
Is it possible, and/or advisable to develop Django web applications on OS X (10.6.4 and 10.5.8) using Python 2.6.5 64-bit? Why?

I'm trying to decide on which architecture to choose for developing Django 1.0.x through Django 1.2.1. I've managed to get MySQL, MySQLdb, PIL, and Python 2.65 installed on Snow Leopard using x86 64-bit builds, but I'm curious as to whether or not there is a definitive answer to this question at the moment, and if so, why? Thank you! Mi...

Port 32-Bit Windows driver to 64-Bit Windows

Since our applications run in fullscreen mode, we have developed a keyboard hooking driver to disable user input for keys like ALT+F4, CTRL+ALT+DEL and so forth. The driver is developed in C using the Windows Driver Kit. Compiling for 32-Bit works and it loads the driver on Windos 7 32-Bit and it works as expected. Compiling for 64-Bi...

How to build 64-bit Visual Basic.NET in Visual Studio 2010?

Hopefully this is a simple question and I have just overlooked something somewhere... I am writing VB.NET stuff in VS2010 on Windows 7 64-bit. It seems to build by default for a 32-bit target, how to I tell it to make a 64-bit executable? I went to the project properties -> Compiler -> Advanced, but don't see the option anywhere. Oh, ...

Memory Addressing

I was reading http://duartes.org/gustavo/blog/post/motherboard-chipsets-memory-map and in specific, the following section: In a motherboard the CPU’s gateway to the world is the front-side bus connecting it to the northbridge. Whenever the CPU needs to read or write memory it does so via this bus. It uses some pins to trans...

How to check if a library is 32bit/64bit built on Mac OS X?

I'm having some trouble in using PyQt/SIP. I guess the SIP is compiled into 64bit, but Python has some problem with finding it. File "qtdemo.py", line 46, in import sip ImportError: dlopen(/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sip.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did find: /Library/Python/2.6/site-packages/sip.so: mach-o,...

How to force using 64 bit python on Mac OS X?

I got the following error when compiling sip with --arch x86_64 option. prosseek:siplib smcho$ python -c 'import sip; print sip' Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in ImportError: dlopen(./sip.so, 2): no suitable image found. Did find: ./sip.so: mach-o, but wrong architecture I found that the prebuilt Ma...

Why can't OS use entire 64-bits for addressing? Why only the 48-bits?

I'm reading "Understanding Linux Kernel". Paging for 64-bit Architectures As we have seen in the previous sections, two-level paging is commonly used by 32-bit microprocessors. Two-level paging, however, is not suitable for computers that adopt a 64-bit architecture. Let's use a thought experiment to explain why: ...

about turbo c working under windows 7

i am using windows 7 64 bit laptop.i installed turbo c and write programs using dosbox, but i can't run the program.... when run is selected it show some message like not an :exe plz give solution to this problem ...

How to start 64-bit programming with visual studio 2010?

What do I need to do to start making 64bit programs in VS? I tried using 64bit solution platform setting and used "copy settings from x86" option. The process shows up as 64bit. Is there anything else? Am I missing some interesting options? ...

How can I use a VS Setup Project to install "Any CPU" code properly on either 32-bit or 64-bit Windows?

We have a large suite of products that include: Desktop apps written in VB6. Desktop apps written in .NET. Windows services written in .NET. ASP.NET web apps written in .NET. ASMX and WCF services written in .NET. All the .NET code is written in VS2008, targeting .NET 3.5 and "Any CPU". We could target specific processors, but would ...

import pyodbc results in DLL load failed with error code 193 on Win7

I am running 64-bit Windows 7 and the ActiveState Python 2.5 installation (64-bit version). I just downloaded and installed the pyodbc 2.1.7 win32 package. When I run the installer as an admin it proceeds with no problem. When I run python and try import pyodbc I receive the following error: ImportError: DLL load failed with ...

Do i have to install jdk win64?

Hi all, I have installed windows 7 x64, therefore i have a confusion whether i have to install JDK x64 or JDK x86? please help me, thank you ...

How to use RIP Relative Addressing in a 64-bit assembly program?

How do I use RIP Relative Addressing in a Linux assembly program for the AMD64 archtitecture? I am looking for a simple example (a Hello world program) that uses the AMD64 RIP relative adressing mode. For example the following 64-bit assembly program would work with normal (absolute addressing): .text .global _start _start: mo...

PHP: path / unpack 64bit int in 64bit architecture

Can anyone tell me why I get the following output on x64 architecture: $ php -r 'echo pow(2, 33) . "\n";print_r(unpack("Ivalue", pack("I", pow(2, 33))));' 8589934592 Array ( [value] => 0 ) It seems as though it can handle signed 64bit ints, but can't pack / unpack them. According to the docs: http://us3.php.net/pack, the size of ...

"File contains invalid .pdata contributions" when building 64-bit dll

Hi, I currently migrating from 32-bit to 64-bit am encountering a "LNK1223: invalid or corrupt file: file contains invalid .pdata contributions" when attempting to build a 64-bit managed C++ dll that links to an unmanaged C++ .lib file that I also built. So far, I have found that this error should only occur while building for RISC mach...

How much is memory usage likely to grow when moving to 64bit?

When moving an application from 32bit to 64bit, where will increased memory usage occur? I understand that pointers will double in size, I suspect that the chars in a string are 'bunched' to use memory more efficiently (so will not use much more memory). Where else would memory usage increase? Is there anywhere that it would decrease, ...

Compute fast log base 2 ceiling

What is a fast way to compute the (long int) ceiling(log_2(i)), where the input and output are 64-bit integers? Solutions for signed or unsigned integers are acceptable. I suspect the best way will be a bit-twiddling method similar to those found here, but rather than attempt my own I would like to use something that is already well test...

32bit MSI: Converting shortcut target path of 64bit app to 32 bit Path

Hi I'm working on a deployment project (Wix based) which is used to deploy an application to run with AutoCAD and create shortcuts of AutoCAD's acad.exe while passing its own argument. To achieve this, there is a Custom Action dll (C++) which iterate through Autocad's registry keys and get the "acad.exe" location and create/update the ...

Accessing lower half of a 64bit integer

How can access the lower half of a 64bit integer using C or C++? I can do it easily in Assembly but I have no clue on how to do it in C/C++ EDIT: What about accessing the upper half? ...

Net beans 6.9 under 64 bit windows

Will netbeans 6.9 (and whatever else I'll need for Java development - JVM, mysql, etc.) install under the 64 bit version of Windows 7 professional? The netbeans website says (well, implies) it's untested. Need to know if I need to reinstall 32 bit Windows 7 before a Java class starting tomorrow. Thanks for any help. Update: went ahea...