
jquery nested accordion problem

Hi there, First question ever asked at stackoverflow. So, problem is: Two accordion declarations on document.ready (jquery 1.4.2 and jquery ui 1.8.2): $(document).ready(function () { $("#accordion").accordion({ header: 'h3' }); $("#accordion2").accordion({ header: 'h4' }...

Is it possible to add ScrollTo to my accordion FAQ page?

I'm using this accordion script for a simple FAQ page. I tried adding the ScrollTo so when a question is opened, it scrolls down to it automatically for a better user experience. Can someone please help me? ...

Silverlight Toolkit Accordion - Change color

Hi, In the toolkit, I can't figure out how to change the color of the text under the selected section. It is gray and looks like it is disabled. What do I change to display it in the default color? Thanks! <!-- // (c) Copyright Microsoft Corporation. // This source is subject to the Microsoft Public License (Ms-PL). // Please see ht...

Accessing a JQuery Options Variable. (To set the cycle = false variable of a JQuery Accordion.)

(function($) { $.hrzAccordion = { setOnEvent: function(i, container, finalWidth, settings){ $("#"+container+"Handle"+i).bind(settings.eventTrigger,function() { var status = $('[rel='+container+'ContainerSelected]').data('status'); if(status ==1 && settings.eventWaitForAnim === true){ return false; ...

iframe + simplemodal + accordion = broken ESC key

The escape button seems to be broken when you expand/collapse any of the content at least once. The escape button triggers fine if you do not expand/collapse any of the content. This issue holds true when using jQuery-UI dialog as well. Is there a way to resolve the issue with the escape button not closing the dialog/modal? <iframe src...

What is an accordion called that can expand more than one panel at a time?

Hi, Can someone please tell me what is the name of a widget that works like an accordion but where you can expand more than one containter/panel at a time. I am very new to all this programming lingo? ...

Take bounciness out of horizontal accordion Here is an example I am working on of a horizontal accordion linked with a Google map. The problem I am having is when you click on a slice on the right side, and then click another slice while the previous one is open, the first slice bounces in place. Any way to remove the bouncing going on? Thanks! ...

Adding jQuery modal dialog in an accordion

Hi folks, I have just started using jQuery in the past couple of weeks and am really enjoying it - damn fantastic thing! I have one problem at the moment though. Here's the basic structure of my page: <body> <div id="accordionContainer"> <div class="accordionSectionHeader"> Some header label... </div> <div class="ac...

Silverlight 4.0 Accordion Template

Hi, Is their a free template of accordion which behaves like Outlook? When the user adjusted its grid, the accordion item will form an images, stack horizontally? Thank you in advance ...

jQuery Load Data into Accordion

Hello, I recently asked a question (and had it answered) here: I have a follow-up question, I was hoping to receive some advice on. Basically, I am loading data into the following div: "#my_div", which is actually a child element of another div, "#accordion", which is an acc...

JQuery Toggle Button and Accordion Problem

I have a "Menu" btn that should slide-open a div with an "accordion" menu in it. When I add the value hide() (in JS) or "hidden" (in CSS) for the div that contains the accordion, the accordion stops working properly. It doesn't view all the content in it when you click on an accordion section, after opening the div with the accordion w...

Roll up child elements in nested jQuery Accordion

When using jQuery's Accordion (in a nested fashion), I want to ensure that when a parent element is clicked/opened, any open children are closed/rolled up. I'm not sure what selector(s) I should use when attempting to do this. So far I've tried rigging a change event with "activate" set to false, but that simply makes any element that ...

JQueryUI accordion changestart event - how to get data out of it? I'm trying to have an JQuery ajax request get some data and populate the body of a div inside each of my JQueryUI accordion rows when the row is expanded. My intention is to have a hidden field, or some such, within the clickable h3's of the accordion and when the changestart event ...

Accordion Menu in XCODE

hey, I'm trying to make a accordion menu in Objective-C for a iPad app. The only thing I know is that I should look over core animation. Couldn't find anything helpfull. Can anyone help me ? at least give me a few pointers. ...

jQueryUI Accordian Menu - How to deal with items with no sub-menus

I've got a vertical menu using jQueryUI's Accordian method. The first two items have sub-menus and then the rest don't. I also have the event set to 'hover' instead of 'click'. The problem: is that when you hover over any of the items with no sub-menus, then it hides the one with a sub-menu. Is there a way I can make it so it always k...

add url in jquery accordion

I'm having trouble with jquery accordion menu. I want ONLY the text "Chewable Oraldolphilus" go to a url. The requirement is that it should work with click not mouseover. Right now when you click anywhere next to a link it goes to a url instead of just expanding the accordion. Please advise. Thanks.

accordion fix (jquery)

HTML <h2 class="sec-title">one</h2> <div class="sec-content">content 1</div> <h2 class="sec-title">two</h2> <div class="sec-content">content 2</div> jQuery: $('.sec-content').hide(); $('.sec-title:first').addClass('active').next().show(); $('.sec-title').click(function(){ if( $(this).next().is(':hidden') ) { $('.sec-title').remo...

Programmatically Add a new Dojo AccordionPane to Existing AccordionContainer

I am trying to add a new AccordionPane to a existing container, but for the life of me I can't get it to work. Is anyone able to suggest where I am going wrong? <html> <head> <script type="text/javascript" src="" djConfig="parseOnLoad: true"> </script> ...

Using a form in a jquery accordion

I have several forms inside one accordion widget and if a certain SELECT has an option selected, when the accordion is opened to that element, the page appears to redraw. It is an annoyance, and I found if I left no option preselected, it acts as it should. However, it is kind of important to have the option preselected.. Any thought...

Ajax Accordion Loses Current Pane

Hi I'm using an Ajax Accordion with several panes. On a postback the currently opened pane is always reset back to the first pane. Is there any way around this problem? Thanks Rob. ...