
How to determine which inheriting class is using an abstract class's methods.

In my console application have an abstract Factory class "Listener" which contains code for listening and accepting connections, and spawning client classes. This class is inherited by two more classes (WorldListener, and MasterListener) that contain more protocol specific overrides and functions. I also have a helper class (ConsoleWra...

Abstract classes in shared library

I have an ordinary abstract class that has a couple of pure virtual methods. The class itself is a part of the shared library. The compilation of the shared library itself is OK. But when the library is linked to another program that has another class deriving from the abstract one in the shared library and defining the pure virtual meth...

Doubt in abstract classes

public abstract class Person { private String name; public Person(String name) { this.name = name; System.out.println("Person"); } public String getName() { return name; } abstract public String getDescription(); } public class Student extends Person { private String major; ...

Java - abstract class, equals(), and two subclasses

Hello, I have an abstract class named Xpto and two subclasses that extend it named Person and Car. I have also a class named Test with main() and a method foo() that verifies if two persons or cars (or any object of a class that extends Xpto) are equals. Thus, I redefined equals() in both Person and Car classes. Two persons are equal wh...

Is it possible to use XStream with an abstract node?

My client application is making calls to a service that returns a common "root" XML, but a different result node. The "root" XML contains possible error codes. Is it possible to use XStream in this scenario? Example: public class RootNode { ErrorInfo errorInfo; BaseResult result; ... } public class ErrorInfo { String ...

C#: Abstract classes need to implement interfaces?

My test code in C#: namespace DSnA { public abstract class Test : IComparable { } } Results in the following compiler error: error CS0535: 'DSnA.Test' does not implement interface member 'System.IComparable.CompareTo(object)' Since the class Test is an abstract class, why does the compiler require it to implement the i...

Why abstract classes necessary?

Possible Duplicate: What is an abstract class ? 1.What is the point of creating a class that can't be instantiated? Most commonly to serve as a base-class or interface (some languages have a separate interface construct, some don't) - it doesn't know the implementation (that is to be provided by the subclasses / implement...

Figuring out what makes a C++ class abstract in VS2008

I'm using VS2008 to build a plain old C++ program (not C++/CLI). I have an abstract base class and a non-abstract derived class, and building this: Base* obj; obj = new Derived(); fails with the error "'Derived': cannot instantiate abstract class". (It may be worth noting, however, that if I hover over Base with the cursor, VS will po...

How to create a dynamic array of an Abstract class?

Lets say I have an abstract class Cat that has a few concrete subclasses Wildcat, Housecat, etc. I want my array to be able to store pointers to a type of cat without knowing which kind it really is. When I try to dynamically allocate an array of Cat, it doesn't seem to be working. Please help? Cat* catArray = new Cat[200]; ...

Java: reusable encapsulation with interface, abstract class or inner classes?

I try to encapsulate. Exeption from interface, static inner class working, non-static inner class not working, cannot understand terminology: nested classes, inner classes, nested interfaces, interface-abstract-class -- sounds too Repetitive! BAD! --- Exception 'illegal type' from interface apparently because values being constants(?!) ...

Abstract attributes in Python

What is the shortest / most elegant way to implement the following Scala code with an abstract attribute in Python? abstract class Controller { val path: String } A subclass of Controller is enforced to define "path" by the Scala compiler. A subclass would look like this: class MyController extends Controller { override va...

Relevance of 'public' constructor in abstract class.

Is there any relevance of a 'public' constructor in an abstract class? I can not think of any possible way to use it, in that case shouldn't it be treated as error by compiler (C#, not sure if other languages allow that). Sample Code: internal abstract class Vehicle { public Vehicle() { } } The C# compiler all...

@MustOverride annotation?

In .NET, one can specify a "mustoverride" attribute to a method in a particular superclass to ensure that subclasses override that particular method. I was wondering whether anybody has a custom java annotation that could achieve the same effect. Essentially what i want is to push for subclasses to override a method in a superclass that...

Java - Using Abstract classes properly (problem with COLT)

I'm using colt for some algebraic operations with sparse matrices. Actually i want to calculate a sparse matrix inverse, everything looks pretty easy but i'm not able to get it done. There is a method in "Algebra" called inverse that get a DoubleMatrix2D [abstract], and SparseMatrix2D is a direct subclass of DoubleMatrix2D. A couble of...

c# - what approach can I use to extend a group of classes that include implemented methods? (see description for more detail)

Hi, I want to create an extendible package I am writing that has Topology, Node & Relationship classes. The idea is these base classes would have the various methods in them necessary to base graph traversal methods etc. I would then like to be able to reuse this by extending the package. For example the base requirements might see ...

java: can't use constructors in abstract class

Hi. I created the following abstract class for job scheduler in red5: package com.demogames.jobs; import com.demogames.demofacebook.MysqlDb; import org.red5.server.api.IClient; import org.red5.server.api.IConnection; import org.red5.server.api.IScope; import org.red5.server.api.scheduling.IScheduledJob; import org.red5.server.api.so.I...

abstract class extends abstract class in php?

I am working on a simple abstract database class. In my usage of this class, I'll want to have some instance be a singleton. I was thinking of having a abstract class that is not a singleton, and then extend it into another abstract class that is a singleton. Is this possible? Recommended? Edit: I want to have two abstract that are p...

How to easily substitute a Base class

Hi, I have the following hierarchy of classes class classOne { virtual void abstractMethod() = 0; }; class classTwo : public classOne { }; class classThree : public classTwo { }; All classOne, classTwo and classThree are abstract classes, and I have another class that is defining the pure virtual methods class classNonAbstra...

can I have an abstract base class with the key attribute being generic

Hi, I want to create a re-usable library. I was going to use extension methods however I run into some issues in some cases for the client to have to specify in the calling method the types. QUESTION - If I use an abstract base class as the basis, can I specify an attribute/property in the class to be generic (e.g. the key property m...

How can I create object in abstract class without having knowledge of implementation?

Hi, Is there a way to implement the "CreateNode" method in my library abstract below? Or can this only be done in client code outside the library? I current get the error "Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface 'ToplogyLibrary.AbstractNode" public abstract class AbstractTopology<T> { // Properties publi...