
does an MVC Action have to return an actionResult?

Can a so called action in my controller just be a regular function that returns anything I want or does the return of an ActionResult declare whether its an "action" or not? I was wondering if i could call functions in my ActionLink in the "actionname" that didn't return actionresults. thx ...

ASP.Net MVC - strange params caching behaviour in Actions

I'm facing a strange problem in my project. My actions are getting old param values instead of the actual values which are in Request.Params. I created a HomeController.Echo(string text) action to illustrate it (see screenshot). When I call the action for the first time like "Home/Echo?text=aaa" everythink works fine. When I call the sam...

Action tag not executes in Struts 2

Hi, I have a problem invoking actions from my jsp pages with tag in struts2. I have the login.jsp file: <s:action name="headerMenu" executeResult="true" namespace="/menu"</s:action> <s:form action="executeLogin"> <s:textfield name="username" label="Username"></s:textfield> <s:password name="password" label="Password"></s:pass...

help with struts2 form & combobox

hi, i have a combobox in a form and when i click submit i get this error. HTTP ERROR: 404 No result defined for action MyAction and result input in the action i tried to return INPUT instead of SUCCESS but still doesnt work. any ideas what can be wrong? thanks. ...

struts2 combobox - pass Integer id and not String name through the form to the action

hi, my form is passing the String name of the country to the action. how can i pass the id of the object country from the combobox to the action? this is what i have: s:combobox label="Country" name="country" headerValue="Select" headerKey="1" list="%{countries}" listValue="name"/> thanks. ...

WiX - Custom Action (after installation) does not run on upgrade

I have created a custom action that gets triggered via UI. It works fine for new install but fails during upgrade. However, if I run a repair from control panel, it then runs fine. I tried capturing msi log but it does not give any clue. Here are the snippets... UI: <Control Id="CloseButton" Type="PushButton" X="230" Y="243" Width="66"...

How to deal with list return values in ANTLR

What is the correct way to solve this problem in ANTLR: I have a simple grammar rule, say for a list with an arbitrary number of elements. list : '[]' | '[' value (COMMA value)* ']' If I wanted to assign a return value for list, and have that value be the actual list of returned values from the production, what is the proper way to ...

Problem declaring an anonymous method with Action(Of T) and lambda.

Imports System.Reflection Public Class Test Private Field As String End Class Module Module1 Sub Main() Dim field = GetType(Test).GetField("Field", Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic Or Reflection.BindingFlags.Instance) Dim test = New Test Dim GetValue = New Func(Of Test, String)(Function(t As Test) fie...

Struts 2: parameters between Actions

Hello everyone! I have the following question: I need to pass a parameter (for example ID ) when I finish a form and the action save the form's values, this will forward to the result = "success" and I need that the action that will be call in the success come with the ID and other parameters to later use in the next form for save this ...

Accessing the list of Controllers/Actions in an ASP.NET MVC application

We know that behind the scenes, the ASP.NET MVC framework will use reflection to determine what controllers/actions are available to be executed, based on which classes derive from System.Web.Mvc.Controller and, of those classes, which methods return an ActionResult object. To my question - is it possible to access this list of control...

Controlling the ID of a custom action item in SharePoint

I have added a custom action to the CustomList type. For testing purposes I would like to exercise my new custom action using our testing harness. Unfortunately, I don't know how I can generate an ID for my custom menu item! Here is an example (XPath expression) for the 'Delete Item' built-in menu option: /body/div/div/table/tbody/tr[@...

How can I restrict the visibility of a custom list action to a newly defined group

I have created a custom action for items in a list (custom printing of the item). I have defined a new SharePoint group called 'Print Users'. I want to restrict the availability of the printing custom action to only members of the 'Print Users' group. I haven't been able to find an attribute in either the feature.xml or element.xml file...

ActionFilter to share archived order data and current order data

Just wondering if anyone has used an actionfilter to make it possible to share the view for a specific type between archived info and current info? Example: public class Order { protected IList<int> _products; public Order(IList<int> products) { _products = products ?? new List<int>(); } public virtual void...

Install Shield 2009 Premier Custom Action problem in Vista Home/Premium/Ultimate

Environment: Install Shield 2009 Premier, Vista (Home/Premium, Ultimate) I have a custom action in Install Shield 2009 that would fire during installation. If setup.exe is run its fine, but when run the MyApplication.msi in Vista(please note in other OS the custom actions work just fine) it shows exception running the custom action. Cus...

Concurrent Haskell Actions with Timeout

Hi,how could one implement a function in concurrent haskell that either returns 'a' successfully or due to timeout 'b'? timed :: Int → IO a → b → IO (Either a b) timed max act def = do Best Regards, Cetin SertNote: the signature of timed can be completely or slightly different. ...

In Symfony, how to retrieve the rendered template content as a variable in an action?

I'd like to set a variable in my Symfony action that holds the rendered template data for that action. I'm returning some JSON content with the action, and I'd like to store what the action would be outputting into the JSON and return it. public function executeAjaxPriceAdditionCreate(sfWebRequest $request) { $this->form = new ProductP...

set zend framework action controller

hi all, i want to set my action controller from within a hidden filed in my view script form and when my form submitted zend framework router diagnose the action. like this: ...

Is there a way I can inline a function to an Action delegate and referenced it at the same time?

Is there a way I can inline the delegated task instead of separating it on another function? Original Code: private void ofdAttachment_FileOk(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { System.Threading.ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem((o) => Attach()); } void Attach() // I want to inline this function on FileO...

How do I write a KEY_DOWN Handler in ActionScript 3?

Okay, I've tried about 8 different ways to get a key event into my code, and none of them seem to work. Can someone please tell me how I can move this ball when I press shift? Thank you in advance <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" styleName = "plain" xmlns="cyanprim... MVC Action URLs with lambda expression

I'm sure I have seen this syntax <%= Url.Action((MyController c) => c.MyMethod("a")) %> or something like it as a way to generate action URLs in MVCs without magic strings. However, I can't find that Action overload. I have ASP.NET MVC 1.0. Where is it? ...