
custom UITableViewCell item problems

Hi, I am a newbie. I have a custom UITableViewCell with 3 items: a UILabel a UITextField and a UIButton My question is, how do I know from which cell the button was clicked or textField was edited ? Is there a way to track them? Thanks for any replies. ...

Map ASP.NET MVC action parameter name to another name

Can I map an action's parameter to a different name? I want to use reserved words as parameters for an action, such as: search?q=someQuery&in=location&for=x So "in" and "for" can't be used as parameter names of the method. Is there a built in feature for that or should I create a model binder? Thanks. ...

New Action Not Working

I have a standard User controller with the normal set of actions (index, show, new, edit, etc) and I'm trying to add a new action named 'profile'. I added the following code: def profile @user = User.find(session[:user_id]) end I also created a new view for the action (app/views/users/profile.html.erb), but whenever I try to view...

Default action on JSF pages (ie pressing enter on input fields)

A HTML page is created using JSF and facelets (xhtml). There are 2 h:forms that goes to different places. The user enters data on one form and presses the "Enter" key. Here is where it gets tricky. On IE 6 and above, either the forms action gets submitted (which usually points to the page you are on) which then just reloads the page, or...

Get controller and action descriptors for a url & parameters

Is it possible to use the MVC framework & reflection to get a controller and action descriptors for a url and a list of parameters? Basically I want to tap into 1) the logic to resolve a route and 2) the logic that determines which action signature matches the list of parameters coming from the client. Thanks. ...

ASP.NET MVC class that represents a controller+action set?

Is there a class in the ASP.NET MVC framework that represents a controller name and an action name? I'm writing a method that will return a collection of URLs and I want them to be returned as objects that contain a 'Controller' and 'Action' property or something similar. This is because sometimes I'll need to isolate just the controll...

Template not found in action method after calling a library method in symfony

Hi, I'm calling a method of a library that I've created in symfony 1.2. If I don't call the library method in the action method, then the method in the action class works as it should, and it finds the template. But, if I call the library method in the action class, symfony tells me that it cannot find the template associated to the acti...

.NET MVC Call method on different controller

Can anybody tell me how to call a method on a different controller from within an action method? I don't want to redirect. I want to call a method on a different controller that returns a string and use the response within my action method. ...

ASP.NET StrongTyped Controller-Action View<TView,TModel>(TModel Data)

I'm using MVC 1 and I would really like my controller actions to use StronglyTyped View(data) calls that enforce type checking at compile time and still let me use aspx pages under the default view engine. The ViewPages I call are strongly typed, but errors in the action's call to View(data) can't be caught at compile time becau...

ASP.NET MVC: Get an action output within another action

In ASP.NET MVC application I have an action Page() which renders a page (like a wiki page). Now, I have another action RenderPdf() which should collect the HTML output of Page() and use HTML2PDF component to create PDF version of that page. How do I collect the HTML output of one action within another action. Note: not in the view, bu...

C# - Is it possible to have multiple method signatures for an Action<>?

In C#, is it possible to have an object that has multiple method signatures for an Action<> or delegate? Like this: class Foo { public Action<string> DoSomething; public Action<string, string> DoSomething; } class Bar { public Bar() { Foo f1 = new Foo(); f1.DoSomething = (s) => { Console.Write(s) }; ...

Is it possible to "transfer" an ASP.NET MVC request from one action to another?

Suppose I have the following actions: public ActionResult DoSomething() { // Some business logic return RedirectToAction("AnotherAction", RouteData.Values); } public ActionResult AnotherAction(string name, int age) { ... } And the following form: <form method="post" action="DoSomething"> <input name="name" type="text"...

in Struts2, to submit values by postwith using an action, method

Hello, I'm from South Korea :) I have a question, but I couldn't find a solution for my problem in Korean web community. <s:form name="form1" method="post" action="products" theme="simple"> <s:hidden name="code" value="%{code}"/> <s:submit type="button" name="method:selectSale" value="goPage"/> </s:form> This code has no problem....

ASP.NET MVC - Current Action from controller code?

This is very similar to another recent question: However, I want to get the name of the current action from within controller code. So within the code of a function that's being called by an Action, I want to get a string of the name of the current Action. Is this p...

Data type used in action forms

Hi can somebody explain that if i declare variables of other types (except string) in the form beans what problems I might face ? ...

Which is the best approach?

I have a question regarding struts. I have a HashMap which has nearly 50 entries. Now I have to define this map inside an action class, say TestAction. As you know, this action class extends the Action class. Now my doubt is fundamental: Should I load the map as static? What are the advantages of loading this Map static? If I am g...

Troubles with html-forms.

Hi guys, I have index.php: <form action="update_db.php" method="post"> <?php require_once 'modules/' . $currentModule . '.php'; ?> </form> modules/*some_module*.php ... <input type="submit" /> ... update_db.php: @extract( $_POST ); print_r( $_POST ); After loading index.php i see need form. But duri...

Action Pack Subscription License Keys - Physical vs Virtual

I've noticed on my Action Pack Subscription there are new license keys for Windows Operating Systems that are labeled Physical and Virtual. There is no documentation on the site about what the differences are for those keys. I called Microsoft and got the run around. Eventually, the MS tech emailed me a snippet of text that described w...

[AS3] print a jpg

Hey guys, I've been trying to print a dynamically loaded jpg and for some reason it's never printing to scale, not sure what I'm doing wrong so here's what I've done so far var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest(getAbsPath("pages/" + pagePrint + "_big.jpg")); var loader:Loader = new Loader(); loader.load(request); loader.contentLoader...

Symfony: adding new action/view error. (Newb question)

I'm getting a 404 when trying to add a new module page. I'm apparently missing something fundamental here, being a newbie to Symfony. Can anyone point out what it is I'm missing? Many thanks. modules/admin/actions/actions.class.php /* following executeIndex() */ public function executeSchedule() { if ($this->getRequest()->getet...