
How do I integrate ActiveMQ with a HornetQ ESB (or access the HornetQ directly from C#)?

I've got an ActiveMQ ESB that I am using between several C# assemblies across a couple different systems. I need to start receiving notifications being sent out by a new system from it's HornetQ ESB. As far as I can tell the HornetQ is pre-2.0.0GA. I'd like to just use Camel to set up routing between the HornetQ ESB and my ActiveMQ ESB,...

right click values for Gridview column

I have grid named 'GridView1' and displaying columns like this <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" OnRowCommand="ScheduleGridView_RowCommand" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Height="60px" Style="text-align: center" Width="869px" EnableViewState="False"...

Using Silverlight with Existing Application

This seems like a very basic question but I couldn't find any help on web. If you could provide some link or steps to do this. I have created few basic Silverlight applications which are working fine standalone. I also have a basic ASP.NET application with a solution with around 10 Class Library Projects and 1 website. I want to create ...

Response.Redirect causes System.Threading.ThreadAbortException

When I use Response.Redirect(...) to redirect my form to a new page I get the error: A first chance exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll An exception of type 'System.Threading.ThreadAbortException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code My understanding of this is that t...

Built-in precedence for Expression Trees?

I'm unable to find the .NET FCL built-in concept of precedence to leverage while constructing Expression Trees. Ref System.Linq.Expressions Namespace. Is this something that must be handled manually in code, or is it somehow implicit and I'm not recognizing it, maybe through helper methods or classes? I want to apply it to math operatio...

Find selected WPF Listbox entries

I've been trying iterate through the selected items of a listbox in WPF, with the following code; try { for (int i = 0; i < mylistbox.SelectedItems.Count; i++) { ListItem li = (ListItem)mylistbox.SelectedItems[i]; string listitemcontents_str = li.ToString(); ...

How to pass arguments to an HtmlFile?

How to pass arguments to an HtmlFile from C#? Like: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("Sample.html","Arguments"); If I execute the above code the "Sample.html" file should be opened and it should do something with the "arguments". ...

Maximizing the number of threads to fully utilize all available resources without hindering overall performance

Let's say I have to generate a bunch of result files, and I want to make it as fast as possible. Each result file is generated independently of any other result file; in fact, one could say that each result file is agnostic to every other result file. The resources used to generate each result file is also unique to each. How can I dynam...

HTTP Error 405 from a Tooltip loading another page.

I have a web page that uses tooltips. I am using Prototip specifically. One of the options is to use Ajax to load another page within the tool. The Ajax functionality is coming from the Prototype framework, http://www.prototypejs.org/api/ajax/request/. All I really want to load is an image. I just don't want the image to load on pag...

A CRM architecture (open source app)

Hi, I need to develop a CRM application, but I don't know how the architecture should be layed out. Can anyone point me to a high level or detailed outline of how such a project can be developed? ...

How can I extend a LINQ-to-SQL class without having to make changes every time the code is generated?

Hi, Update from comment: I need to extend linq-to-sql classes by own parameters and dont want to touch any generated classes. Any better suggestes are welcome. But I also don't want to do all attributes assignments all time again if the linq-to-sql classes are changing. so if vstudio generates new attribute to a class i have my own e...

Upgrade from .NET 2.0 to .NET 3.5 problems

I’m trying to upgrade our solution from VS2005 .NET 2.0 to VS2008 .NET 3.5. I converted the solution using VS2008 conversion wizard. All the projects (about 50) remained targeting to .NET Framework 2.0., moreover if I’m changing target framework manually for one of the projects, all referenced dll (i.e. System, System.Core, System.Data, ...

Does the .Net Framework 4.0 Installer include the .Net Framework 3.5

Do .Net components that were compiled against the .Net Framework 3.5 run on a system that has only .Net Framework 4.0 installed? Or in other words does the .Net Framwork 4.0 Installer include the .Net Framework 3.5? ...

Decrement all int values in Dictionary

I have a Dictionary<string,int> and I simply want to decrement the value in my dictionary by one. I have this but not sure if its best practice. foreach (KeyValuePair<string, int> i in EPCs) { EPCs[i.Key] = i.Value - 1; } UPDATE: The reason I am trying to decrement the value is becase the value is a index number relating to a posi...

Disabling validation controls when using a LinkButton

I am using a LinkButton to trigger an email template. When the LinkButton is clicked, I need to disable all field validation controls I tried the causesvalidation property, but the validations are still triggered. How can I do this in c# / asp.net? ...

Launching email on Linkbutton click event

How can I launch an Outlook email window (similar to what mailto: does in a hyperlink) ? This needs to be done in a LinkButton click event. ...

Redeploying a .net click once application fails with error "application cannot be started. contact the application vendor."

Details in the error say "Cannot make this application an online application because the previous version is installed. To install this application uninstall the previous version, or mark this application as installed." ...

Visual Studio 2010 Can no longer build .NET v3.5

I have a 2010 project that is targeting .NET v3.5. Inexplicably I can no longer build v3.5 projects. The project doesn't have ANY references added. It won't even let me add a reference to System.Core as it is added by the 'build system'. warning CS1685: The predefined type 'System.Func' is defined in multiple assemblies in the glo...

Help using RDA on a Desktop Applicaton?

I have a .NET 3.5 Compact Framework project that uses RDA for moving data between its mobile device's local SqlCe database and a remote MSSql-2008 server(it uses RDA Push and Pull). The server machine a virtual directory with sqlcesa35.dll (v3.5.5386.0) setup for RDA. We usually install these cabs on the mobile devices and the RDA proce...

Undocumented feature of Dictionary?

Dictionary<string, int> testdic = new Dictionary<string, int>(); testdic.Add("cat", 1); testdic.Add("dog", 2); testdic.Add("rat", 3); testdic.Remove("cat"); testdic.Add("bob", 4); Fill the dictionary and then remove the first element. Then add a new element. Bob then appears at position 1 instead of at the end, therefore it seems to ...