
.Net Reflector Red and green squares

What are the green and red squares? Are these variable names and strings being purposely obfuscated? Is there a 'deobfuscator'? ...

Why can't I pass a property or indexer as a ref parameter when .NET reflector shows that it's done in the .NET Framework?

Okay, I will cut and paste from .NET reflector to demonstrate what I'm trying to do: public override void UpdateUser(MembershipUser user) { //A bunch of irrelevant code... SecUtility.CheckParameter(ref user.UserName, true, true, true, 0x100, "UserName"); //More irrelevant code... } This line of code comes right out of Sy...

Decompile without CLI header?

Is it possible to decompile an executable that when trying to decompile w/ Reflector, errors out with "Module ... does not contain a CLI header.", and if so, how to decompile this to C#? Thank you. ...

Where is the implementation of System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost.Dispose()?

I am using Reflector but I can't find System.ServiceModel.ServiceHost.Dispose(). Where is it? ...

Determine the orginal build location / path of an exe using .Net Reflector or another tool

I have an EXE that is currently deployed on our production server (c# .net 2). I have inherited the task of making some changes to this app and re-deploying. I didn't write this app and I have been pointed at a few different folders on various network drives with a few different Visual Studio solutions (~10) that were various incantati...

Can I use .NET reflector to modify & recompile the code quickly?

Is it possible to use .NET reflector (or an other tool) to modify & recompile the code quickly (i.e. without dumping the source and then use VS to recompile it)? ...

Recover WinForms from dll

We think most of the source has been recovered through .NET Reflector. A utility which export the dll as C# source. The only missing part is WinForms which is not included when .NET Reflector export the dll source. Is there any way to get the WinForms recover from dll? Thanks. ...

.NET: Control Invoke() in Reflector

So, I was getting back into some .NET programming, and through a new feature in VS.NET 2010, it detected a case where I was trying to modify a control from a thread that didn't create that control, and pointed me to an article on MSDN about how you do this correctly... ' HOW TO WRITE TO A FORM CONTROL FROM A THREAD THAT DIDN'T CREATE TH...

Reflector error or optimisation?

Long story short: I used reflector on the System.Security.Util.Tokenizer class, and there's loads of goto statements in there. Here's a brief example snippet: Label_0026: if (this._inSavedCharacter != -1) { num = this._inSavedCharacter; this._inSavedCharacter = -1; } else ...

ReSharper: "Go To Declaration in .NET Reflector"

Do you know of a ReSharper 5.1 plugin that allows me to go to the declaration of a class or member that I do not have the source code for using .NET Reflector? Usually Reflector itself has this feature already (rightclick-> "Open in .NET Reflector") but unfortunately this feature does not work with resharper. The explanation for this ca...

Odd Reflector Decompile with Invalid Token Error

Would some kind person help me sort out the output of .Net Reflector v6.5 that does not compile? I think that the symbols are out of whack but global search and replace might fix that. I don't get the odd class definition. Ideas? [CompilerGenerated] private sealed class <ApplicationTaskIterator>d__0 : IEnumerable<ApplicationT...

Can VS.NET 2010/MSBUILD produce XmlSerializers for .NET 3.5 SP1?

I just upgraded a VS 2008 solution containing WinForms, general use libraries, and a web app to VS 2010, but all projects still target .NET 3.5 SP 1. I use this technique to generate XmlSerializers for my general use libraries. The WinForms app runs fine. When my web app tries to run using these libraries that reference the same XmlSeria...

Open Emitted assembly in Reflector

I'm generating a dynamic assembly using Reflection.Emit which includes a single class. I have a bug which is causing a BadImageException. To resolve this I need to see the compiled code, and therefore I'm saving the dynamic assembly to disk. I've already tried PEVerify against the assembly which seems to think there are no errors. I now...