
Actionscript, BorderContainer.addElement(...) doesn't work !?

i have this: public class AditionalPane extends BorderContainer { //..... private function storeRetrievedData(e : Event) : void { var titleLabel : Label = new Label(); titleLabel.text = "Members: "; titleLabel.height = 100; titleLabel.x = 1; titleLabel.y = 1; //titleLabel.vis...

SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA never fires in Flex??

microphone.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, gotMicData); the event gotMicData is never fired.. however i tried using dispatchEvent but that will return null byteArray.. However similar code works fine in Flashcs5... import; import; import...

How to make a some button on web form with Action Script

I am absolute beginner in Flash, and AS3. I need to make dynamically some amount of buttons in web page. I must use Action Script and MXML. If It will be PHP I will call echo function. So help me please. ...

Flash Actionscript With XML has trouble loading onClick If you go to that page and click the deck of cards. Some clicks don't work. Most clicks do. This onclick problem also happens when testing the movie in flash. //import tweening files import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash...

Best open source flv player for actionscript

Hi Need to customize the scrubbing code for an flvplayer. I'm aware of the OSMF project, but I need to target FP9. Anyone care to make a recommendation? ...

physics for top-down racing game help - Flash / AS3

I am trying to figure out the collision physics for a top-down racing game in Flash / AS3. I am currently using the hitTestPoint method for detecting collisions, but I don't know how to apply a decent physics method to bounce a vehicle off of a wall that it hits. Does anyone have any ideas or perhaps be able to point me in the right di...

How do I change the size of an HBox in Flex to fit it's container?

I create an HBox, fill it with a grid of buttons, and set the scroll policy. When I resize the window, the stage changes size, and so does the HBox ... to a point. Once it reaches the height of the Grid it contains, it stops shrinking, like it has a "min-height". This ruins the scrollbar that I'm trying to establish in this case. I've ...

Flex image component not canvas container when added to canvas.

I am adding a flex image component to a mx:canvas component with a fairly large image. I have the horizontal and vertical scroll policies set to "on", but when I add the image to the canvas, it doesn't expand to show the whole image (the scrollbars aren't activated). Anybody else have this issue. The code is pretty straightforward: <m...

Using a graphic to scroll the timeline in AS3

Hello. I have a movieclip with the instance name 'core'. Core contains 500 frames, and from the root timeline I want to be able to click on a movieclip I have with the instance 'scroller' and have it scrub through the 500 frames, forwards or backwards within a confined area. I have tried a few things like Timelinemax but am having trou...

convert from base 60 to base 10

I have a method that converts an int to a base60 string (using 0-9, a-z, and A-Z chars), but can't work out how to convert it back again. Here is my method for converting base10 to base60: public static function toBase60(value:Number):String { var targetBase:uint = 60; value = value.toString().split('.')[0]; var digits:Arra...

TypeError: Error #1006: myInitializer is not a function. - AS3

Hello everyone, I'm having a difficult time working on my flash application. Everytime I run my code, this error bumps at me. TypeError: Error #1006: myInitializer is not a function. I am quite sure that my myInitializer() function is indeed a function: public class newClass extends MovieClip { public function newClass() { ...

Controlling an embeded SWF movie(audio/sound) file in flex

So I'm trying to get sound on my flex application. Then tried to load an swf movie with only audio in it. But when it loads on init(), it loops non-stop. Here's a sample code: [Embed(source="assets/alert03.swf")] private var alert01Swf:Class; private var alert01Loader:MovieClip; private function init():v...

BitmapData and JpegEncoder Limitations

I am trying to save out a large image from flash using bitmapdata and the jpegencoder. I am looking into the limitations of this process and have noticed you can only set bitmapdata pizel width and height to a certain amount and this might be flexible with what you set the jpegencoder quality to (1-100). Does anyone know what the specif...

Flash dynamic HTMLText displaying erratically in TextField

Hey, HTMLText is displaying really strangely. I'm displaying a textField with htmlText provided through XML, and in this bulleted list it'll display the first line all on one line, keep going off the end of the textareas size (ie. not do multiline) until the last word of the bullet, then put that word at the start of the next line. And...

Anybody have any experience trying to get ActionScript 3 to work with Google adWords?

I have some banner ads in AS3 that I need to make work with Google adWords. I am told AS3 is not supported and there are no immediate plans to.... help! ...

Flash loader demands library files in folder other than folder where main project file is ?

i have situation in which i have some library projects, say "DataProcessors","Lib2" , included in my lets say "MainProject" (a web project) placed on directory "E:\bin-debug\MainProject.swf" , when i build the project it automatically place all the libs .swf in its "E:\bin-debug" folder, but when i debug or run the project ...

main loader [as3]

hello! i made a project in as3. everything works fine but i attach some movieclip from the library, and the size of the swf is 300kb. i have no timeline keyframes, everything is attached dinamically from the library or externally. how can i build a preloader for the root? (yeah i know, root doesn't exist anymore but i'm asking for it ca...

Events dispatched by setFormatofRange

I have a text area on which I would like to listen to change events when I change the text formatting using setFormatOfRange(). So far all other events I have tried, such as Event.CHANGE or TextOperationEvent.CHANGE are only dispatched when the actual text is changed. Anyone know what I should be listening for ? ...

Flex as app : how to load a picture ?

Hello, I'm new to flex, i'm used to flash (CS5 & as3) I'm trying to load a picture in my swf file to add a DisplacementMapFilter then. But i'm just cant load that picture. package { import flash.display.*; import*; import; public class pano2 extends Sprite { public var loader_photo:Loader=n...

How to access Flash object's data via JS code.

I am using an opensource flash video player F4player on my webpage. I have to play next video upon completion of currently playing video. How can I do this using JavaScript? How can I can check the playing state? If this is not possible without editing the actionscript file, then can you please suggest some free/open source alternative...