
.obj to .cpp converter?

Is there any .obj to .cpp converter? Is it possible to do it? MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO auto-magically deleted my code files when pressed the F5 key. Please help me. i have the .obj files(VS forgot to delete them.ha ha ha). ...

Generate header of view .obj file

Is there a way to generate a c++ header file for an .obj file? Or perhaps is there an utility that can view .obj files. I've already found objconv that converts between formats, but I can't find any .h generator/viewer. ...

Need to get .obj file names of Executable(which one is crrently executing) at runtime programatically in VC++?

Suppose I have a VC++ project contains no of(say e.g 5) Source files(.cpp files),it will generate 5 .obj files(obj files corresponding to my .cpp's files not all kernel and OS layers including .obj files) e.g my project includes xyz_1.cpp,xyz_2.cpp,xyz_3.cpp,xyz_4.cpp,it will corresponds 4 respective .objs. By programtaically HOW CAN I...

Using OpenGL vertex buffers in C++.

I've loaded a Wavefront .obj file and drawn it in immediate mode, and it works fine. I'm now trying to draw the same model with a vertex buffer, but I have a question. My model data is organized in the following structures: struct Vert { double x; double y; double z; }; struct Norm { double x; double y; double z; }; struct ...

OpenGL: Model not displaying correctly. (Need to fix draw distance?)

I'm new to OpenGL. I'm playing around with JOGL. I have a .obj model that I'm drawing as polygons. It looks ok, except that most of it gets clipped. So I think that I need to increase the draw distance. I'm not really sure how to do it. Here is my render code: private void render(GLAutoDrawable drawable) { GL2 gl = drawable.ge...

Parsing .obj files: How to do materials/textures?

Hello, I'm new to OpenGL. I'm playing around with it using JOGL. I'm using this model. I am successfully rendering it to the window. However, I would like to apply textures/materials. I'm not entirely sure how to do this. From the .obj file: f 6307/4525/3 6303/4524/3 6327/4523/3 6315/4526/3 usemtl kahki_light_pave_W.png f 6445/3470/3...

Shape file to wavefront .obj cad format

Hi there, I wonder if you know of a way to convert a shape file to a wavefront .obj 3d object? (eg using a height field) I need to be able to do this in C# but can leverage code in other libraries. Any advice appreciated Thanks ...