
Can you use generic forms in C#?

You should be able to create a generic form: public partial class MyGenericForm<T> : Form where T : class { /* form code */ public List<T> TypedList { get; set; } } Is valid C#, and compiles. However the designer won't work and the form will throw a runtime exception if you have any images stating that it cannot find the ...

Can you recommend a good .Net web-based repository browser for SVN?

We have a SVN repository running on a Windows server, and I want to link internal documentation, feature changes, bugs and so on to code changes. We've found WebSVN to be amazingly slow - the repository is too large for it (I think). The team using it is primarily coding in C#, and while some have experience with other languages I'd re...

Unit tests for deep cloning

Let's say I have a complex .NET class, with lots of arrays and other class object members. I need to be able to generate a deep clone of this object - so I write a Clone() method, and implement it with a simple BinaryFormatter serialize/deserialize - or perhaps I do the deep clone using some other technique which is more error prone and...

IKVM and Licensing

Hi all. I have been looking into IKVMing Apache's FOP project to use with our .NET app. It's a commercial product, and looking into licensing, IKVM runs into some sticky areas because of its use of GNU Classpath. From what I've seen, no one can say for sure if this stuff can be used in a commercial product. Has anyone used IKVM, or a...

Forum software recommendations (.net)

Do you use or do you know a good .net forum software? It can be free or not. It should have the common features normally found in a forum software. So far, the best I've come up with is: YetAnotherForum ...

How do I create a workflow instance reliably based on an external event?

Hi, a little new to the windows workflow stuff so go easy :) I wish to design a workflow host environment that has high availability - a minimum of 2 WF runtime hosts on separate hardware both pointing to the same persistance or tracking SQL database. I am looking for a pattern whereby I can asynchronously create new workflow instances...

.NET Framework dependency

When developing a desktop application in .NET, is it possible to not require the .NET Framework? Is developing software in .NET a preferred way to develop desktop applications? What is the most used programming language that software companies use to develop desktop applications? Is the requirement of the .NET Framework just assumed b...

Automatically incremented revision # doesn't show up in the About Box.

I suspect this is going to be a really easy one but I'm a .NET newbie so be gentle. I have a small VB .NET app that I'm working on using the full version of Visual Studio 2005. In the Publish properties of the project, I have it set to Automatically increment revision with each publish. The issue is that it's only incrementing the rev...

WPF - Sorting a composite collection

So WPF doesn't support standard sorting or filtering behavior for views of CompositeCollections, so what would be a best practice for solving tihs problem. There are two or more object collections of different types. You want to combine them into a single sortable and filterable collection (withing having to manually implement sort or ...

Simple animation in WinForms

Imagine you want to animate some object on a WinForm. You setup a timer to update the state or model, and override the paint event of the Form. But from there, what's the best way to continually repaint the Form for the animation? Invalidate the Form as soon as you are done drawing? Setup a second timer and invalidate the form on a reg...

Visual Studio Setup Project Custom Dialog

I have created a custom dialog for Visual Studio Setup Project using the steps described here: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/install/vsSetupCustomDialogs.aspx?fid=419622&amp;df=90&amp;mpp=25&amp;noise=3&amp;sort=Position&amp;view=Quick&amp;select=2640482&amp;fr=26 Now I have a combobox in one of my dialogs. I want to populate the combob...

ASP.NET Proxy Application

Let me try to explain what I need. I have a server that is visible from the internet. What I need is to create a ASP.NET application that get the request of a web Site and send to a internal server, then it gets the response and publish the the info. For the client this should be totally transparent. For different reasons I cannot redir...

What are the list of Resharper like plugins for VS I should consider?

My license for Whole Tomatoes Visual AssistX is about to expire and I'm not really planning on renewing it. I use it for spell checking but that's about it. The refactoring abilities have been a little disappointing. Before I just jump into Resharper though what are your thoughts on other possible plugins? ...

What is the difference between an endpoint, a service, and a port when working with webservices?

I've used Apache CXF to expose about ten java classes as web services. I've generated clients using CXF, Axis, and .NET. In Axis and CXF a "Service" or "Locator" is generated. From this service you can get a "Port". The "Port" is used to make individual calls to the methods exposed by the web service. In .NET the "Service" directly e...

How to use Scrum and Visual Studio without Team System

I'm interested in possibly using Scrum with my development team (yes, I know it'll be a little painful to transition over to it). However, we don't have Team System and probably can't currently afford to get it immediately. What are some possible tools for getting a team up and running on Scrum in a .NET/Visual Studio environment withou...

.NET Library to unzip ZIP and RAR files

What are good libraries to use Unzip RAR and Zip files in .NET? Do they even exist? Do they cost money or are there also free ones? ...

Configurable Table Prefixes with a .Net OR/M?

In a web application like wiki or forums or blogging software, it is often useful to store your data in a relational database. Since many hosting companies offer a single database with their hosting plans (with additional databases costing extra) it is very useful for your users when your database objects (tables, views, constraints, and...

best way to persist data in .NET Web Service

I have a web service that queries data from this json file, but i don't want the web service to have to access the file every time. I'm thinking that maybe i can store the data somewhere else (maybe in memory) so the web service can just get the data from there the next time it's trying to query the same data. I kinda understand what nee...

C# - CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed

I needed some simple string encryption, so I wrote the following code (with a great deal of "inspiration" from here): // create and initialize a crypto algorithm private static SymmetricAlgorithm getAlgorithm(string password) { SymmetricAlgorithm algorithm = Rijndael.Create(); Rfc2898DeriveBytes rdb = new Rfc2898...

Browse for a directory in C#

How can I preset a control to the user that allows them to select a directory? There doesn't seem to be any native .net controls which do this? ...