
Change AS3 Component Font

Hi, I want to change font name, font size and character embedding properties of a component (Combobox in my case) through Flash IDE (not in action script). Is there an option to do that? Thanks. ...

pass < or > operator into function as parameter?

Inside my function there is an if() statement like this: if(passedValue < staticValue) But I need to be able to pass a parameter dictating whether the if expression is like above or is: if(passedValue > staticValue) But I cant really pass < or > operator in has a parameter, so I was wondering what is the best way to do this? Also ...

Actionscript3: add and remove EventListeners (with dynamic name and dynamic variables)

picture: Hey all! I am making a boardgame in flash Action Script 3 each position on the board is a buttons like this: button_1_1, button_1_2 etc. Whenever a character is selected you want to move it so the script has to add event listeners for positions around the selected unit // This f...

Preventing error from being thrown in child swf

I want to load user submitted swf files into a parent Flex application. I'll be loading the swf from a different sandbox and i will deliberately not be granting security access. Often flash applications will have functions that try to access the stage, and in this case the child swf would throw an error because it would not have access....

What is the Flex/AS3/E4X equivalent of this xpath query?

Given this document: <doc> <element> <list> <key attr='val'/> </list> </element> <element> <list> <key attr='other'/> </list> </element> <element> <list/> </element> </doc> I want an e4x equivalent of the xpath //element[list/key/@attr="val"]. Is i...

Why doesn't the object show up in the scene ?

Hello everyone, I am using the following code to load .md2 model in a scene using Papervision3D 2.1.932. _md2.load(MD2_FILE ,new BitmapFileMaterial("./assets/dragon.png")); scene.addChild(_md2); By looking at the trace log, the texture is successfully loaded and so is the mesh. INFO: BitmapFileMaterial: Loading bitmap from ./assets/...

AS3 Import FLA file

Hi, I have two as3 projects. Project A has 2 files (fla with 1 frame and some components and as with some behavior and a default constructor). I want to use project A in my project B through as3 code. But when I do something like A a = new A(x, y, z); I receive lots of errors that in my I am using undefined properties (those define...

How to correctly load an .md2 mesh description with Papervision 3D 2.1.932 ?

How to correctly load an .md2 mesh description with Papervision 3D 2.1.932 ? ...

Does Import effect your file size AS3

This might be a silly a question. But I am just curious to know if the amount of classes you import into your flash class, affect the size of the class, the size swf file, or the amount of memory allocated. If so, does this affect take place before or after you initiate the class. thanks ...

Send XML String With HTTP Post In Actionscript 3

Hello, I am having a little trouble sending an xml string to an HTTPService an Actionscript3 (see code below). Basically, I am trying to send a georss xml string for conversion into another format. I am getting an ioError and suspect the xml is causing havoc with the services parser. I know this approach is probably not the best, but...

remote implementation for HTTPService in flex

In my flex application I am using httpService to connect to the server, for the response from server I wanted it to convert the http response to flex object, Is there any remote implementation availabe for the above purpose ...

what is SWC, when/where we use SWC in Flash

hi, Does any one know what is SWC and where we use this SWC in Flash Development. thanks in advance ...

Actionscript 3 mouse_over play movie

Hi, I'm trying to play a movie clip when I mouse_over it. I can do it fine by doing: mc1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,mover); function mover(e:MouseEvent):void {; } But, I want to use the same function for other movie clips, for example, to play movieclip2, movieclip3 etc. How would I achieve this? ...

Actionscript 3 mouse_over play movie, mouse_out reverse movie

Hi. I'm trying to make some flash buttons with a mouse_over animation that plays in reverse on mouse_out. Now I have it working for one of my three movie clip instances. I am using instead of having a function for each movie clip, but how do I do the same for my playReverse function? I tried putting e.currentTarge...

Change TextField selection color in AS3

How can I change the select ("highlight") color of an TextField in actionscript 3? I've got an input textfield with white text on a black backdrop and as a result, selections are invisible, which is horrible for usability. Thanks! ...

Equivalent of HTMLLoader class for an AS3 only project?

Hi I'm building an as3 only web application and want to be able to include external html content within a flash 'window'. In AIR there is the flash.html.HTMLLoader class which makes this possible. Can anyone point to an example of this being done in a flash as opposed to AIR application? ...

Flash / as3: Where to put code for an intro movie clip?

I have an .fla that links to a generic Document class which manages the UI and other MovieClips for a Flash movie. If I want to add an intro movie without dynamically loading a different swf, where would I put the code for that? Should I put it at the top of the Document class (in which case how would I make sure the clip finishes befo...

AS3 (Pixelfumes Reflection Class)

Hi I am using a reflection class in my code. I have stripped it right down to the code below. I have a mc on the stage with an instance name of sand. I have tried all combinations and do not get an error BUT i don't get a reflection either. I have been on the forums for the site but cant find any info. Does anyone have any experience wit...

Difference Between Single and Double Quoted Strings in ActionScript

Is there any difference between single and double quoted strings in ActionScript? ...

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.

In my game, I encapsulate my addChild so that I can have an array of all the objects that are on stage for later garbage collection. this is how I do so public function addGameChild(object:gameObject,isDisplay:Boolean = true):void { if(isDisplay) addChild(object); gameStage.push(object); ...