
Within the webbrowser , is it possible to make a <DIV> element focus?

I am using a WebBrowser object to render text which is presented in a table format. This WebBrowser is embedded within an Eclipse plugin project. In order to comply the accessibility requirement, I need to make each entry in the WebBrower to have focus when using the up / down arrow keys to navigate through the entries so the screen rea...

Any possibility to get a notification if another application receives a scroll event?

Hi, I'm developing an application in Cocoa which allows users to draw on any given window in OS X. The drawings move along with the corresponding window when dragged on screen. To complete this tie between drawings and the windows (and their contents) beneath, I'd like to catch scrolling events from the window in order to react on the p...

CSS icons with some semantic text, browsercompatibility issues...

Hi, I'm using this code to display sprite driven icons (if graphics are available only the icons should show up, for other devices the text is supposed to help): Markup: <span class="icon ok">OK</span> CSS: .icon { display:block; width:16px; height:16px; padding-left:40px; overflow:hidden; background:transparent url(sprite.png) 0px ...

Window list ordered by recently used

I'm trying to create a window switching application. Is there any way of getting a list of the windows of other applications, ordered by recently used? ...

How accessible are dropdown lists on mobile devices?

I am developing as site for mobile devices which requires the user to select a product (there are ~70 in total). I however do not have a testing device with me at the moment (I am also currently on a Mac and do not know of any mobile browser emulators for Macs). My question is, would a drop down list of length ~70 be way too long? How h...

What steps can be taken to produce semantic, accessible, standards-compliant client-side output with ASP.NET Webforms?

I understand that it may not be possible to decouple the client-side from the server-side code in ASP.NET Webforms. What steps can be taken to produce a website on this framework that complies to web standards? I am particularly concerned with making the site accessible with JavaScript disabled, and compliant to WCAG2 at conformance lev...

Video on product page - ecommerce

Couldn't find a better place to ask this so I hope you guys can help me! I need to integrate product videos on a product page. I've seen people adding it to the product description but I wonder if is there a better and more highlighted way to show this video. It can't be the first thing the client sees, so I have to keep the product's ...

WiX UI elements in wrong order for Screen Readers

When I create a custom dialog in WiX, I put elements down in the order "Text" "Edit" "Text" "Edit" et. For example: <Control Id="NameText" Type="Text" X="25" Y="50" Width="100" Height="10" Text="Enter Name:"/> <Control Id="NameEdit" Type="Edit" X="25" Y="60" Width="100" Height="15" Text="jo_bob55"/> <Control Id="AgeText" Type="Text" X="...

Generated password characters that are hard to mistake

I am developing a tool where a short pass code is generated. That code will be read to the intended user, so I want to limit my character set to letters that are hard to mistake. Both the reader and the listener will be untrained, so any solution must be transparent to them. I want to be able to just give them the passcode and have it...

Python package for Microsoft Active Accessibility library?

Is there a package for Microsoft Active Accessibility library other than which seems to have been abandoned (I can't seem to get the source code from sourceforge )and does not support Python 2.6. Thanks. ...

Architecture problem: access-queue block

There's a resource manager class. It helps us to access devices. But, of course, it should look for not to give access to one device for 2 processes at the same time. At first I thought I wouldn't have any access queue. I thought there would be method like anyFree_devicename() that would return access handle if there is any free and NUL...

Get current directory of a Finder window from a cocoa application

I'm trying to get a current directory of a finder window that is in focus from another cocoa application that is running in a background. I know that it can be done using an applescript like: tell application "Finder" try set dir to (the target of the front window) as alias on error set dir to startup disk end try end tell However...

In how many ways a website can be accessed and should we consider all condition?

As far as i know a website can be accessed on Desktop Browser Text only browser Mobile phone browser PSP Iphone/ipad touch screen and conditions JavaScript disabled CSS disabled JavaScript and CSS both disabled images disabled with screen reader and keyboard with keyboard only with keyboard and mouse combination. Color Monitor B&W ...

Programming for Android as a blind person.

Hello All, I have a friend who is quite a capable programmer, especially considering that he is blind. Now he would like to start developing for Android. But, the problem I see him running into is that there appears to be no accessibility features for the Android emulator. Ideally he would be able to have his computer read the conten...

WCAG 2.0 Support In ASP.NET 4.0

Have there been any improvements to aid accessibility standard compliance in ASP.NET 4.0? (WCAG 2.0 in particular) ...

Jtemplate Accessibility question

Hi all the Accessibility experts, I use jtemplate in my website and have issue to pass w3c Web Accessibility. The issue is that jtemplate (well, not only jtemplate but most of other client template) uses hidden <textarea> as the template holder. And according to W3c Accessibility standard, every textbox/textarea required an associated l...

Tabbing through links that are hidden on webpage (accessibility issue)

I have a web page with 3 links. 1 of the links is hidden by a parent div that has display:none. When I hover over another div however, the hidden div will be shown thereby revealing the link. How can I tab through all 3 links and get link 3 to display automatically when i tab to it? <html> <head> <title>Skype Home</title> <meta ...

How to detect, from browser, if user is running in Remote Desktop session?

Is there a ways to check inside a browser (e.g. javascript) if the user is running inside a Remote Desktop session? If the user is running their browser inside a Remote Desktop (i.e. Terminal Services), i want to disable animations on the web-site. If this were a native application, as opposed to a web-site, i could perform this che...

how to set accelerator (access key) for an imagebutton

Imagebutton is a hybrid consisting of image and text. See here: I use the first method because it is most straightforward for me. Now, the pr...

Alphabetic shortcuts for menu in Android

Is it a good practice to define the alphabetic shortcuts (alphabeticShortcut) of the menu items? I ask because I've never used them in any of the Android devices that I have owned, even those that have a physical keyboard. Is there any reason to define them? Maybe an accessibility use-case than I'm not seeing? ...