I have an xml file (loaded in with URLLoader) that looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Brand us="Brand Here"></Brand>
<world squareunits="100"></world>
Once loaded,what is the quickest way to access world.squareunits ...
If I were to add a form (two inputs and a button) to a Flash project via an external class, could another team member change the visual characteristics of that form (skin, size, placement... etc.) in the .fla project file?
As it stands, I'm assuming that my AS3 user controls are added at compile time and thus are not accessible from the...
I used Gaia framework to build a self-scrolling slideshow. There are only 4 pages in all, but I have realized to my dismay that each of these pages are requested over and over from the server. If you leave the page open and the animation goes by itself, that can clobber our server.
What can I do to prevent this? I wonder if there is a ...
I am creating a portfolio website for myself and want to embed a swf that is a simple flash game into my main flash file. My problem is that when I use this code to put the swf into my main flash file it doesn't keep the proper swf dimensions and shows things that are outside of the stage. I can't seem to figure it out! Any help is much ...
How would you define/create generative typography ? I thought also of some sort of "intelligent" adaption. For example a font that uses serifs in certain condition or not…
Are there some findings in how you could access the vectors of a font in actionscript ?
i'm making an swf file that will load another swf file
var myLoader:Loader = new Loader();
var url:URLRequest = new URLRequest("1.swf");
i want to edit the main SWF dimensions to be same as the loaded one how can i do that ?
Hi all,
I am developing a component that can list files that users select from their filesystem. I'm using a (extended) FileReferenceList and (my own) FileReferenceDisplayList. The latter listens for events from the former.
If the FileReferenceDisplayList receives a FileReferenceListEvent.ADDED event, it should display the new item in t...
I have a custom TitleWindow component that is registered to listen for keyboard events from the user (so that esc closes the window, enter saves, etc.). However, in my testing I've found a couple cases where my keyboard event handlers don't fire.
My best guess as to why this is happening is that there is some child component somewhere t...
I am using Flex AS3, i have a accordian with two tabs each tab contains some text boxes and i am trying to access these child controls from button event handler which resides outside the accordian, Problem is these controls are null until i open the tabs of accordian.
i'm trying to use actionscript 3.0 and using trace(), it never outputs content of trace of variable either in flash player or in output area?
how to coorect or should i enable something?
whats the problem?
I've got an AS3 project that I'm building in FlexBuilder.
In my main class's constructor, I've got this:
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, stage_enterFrameHandler);
And then the event handler function:
private var tempCounter:uint = 0;
private function stage_enterFrameHandler(event:Event):void
hi all,
I am very new to flash. I've built a movie clip, inside this movie clip there is a button. There button does not respond to clicks (when I hover over it my cursor remains the same). I know it's not a problem with the button, since when I put the button directy in the main scene it works just great. Any ideas??
Btw, I am using f...
Hi there,
I'm trying to set the width of a Textfield() object based on it's string content that I have set-
Is there a way to dynamically set this once the string has been sent to the object?
I have:
var t1:TextField = new TextField()
t1.x = stage.stageWidth / 2;
t1.y = stage.stageHeight / 2;
t1.text = "some string that i would w...
I have a class named TextLink. The text is meant to be clicked on and it should dispatch an event (which I'm not too concerned about yet)... currently it just prints out a message.
The class takes an x, y, and a string to set the text. Dead simple...
But it crashes the browser.
Instance calls in main:
package {
import fl...
Hi all,
I have been googeling it for a while but with no success.
I am looking for a flash tutorial or maybe a control that implements the following (It's not very difficult but I am very new and if I try doing it myself it will turn quite ugly).
A box that is composed of subitems. each subitem can be viewed or removed from the box. I...
I have a panel component on my flex application. This component has a click event which is fired when the used makes click on the panel. But I would like to know the zone of the panel where click was made. In fact what I want to know is if click was made on the title bar of the panel.
How can I do that?
How can I call a function in file1.as from file2.as?
here is the code.
package com.modestmaps
import com.modestmaps.overlays.MarkerClip;
import flash.display.Graphics;
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Shape;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import flash...
I am loading an external swf file using the following code:
//add close button
var reqButton:URLRequest = new URLRequest(btn_close);
var loader2:Loader = new Loader();
loader2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, closeInfoBubble);
function closeInfoBubble(event:MouseEvent):void
I wrote a Scale9Bitmap class in AS3 and it requires the dev to set the BitmapData and a Rectangle for the scale9Grid. I'm wondered what is customary for the public get functions of both. Do I return a clone of each to make it free of hanging references, but not as memory-friendly? or do I leave that up to the dev and return the original ...
EDIT (for clarification):
I have a vector image with a simple contour, an irregular closed polygon.
I need to import it into Flash in a way that I can then programmatically access each of the segments that form the polygon.
Importing the vector image into the library as a MovieClip wasn't good because all I get is a shape from which I ca...