locate where are the problems in my code. instead of digging inside the code tha...

Workflow Foundation (WF) -- Why does setting a DependencyProperty to a COM object using SetValue() throw an ArgumentException?

Assume that I have a .NET Workflow Foundation (WF) SequenceActivity class with the following "output" property: public IWorkspace Workspace { get; private set; } // ^^^^^^^^^^ // important: this is a COM interface type! public static DependencyProperty WorkspaceProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Workspace", ...

WCF 3.5 to 3.0 backwards compatibility with callback services

I have a set of existing WCF services hosted in a .NET 3.0 app. They're using the WSHttp bindings and no security. I need to connect to these from a .NET 3.5 client. This seems to be working fine for the one-way services, but I also have some callback services (with CallbackContract and SessionMode = Required, using WSDualHttpBinding)...

How to bold text With Compact Framework

I have an app written in C# for the compact framework (3.5). I am trying to display some text on the form in bold. The Label class does not give me the option to bold my text (I can make it bigger, which eventually gives a bold look, but I want my text 12pt and bold. Is this possible? If so How? thanks for any ideas. ...

Suggest a best algorithm to encrypt XML file in C#.NET ?

I have to encrypt XML file and send in network to place in a private server. My other application will decrypt and import to SQL the file by giving the actual Public key. Could you please suggest me best way for this. File: XML Type Possible size: Up to 250 MB Technology: C#.NET 2008 ...

How to read system.webServer/handlers section of web.config?

I recently moved a few intranet ASP.NET web sites from Windows Server 2003 to Windows Server 2008. I soon learned that the system.web/httpHandlers web.config section was replaced with system.webServer/handlers and that there is a separate API for IIS7. When I try to use the IIS7 Microsoft.Web.Administration API I get the following error...

HttpPostedFile.SaveAs() throws UnauthorizedAccessException even though the file is saved?

I have an aspx page with multiple FileUpload controls and one Upload button. In the click handler I save the files like this: string path = "..."; for (int i = 0; i < Request.Files.Count - 1; i++) { HttpPostedFile file = Request.Files[i]; string fileName = Path.GetFileName(file.FileName); string saveAsPath = Path.Combine(pat...

Invoke an AsyncController Action from within another Controller Action?

Hi, I'd like to accomplish the following: class SearchController : AsyncController { public ActionResult Index(string query) { if(!isCached(query)) { // here I want to asynchronously invoke the Search action } else { ViewData["results"] = Cache.Get("results"); ...

LINQ - How to query a range of effective dates that only has start dates

I'm using C# 3.5 and EntityFramework. I have a list of items in the database that contain interest rates. Unfortunately this list only contains the Effective Start Date. I need to query this list for all items within a range. However, I can't see a way to do this without querying the database twice. (Although I'm wondering if delay...

What NEW features has WCF in .NET Framework 4 vs .NET Framework 3.5?

What NEW features has WCF in .NET Framework 4 vs .NET Framework 3.5? What Is new, what was fixed (in general - I do not want to get into bug fixed numbers=)? ...

.NET Build Process

All I am looking for the best free set of tools to be used in a MS Based build process. Checkout, Build, Package, Test, Deploy, etc. I know this question has been asked before but it was over 2 years ago, and in our world that is an eternity. I am looking to develop a pattern that is easily adapted to similar projects. Almost like a t...

Are this 2 code parts same?

Snippets: private double memberVal; public double MemberVal { get { return memberVal; } set { memberVal= value; } } and public double MemberVal { get; set; } ...

Math .Net I want to represent a huuuuge number in .net

Hi I remember a class that formulate a huge number in array and do operations on it, What is it Thanks ...

Can We use SqlCacheDependency with a product not containing ASP.net part?

Is SQLCacheDependency used in context of ASP.net or can it be used for a project of .net only. Rather tahn using ASP.net i am receiving request by listening on a port.I want to store data for my session in cache.If this data is fetched from database then i want it to be updated using something like SQLCacheDependency.Can I configure it f...

Problem with Contains

Hello there, I have a little problem which i can't solve. I want to use an SQL-In-Statement in Linq. I've read in this Forum and in other Forums that I have to use the .Contains (with reverse-thinking-notation :-)). As input i have a List of Guids. I first copied them into an array and then did something like that : datatoget = (from p...

How can I detect when the .NET Framework feature is "turned off" in Windows 7 / Vista?

My application requires the .NET Framework version 3.5. I recently ran into a customer that had the .NET Framework installed but turned off on Windows Vista (also applies to Windows 7). In this case, my installer (InstallShield 2009) does not prompt the user to install the Framework (because it is already installed) and when my applica...

Take a string to a byte[]

I have a string in my database that represents an image. It looks like this: 0x89504E470D0A1A0A0000000D49484452000000F00000014008020000000D8A66040.... <truncated for brevity> When I load it in from the database it comes in as a byte[]. How can I convert the string value to a byte array myself. (I am trying to remove the db for some...

Why doesn't the AdditionalLibPaths parameter work in MSBuild?

I am trying to specify an additional folder to look for references when doing a command-line compile with MSBuild. The command line is as follows: msbuild C:\LUR.NET\LurReports.sln /t:Rebuild /p:AdditionalLibPaths=C:\Radio;TargetFrameworkVersion=v2.0 For whatever reasons, msbuild completely ignores the C:\Radio folde...