
check status application pool iis7 with csharp (access-denied)

I need to monitor the status of an application in the applications pool of IIS 7 from an other machine on the same domain. My monitoring application must be in C# and running as a Windows service. On my server, I create a user with administration rights and I execute the command aspnet_regiis -ga machine\username wich worked succesfully...

jQuery "Access Is Denied" Error

I have an $.ajax() request that queries currency exchange rate information from another web server, which is the reason (I believe) for which I am getting an "Access Is Denied" error on the $.ajax() call. Is there a way to permit this type of activity? ...

drupal using with XMLRPC call to another site. "Access Denied" message

I have a piece of code on 1 drupal site to create a node another drupal site in a multi-site setup. It looks like I'm getting the sessionid and logging in just fine, but when trying to create a "page" node, I get "Access denied". Under Services -> Settings I have "Key Authentication", "Use keys" is unchecked, and "Use sessid" is checked....

Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame, when try to upload file with ajax

Hello. My goal is to upload file with ajax-way. I use this javascript library There is a link on my page like "Upload" button on example page. When I click it, "Open file" dialog is open. I choose file and form is automatically submitted. This is my javascript code. v...

cross domain XMLHttprequest

Here is my situation: I have a Webserver machine, Client machine, and a third machine running some program that listens for XMLHttpRequests. Client accesses the Webserver from the Client machine, makes some changes, and then clicks on'Save'. At this point, data is being sent back to the Webserver and to the Third machine. All of this i...

running pskill.exe "access denied"

Im attempting to kill a process remotely by using pskill. From the command line, pskill works great, but when trying the same command in C# Im getting an access denied error. var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "pskill.exe", Argume...

Access is denied - when trying to get the url (text) from address bar's handle

I'm trying to extract the URL from the address bar of IE. (IE 8 on Windows 7) using the following C# code. static string GetUrlFromIE() { IntPtr windowHandle = APIFuncs.getForegroundWindow(); IntPtr childHandle; String strUrlToReturn = ""; //try to get a handle to IE's too...

iis 7 \ windows 7 access is denied

Hi all, I am trying a very simple action of saving a file into a folder of mine. I am hosting my application on windows 7 using iis 7. When I try saving my file I get the following error: Access to the path 'C:\MyWebsite\MyFolder' is denied I am not impersonating, I have given network service full control on the folder. What can be ca...

Access denied while getting process path

Hello, I am trying to get process path by pid but I'm getting Win32Exception (access id denied). The code looks like this: string path = Process.GetProcessById(pid).MainModule.FileName I have tried using OpenProcess with GetModuleFileNameEx but OpenProcess is returning 0. I even tried enabling SeDebugPrivilege according to C# – How ...

Getting Access Denied when trying to view or delete a MySite in SharePoint 2007 Moss

Hello, Im the SharePoint Administrator at my company. When i try to go to someones site to delete it. using this path> Central Administration site > SharedServices1 Home page > User Profiles and Properties > View user profiles. I then select the userid that has the site i wish to delete. Then try to manage Personal site. I then get...

Edit Windows 7 Registry in Python?

I have run into another problem with my current project. The program needs to values and keys periodically while running. Each time I attempt to edit the value, I get a code 5, Access Denied. How would I go about doing this so the values can be editied, but the user doesn't have to enter admin credentials to run the application? I am us...

(Accès refusé) Access Denied exception

I m accessing file from java application, but i m getting following exception c:\Program Files\sample\sample\cample.xml (Acc?s refus?) at Source) at at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(Unknown Source) at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) ...

accessing COM port using : access denied

Hi, I've written a Generic Handler so I can access my server's COM port through javascript. I'm doing this, because I'm writing a Web Interface to an ESP-88 from BOSE, for internal use. The code must be configurable, and I added routines for both TCP/IP support and RS232. In a desktop app, the code runs fine, but in an 4.0 App...

eclipse won't create adt project due to 'access denied'

I installed JavaEE, JDK, Eclipse 3.5.x (Galileo), the Android Starter SDK, and the current ADT all with no problems. However, when I try to walk through the 'Hello Android' tutorial, I bring up the New Android Project wizard, fill it in and hit 'Finish'. After a moment, it comes back with a message saying there was a problem at path X...

Why I get Access denied when try to read file from ProgramFiles/MyApp?

Hi, I am trying to read from a config file in ProgramFiles/MyApp but in Windows 7 it throws an exception for Access denied, it is the same and for a file in ProgrammData/MyApp: fileStream = new FileStream(this.StorageName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Is not it allowed to read only from these folders? ...

SharePoint - can't submit a Designer-created form (Access Denied)

Hello, So I have this site to which a given set of users have read access. I created two lists--one for a list of available classes, another for sign-ups--and granted the users Contribute access. I created two forms--one to sign up, another to manage sessions--and gave the users Contribute access to both. When I sign in as one of the s...

Cannot open backup device. Operating System error 5.

Hello everyone, Below is the Query that I am using to backup (create a .bak) for my database. However, whenever I run it, i always get this error message: Msg 3201, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Cannot open backup device 'C:\Users\Kimpoy\Desktop\Backup\AcinsoftDB.Bak'. Operating system error 5(Access is denied.). Msg 3013, Level 16, State...

Why do I get "Access is denied" when re-loading an allready running XBAP?

I'd like to embedd a XBAP in a SharePoint Web Part. My approach is to load the XBAP (on the same server) using an IFrame. If I load the Web Part for the first time, it works. However if I navigate to some other page within SharePoint and return back to my Web Part, I get "An error occurred in the application you were using" and "Acce...