
Flash AS3 Looping Gallery

Hi all, How to make the gallery looping.when last image in the gallery finished i want to show from the beginning.(horizontal auto scrolling the images from right to left).Please help! Here the code below for scrolling but i want to scroll continuously when last image over addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, leftSideScrolling); pr...

highlight matching text?

I have flex 4 and writing my own autocomplete component (based on the popupanchor) to search for different books. In the dropdown box, how can I highlight the text that matches? For instance, a user types in "ema" and the search returns "Pet Sematary"....I want to highlight the letters "ema" within "Pet Sematary" ...

flash, javascript

I'm trying to make a flash form to freeze somewhere at the middle of the page even if the client scrolls down or up the page . Something similar with the left side "feedback" rectangle from . The flash form which I'm trying to integrate can also be found here

Best advanced book on Actionscript?

Is there a "very best" book on Actionscript? Ideally an advanced book, one that teaches a good deal of movie clip manipulation, Flash's APIs and usual patterns. ...

Flex bar chart not working

XML Data to plot: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <spearkerslist> <speakers langid="afb" countryid="SA" countryalpha3id="SAU">200000</speakers> <speakers langid="acw" countryid="SA" countryalpha3id="SAU">6000000</speakers> <speakers langid="ars" countryid="SA" countryalpha3id="SAU">8000000</speakers> <speakers la...

flash actionscript 3.0

hi. what possibly i am doing wrong or what i can do with this code that help me to render requested page in same window instead of new one every time i hit button which i have created using actionscript 3.0 . code is import; var get_page:URLRequest = new URLRequest("C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Deskt...

Flex Actionscript project swf is not working after export the release build...

Hi guys.. I tried to built a project with AS3 only in Flex. When I run the project in flex, everything looks fine, but when I export the release build, the images that are supposed to be added are gone. I appreciate if someone can help me about it. init(); public function init(loadedVideoCount:Number):void{ ...

how to set flex html container htmlLoader.placeLoadStringContentInApplicationSandbox to true via action script dynamically

I am creating html container on run time and want to set htmlLoader.placeLoadStringContentInApplicationSandbox to true via action script how can i write code? If i am creating any html container in my mxml code and writting code like below "htmlContainerID.htmlLoader.placeLoadStringContentInApplicationSandbox = true;" it is working...

flex controlling application sound

I have a flex application in which multiple sound files are used in various parts of the application. Can i have a single sound handler, which will take care of volume control fo the entire application at once. How can i do that ...

How to adjust this AS2 to AS3?

the AS2 code is: MovieClip.prototype.setModel = function(m) { this.model = m; this.drawModel(m); } MovieClip.prototype.drawModel = drawModel; I tried: package { import flash.display.MovieClip; public class Prototype extends MovieClip { public function Prototype() { super(); } ...

ActionScript 3 - anonymous function as click handler is called multiple times per click

I have a button labeled 'blueButton' and I'd like to use an anonymous function to handle the click, like so: blueButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, function(event:MouseEvent):void { trace( "-----click detected-----" ); // now do other stuff }); Problem is, the click handler is called multiple times per click. The number of ti...

Converting C Macros to Actionscript 3

I am trying to convert a macro in C to something that would work similarly in Actionscript. The C macro takes a string, and using ## checks the type against other macros to check that the item's property is of the right type. To clarify, the C: ... #define STACK_NUM 52 ... #define CHECK_TYPE(i, t) \ ( ((i).type == t##_NUM) ) ...

Trying to understand this ActionScript 2 code...

I got this ActionScript 2 code: fuseModel = [{mx:0, my:-5.5, x:0, y:-4, pen:.5, clr:0x000033, alpha:50}]; MovieClip.prototype.setModel = function(m) { this.drawModel(m); } MovieClip.prototype.drawModel = function(m) { var pt = m[0]; beginFill(, pt.bfa); lineStyle(pt.pen,pt.clr,pt.alpha); lineTo(100,100); endFill(); } _root...

AS2 Trigger onRelease event

Hey all, i have a movieclip with an onRelease event. Is there anyway i can trigger this event in code? without clicking the movie clip? ...

Inhereted properties of an image in the loader.

Hey, I'm kinda new to AS3, but I've been trying to learn and read the LiveDocumentation as much as possible, and yet I can't get past this problem: There's a Loader that I'm filling with different images depending on the button clicked. Now to keep it tidy I'm using the exact same loader. The problem is that no matter what I do to the i...

How to check the performance & memory usage of the flash application at run time?

Hi, I have a flash application which consist of Grid Components, Button, Label, and Combo-box Components. All these components are used more than 70 times(simultaneously) with in the application. So Its takes too much of memory. So How can I test the memory usage of each component at the time of running. Is there any plug-in available f...

I can't type symbols such as @ and $ into my flash textbox

I have an input text field for email address that is not allowing me to type anything but letters, numbers, spaces, and * I need to be able to type @ as this is an email address input field... Is there a setting I can change to allow for this? ...

TextField and Security Sandbox Violation

Hi I am creating a TextField in my flash application, but when i am starting to write something the following error in written to trace: * Security Sandbox Violation * SecurityDomain xxx tried to access incompatible context yyy What is the reason for that? How can i solve it? ...

How to fire a event for Array push? [Flash]

How would I go about as to addEventListener for a array object. I'm trying to avoid running a timer every x milliseconds to check for new elements in array object, rather trying to make a event fire when new elements are detected to process them and remove them. Is it possible with Arrays? maybe ArrayCollections? either is fine. P.S.>...

display variable value, flash actionscript

Hi, I'm building a very simple questionnaire in flash cs5. My timeline consists of an intro frame, three question frames and a results frame. Each of the question frames allows the users to select 1 of 5 answers choices (buttons) and then proceeds to the next question. I want to capture their button selection, store it in a variable and ...