
Symfony Admin Generator - New / Update

Hi there! I had used the symfony admin generator to create an web application for athletes management. One of the last client's requirement was to add a feature to notice the user and send an e-mail to the administrators when an athlete with the same number is inserted on the database. Until now, the column number of the Athlete table h...

Does RelayCommand, or passing an Action<T>, behave differently when the method is from an interface?

I think this is my overall .NET inexperience speaking here, but I cannot figure out why this is happening to me. My Model ImportManys an interface called ISystemSetupEditor, and in this case I have a couple of parts that Export that interface. In the application's ViewModel, I have a method that creates a menu, and iterates over the IE...

Zend Framework _forward to other action inside same controller

How can i forward to other action inside the same controller avoiding repeat all dispatch proccess ? Example: If i point to User Controller the default action is indexAction() inside this funciton i use _forwad('list') ... but all dispatch proccess are repeated.. and i dont that Whats is the right way ? ...

An infinite scrolling panel in AS3

Hi everyone, I'm trying to create a infinite scrolling panel containing diagonal stripes in ActionScript 3. As the panel is dragged to the right or left, the program populates it with more stripes, to create the appearance of an infinitely scrolling panel. The stripe graphic itself is an MC in my library with the class name of Stripe. ...

flash setinterval function slow in IE

Hi, why flash setinterval function is too slow in IE.. Pls help how to fix it . ? Best Regards, Satish Kalepu ...

Please explain Action in Struts 2.0 XML file

<action name="userLogin" class=""> <result name="error">/user-login.jsp</result> <result name="redirect" type="redirect">${retUrl}</result> <result name="customerRedirect" type="redirect">${customerRedirect}</result> <result name="supplierRedirect" type="redirect">${supplierRedirect}</r...

Best ASP.NET MVC practice to distinguish GET/POST action methods with same signature?

When implementing Edit action, I add two methods for Get and Post: Edit(string id) Ideally, they need have same signature. But of course this is not compilable. So I add a dummy parameter to HttpPost method (form in my case): [HttpGet] public ActionResult Edit(string id) { var user = Entities.Users.SingleOrDefault(s => s.UserID == ...

Zend Framework Action Helper Problem

Hi, I'm a relative noob when it comes to Zend Framework, however I've got a form that I need to use if a couple of views so I thought I might use a Action Helper to instantiate the form set a few attributes and pass it to the relevant view. I've created the Action Helper and can call it from within the relevant controller's action, howe...

Rails - How to differentiate an action call from different pages?

I have a destroy action defined for a particular resource. On completion, it uses an rjs file with a visual effect to remove the resource from the page that it is being called from. My problem is that the destroy action can be called from 2 different templates. And so the visual effect needs to be different, depending on which template ...

Modelling a permissions system

How would you model a system that handles permissions for carrying out certain actions inside an application? ...

Why can't I define an Action in line in a method expecting a delegate ?

Hi, Given the following MSDN sample code, why can't I define the Action delegate "inline": public static void Main(string[] args) { Action someAction = () => Console.WriteLine("Hello from the thread pool!"); Task.Factory.StartNew(someAction); } "inline" like: public static void Main(string[] args) { Task.Factory.S...

variable number of parameters from a url/paramname/valueparam in an array ?

hello, basicly I would like to read url params in an array so finding params don't depend on their place in url I have a url for seach with controller/action/paramA/valueparamA/paramB/valueparamB theses params are optional : I have direct url with search params inside to read params from url we have to use action(valueparamA, valuepara...

@selector and other class (Objective-C)

Hi, Inside an object I use NSMenu's addItemWithTitle:action:keyEquivalent: to create NSMenuItems. The problem is that I wish to call a method on another object as action. The action: part takes an @selector as parameter and I don't know how to use this to call methods on other objects. I could create a method inside the object creating ...

Add custom action:@selector to UISwitch on TableViewCell

Hello guys, I have TableCellViewController for managing cells in my UITableView. Each cell has a label na UISwitch (dictTypeSwitch). A want to assign method to switch events so I can save the state of button. So far I've done this: assign setState function to object: [cell.dictTypeSwitch addTarget:self action:@selector(setState:) for...

Call MVC file download action method from jQuery

If I have the following MVC Action: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)] public ActionResult GetDocument(int id, string fileName) { // ..... // return File(fileStream, "text/plain", fileName); } I want to call the action on a click of a table row using jQuery. But I'm a bit confused, because I don't think I want an Ajax call here do...

How to transform form tag code into a page that have a master page ?

I have web page that have the following : <form id="WebCaptureForm" name="WebCaptureForm" onsubmit="return checkform(this);" enctype="multipart/form-data" method=post action="http://site/page.aspx?idn=1&amp;tr=100d1165&amp;action=savenew"&gt; I want to make new page with master page that contain the same code but how ca...

struts2 Could not execute action

<package name="queryReports" extends="struts-default" namespace="/queryReport/ajax"> <action name="auditLogQueryReport" class=""> <result name="success" type="redirect-action"> <param name="actionName">runReportReport!show</param> <param name="names...

ASP form action file (FileSystemObject)

Hey, I've got my code to post a javascript array in a form: <form id="my_form" action="file:///C:/Users/John/Desktop/jquery/savetext.aspx" method="post" onsubmit="return prepare()"> <input type="text" id="file_name" name="file_name" rows="1" cols="20" /> <input type="hidden" name="seatsArray" /> <input type="submit" value="Save" /> </f...

Redirect to views according to form selection

User registration in my application is performed in steps. After submitting the form, some validation is performed and then register_prompt view is called. It renders a form, with two options - 'ok' and 'cancel'. Clicking ok will run registration, and clicking cancel should redirect to main page. Problem is that no matter which of the tw...

Getting the Current controller and action sent to the Route

Hello, I am attempting to Get the current controller and action being called in the route. In my Global.asax.cs I have the following using and the following line: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using System.Web.Routing; using IProwlAdminUI.Models; *** LINE WIT...