
ActionScript - Display Object With Multiple Mouse Events?

i've created a simple panel with a title bar, and i'm trying to share the title bar between MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICK and MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK. oh mouse down, the panel is draggable, on mouse click the panel collapses and expands, and on mouse double click the panel is hidden. i'm struggling to make these all wor...

Flex: sqlite last_insert_rowid over multiple insert calls

I have file with multiple SQL statements in it to be executed. INSERT INTO reports (a,b,c) VALUES (1,2,3); INSERT INTO units (report_id, e, f, g) VALUES ( (SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM reports), 4, 5, 6); INSERT INTO elements (report_id, h, i, j) VALUES ( (SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM reports), 7, 8, 9); The FROM reports secti...

Flex Library to do toaster style notifications?

I'm building an Air app and one feature I need is toaster style notifications in the bottom right corner of the screen. Before I go ahead and start writing my own toast controller, does anyone know of an existing library for such functionality? I'm looking for something which will just manage displaying, hiding and stacking of toast noti...

Custom primitives in actionscript

Hi, Is there a way to do something like that? var myPrim:MyPrimitive = MyPrimitive(null); if(myPrim == true){ } else if(myPrim == false){ } else if(myPrim == null){ } Thanks in advance ...

How to change view state?

Following is a simplified version of my mxml: <s:BorderContainer> <s:states> <s:State name="create"/> <s:State name="edit"/> </s:states> <s:transitions> <s:Transition fromState="create" toState="edit"> <s:Sequence target="{creation}"> <s:Fade/> <s:RemoveAction/> </s:Sequence> </s:Transition> </s:transitions> <...

signed RSL without Flex (pure AS3 project)

Here there's a brief explanation of how we can "simulate" the RSL system used in Flex with pure AS3: But what about signed RSLs? can we use that technique to load SWZ files too? will them be cached by the player? how can we "reuse" a SWZ cached by the player in...

Simple as2 load into an as3 movie

Hey guys I'm loading an as2 game into a as3 movie. No communication other than to play the game in the movie. I'm using a loader class. function startLoad() { var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(correctURL.toString()); mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler); mLoader.contentLoaderI...

Fixed y-axis width in flex columnchart

Hi, I'm using a flex columnchart to display data, that changes at runtime. It works perfectly, except the fact, that the y-axis with is automatically resized when the values goes under 1. For example first the values of the charts are between 0 and 10. The y-axis now has labels like 0,1,2,3,4...10. If the values are going under 1 the la...

AS3 OSMF - How can I set a secury token for stream connections ?

Hi Im trying to connect to a secury stream server using osmf but I didnt found the place to set my secury token on the VideoElement or the NetLoader any help ? tks a lot :) ...

Syntax error 1084 in Actionscript

I am getting 2 syntax errors out of this. I am new to Flash. How can I fix this? var paddlepos:int = paddle.x.position if; (paddlepos > 253) { paddle.x.postition = 253; } Syntax errors: Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 28 1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before leftbrace. Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line ...

unable to delete only the very first of a series of objects

This is kind of long - don't know if anyone will bother to read it (don't know if I would), but been beating my head against this for over a day. I have a problem where the first of a series of objects I create is not ever being deallocated. I'm removing event listeners from the object, using the localconnection hack, etc. and it works...

previous / next within a range of numbers

hey all.. i need a function that would return a previous and next numbers, but only within my numbers range. so, for example, if my range is from 0 to 7, and im on 6 - next should return 7. if im on 7 - next should return 0 (it circled back to it). same for previous, if im on 0, previous should be 7. I think modulo can be used to figur...

Unloading swf from parent swf

Hey guys So I loaded a swf into another swf like so correctURL being my external swf variable function startLoad(){ var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(correctURL.toString()); mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onCompleteHandler); mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgre...

In actionscript 3 flash cs5, how do I define a symbol's position.

I wan to know how to move a movie clip to a certain x, y. How would I do that? Because I know this is wrong: paddle.x = 253; Thanks. ...

actionscript videochat

I want to implement video chatting on my site. I understand that I need a table of users online with their ips and that there will be flash clients but I do not understand how the streams are handled. Do I need to have some sort of special stream process running somewhere? Can I just store the ips in a db and set them connections up in p...

ColorPicker in AS3

import fl.controls.ColorPicker; import; var myColorPicker:ColorPicker = new ColorPicker(); myColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler); myColorPicker.move(10, 10); addChild(myColorPicker); function changeHandler(event:ColorPickerEvent) { trace("color changed:", event.color, "(#"...

As3 input-field number condition

Hello I'm trying to validate a flash form. In one case I need to know how to check if the value is a number. If someone could show me this if-sentence, i would be very grateful! :) ...

Moving the TileList label

I'm building a thumbnail viewer in Flash CS5 using the TileList component. I know that you can adjust the alpha of the label background, but is there any way to simply move it so it appears below the thumbnail? I already created a new class which extends the ImageCell class, but I can't seem to find any methods to control the positioning...

Good book to start learning Actionscript3?

I am a Flex programming beginner and wouls like to know some good resources to learn ActionScript3 ...

Updating view spark.components.List

I am using a List component inside an itemRenderer. The main user interaction involves dragging an item from the List in one renderer and dropping it in another. My problem: When the data object is updated I want the Lists' height to be modified according to the number of objects in the dataprovider(dp), which is passed to the List fro...