
Change a Flash AS3 context menu that is already personalized -- can't find it to change???

Is there any way to change a context menu that already has been personalized. I have an small application that I purchased to learn with and also to save some time. When I right click the context menu appears with the other person's information in it. I want to change that information if it is possible to do so. I tried var my_me...

Accept multiple arguments in an AS3 method

How do I accept multiple arguments in a custom method? Like: Proxy(101, 2.02, "303"); function Proxy(args:Arguments){ Task(args); } function Task(var1:int, var2:Number, var3:String){ // work with vars } ...

Testing and mocking with Flex

I am developing a "dumb" front-end, it's an AIR application that interacts with a "smart" LiveCycle server. There are currently about 20 request & response pairs for the application. For many reasons (testing, developing outside the corporate network, etc), we have several XML files of fake data, and if a certain configuration flag is se...

AS3: cancel event

Hi all, Let's say I want a Sprite to act as a button and I want this Sprite to be able to be disabled. Like so: public class Button extends Sprite { private var _disabled:Boolean = false; public function get disabled():Boolean { return _disabled; } public function set disabled( disable:Boolean ):void {...

Flash Timeline Sound Not Stopping On Navigate Away

I have a Flash piece that has one main timeline that loads different movie clips and different sections of that main timeline. On those embedded movie clips within the main timeline are sounds attached to the embedded movieclips timelines set to "stream". They have to be on the timeline so they sync up correctly (I can't load the sound...

Actionscript 3: Array Scope in a Document Class

I have the following function to set up cards in a game. I created one array to hold the kind of cards, and another array to hold the position of the cards. private function setPlayerCard(cardNumber:int, cardPos:int):void{ for (var i:int = 1; i < _CardGridInstance.numChildren+1; i++) { var _position:MovieClip = MovieClip(_C...

How do I upsample a wav file using AS3?

Hi. I am trying to upsample an 8000hz, 16-bit wav file to 11025hz in AS3. At this point, I am not concerned about applying the low-pass filters that I know I will eventually need. I've been referencing this wiki page. Here is what I've done so far: Calculated the least common multiple to be 3528000 Calculated L to be 441 Calculated M...

Most efficient method for "tiling" a smaller 2d array in a larger 2d array in AS3.

If I have a 2d array such as smallArray = [[1,0],[0,1]] and I have a larger 2d array such as largeArray = [[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]] What would be the most efficient way to "tile" the smaller array in the bigger one so that the bigger array would end up looking like largeArray = [[1,0,1,0],[0,1,0,1],[1,0,1,0],[0,1,0...

Console class init function name

I developed a static Console class that writes any traces, successes, and errors to a log file. It requires a file path String and a LoaderInfo instance to get started. At the moment, the function is named start(path, loaderInfo). I'm not really feeling the name "start", so I'm wondering if there's something more accurate. To me, start m...

How to make something similar to Time-Machine in a web page

Hi, I want to implement something similar to MAC OS X Time Machine in terms of having time-line on the page side and then clicking on a specific day will pull a page from the server. I have good experience with Ruby on Rails. I'm less experienced with GUI design and was wondering what in your opinion is the optimum way to do something ...

is there a video codec that can be loaded by Flash and Silverlight seamlessly?

Hi is there any possibility for loading flv or f4v on silverlight platform? Thanks! ...

SetTextFormat, font and bullets

If I set tf.bullet = true and then SetTextFormat(tf,x,y), it creates a bullet, but only if the character at position x is in a font that has a bullet character defined. If it doesn't then there's a blank where the bullet is supposed to be. Any ideas on how to set just the bullet to a given font. ...

To retreive Date in the same format as stored

Hi Friends, I am facing an issue in my Flex application. I am creating some array collections and storing date objects in it.In the later part of the application I will create 'advanceddatagridcolumns' with these array collections as the data sources. Initially while creating the Array Col , I do have the 'formats' given by user, for ea...

Action Script 3: How to set chart area background?

I'm building chart in Action Script 3.0 and need to set background color of the area where chart is drawn. I found solutions how to set background color for all chart, but it's not exactly what I need: I need to color chart part where plot is drawn ...

Ability to click on axis (Axis Interactivity)

Hi, I need to have interactive axis where user can click on it and I can return the clicked data points. Please provide suggestions in this regard. Thanks in advance. ...

ActionScript 3 Distributing TextFields

Actionscript 3 I have been wrecking my head most today on the best way of going about this, but i end up over complicating what i would believe to be a simple task. I have some TextFields lined up next to each other all fixed width, i.e ( [ width ]) tf1 tf2 tf3 tf4 tf5 [ 80 ][ 50 ][ 50 ...

detect the size of swf. flex/as3

I'm creating a map that has points of interest. (POI) When a user mouses over the POI an info bubble pops onto the screen and it loads an swf. I currently have 3 problems. My 4th problem is that this is due Monday 21st! so any help would be greatly appreciated! I can't detect the size of the swf so that my infobubble will size itself t...

Flex Alert control: Activating the "default" button on enter/space key-press

No matter what I try, I can't seem to fire the click event on the "default" button in an Alert control in a Flex 3.4 application. 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected link?', 'Confirm Delete', Alert.YES | Alert.CANCEL, null, confirmDelete, null, Alert.YES ); In the above code sample,...

Equivalent of Event.MOUSE_LEAVE in AS2

What is the equivalent of this AS3 code in AS2? stage.addEventListener(Event.MOUSE_LEAVE, callbackFunc); private function callbackFunc(e:Event):void { // do something } ...

Pass xml data to a swf object

The Context of the Problem I'm working on a rotator banner in flash. I use an external xml file to pass the banners info (like info-text, link, image-path, priority, etc). Everything is going well so far. I'm loading the xml something like this: var bannersXML:XML = new XML(); bannersXML.ignoreWhite = true; bannersXML.load("myBanners.x...