
Difference between quartz2d on iphone and mac

There is difference between quartz2d on iphone and mac? where can i find a list of that? Every book i founded in amazon is dedicate to programming quartz on mac. ...

Calculate a vector from the center of a square to edge based on radius

Given a square (described by x, y, width, height) and an angle (in radians) I need to calculate a vector that originates at the squares centre and terminates at the point that collides with the edge of the square at the given angle. I'm really most interested in the point it collides at so if that would make calculation more efficient l...

Bounding box collision handling - not detection

I had this working a week ago, but then I ended up breaking it. I can't get it working again. I have some 2D sprites, they're just rectangles. No rotation involved. I'm not looking for a way to detect collisions between them, I have that, and there's thousands of articles out there about it. What I can't find is any resource about what t...

Problem with 2D Array of JButton

I need to put number(2d array) on the top left of JButton. But, i got the number result in wrong ordder (upside down), not as the same as the array topLeftNum order. How to make it so the number will show up as the same order?Please help me solve my problem..Thanks final int ROWS = 12; final int COLS = 12; final static int topLeftNum[...

using iPhone OpenGl ES effectively for 2d (and collision detection)

this may be a more general opengl question. using OpenGL ES for 2d, and reading through the tutorials, I learned how to do the basic matrix transformations like rotating and moving an object around the screen. so far, so good - I have some objects moving around and rotating. the next step for me is to do collision detection. someth...

What's the best way of drawing layered OpenGL ES content?

Hi, Anyone know what the best practices are for drawing multiple layers of 2D OpenGL ES content on the iPhone? For example, let's say I want to draw a complex fullscreen background texture, followed by a rotating texture, followed by another alpha blended texture on top. Is there a way to draw the background texture only ONCE, and onl...

Expanding a n-vertices polygon with a new data set to a n-vertices polygon

There is a simple polygon P1 with n vertices, n is small, let say 8. This polygon shall represent a perimeter of some set of 2D points. Next, we have another polygon, lets call it P2, also with max number of vertices n. P2 is close to P1, so it makes sense to draw a new polygon, P3, which will describe the area of P1 and P2 together. I...

Is there a good .Net component for drag/drop/resize drawing in 2D with connections (like Visio) ?

Is there a good .Net component for drag/drop/resize drawing in 2D with connections (like Visio) ? ...

As relates to texture atlases, what is a "quad"?

It is my understanding that a texture atlas is basically a single texture that contains many smaller textures and that they are useful for making games or animations faster because they allow you to access many animation frames by loading a single file rather than files for each and every frame. So, in discussions of texture atlases, I ...

How can I modify a 2d array passed to a function?

Why does the following code give me a segmentation fault? #define MAXROWS 10 #define MAXCOLS 10 void getInput (int *data[MAXROWS][MAXCOLS]) { int rows, cols; int curRow, curCol; printf ("How many rows and cols?"); scanf ("%d %d", rows, cols); for (curRow = 0; curRow < rows; curRow++) { for (curCol = 0; curCol < cols; curC...

Realistic 2D terrain map generation.

Hello guys. I am looking for some algorithms which allow me to generate a realistic 2D terrain map. By realistic I mean that person will consider such map as a "normal" terrain map, not created artificially. I don't want to create photorealistic map. Just something similar to maps that can be viewed in a geographical atlas. So far I a...

Graphing Data with Java Processing

I'm looking at creating a program with Processing (processing.org) in Java. The program will involve graphing a large amount of 2D data. I would like for the points to be displayed to fill the window. I've looked at their libraries and I don't see anything for data visualization. Am I missing something? ...

Simple GUI Design Tool for modeling relationships between rectangles

I'm building a test technology for verifying web implementations against a specification. For this, I need a lite, easy to use, GUI design tool which allows me to create rectangles and define relationships between them. I imagine the tool would have a CAD-like interface. Since I'm modeling web designs, I want to constrain the user so t...

Finding Remote Points in 2D

I have a set of points on the infinite (well, double precision) 2D plane. Given the convex hull for this set, how can find some points on the inside of the convex hull that are relatively far away from all the points in the input set? In the image below, the black points are part of the original set and the hatched area represents the ...

Code Golf: Calculating the intersection between Box and Line

The challenge Given you have the coordinates of a rectangle and a line in 2D space, and they may or may not intersect, write a function that calculates the intersection. Here is an example of an intersection in glorious ASCII art: +-------------+ | | | | ----*------- | | | |...

Want to learn to write 2d games

Hey stackoverflow Community! I learned the basics of C# (i can write some Form-Applications) and now I want to learn how to write 2d games. I don't know where to start. Is there a engine that's good for 2d games? After learning the basics of 2d I'll want to write simple games which work under windows and linux (that whould be cool, linux...

wpf 2d high performance graphics

Basically, I want GDI-type functionality in WPF, where I can write pixels to a bitmap and update and display that bitmap through WPF. Note, I need to be able to animate the bitmap on the fly by updating pixels in response to mouse movements. I've read that InteropBitmap is perfect for this, as you can write to pixels in memory and copy...

Good resources for Javascript 2d game programming?

I'm sure this question's come up before, but I can't find any reference to it. As an exercise, I've decided to look into Javascript for game programming. While it's far from being the best language for that, I do like the idea that it's cross platform and it's always available as a web page. So I thought I'd see what I could do with it....

Java 2D ArrayList and sorting

I need to sort a shopping list by the aisle the item is located for example: [Bread] [1] [Milk] [2] [Cereal] [3] I am planning to do this with ArrayList and was wondering how to make an 2D ArrayList Bonus questions: any ideas on how to sort by the aisle number? ...

Using Swing, I want to draw a couple of points...

... in an image and do some calculation on their [x y] coordinates. My first idea was to use an image as the background of a JPanel and then register the points, but I'm not sure there will be a way to mark these on the JPanel. There is also the Drawing library, which I'm unfamiliar with, but I'm not sure if I can combine these with S...