I am returning 12345678910111213171819 from java to flex, with in xml tags using http serivce. The result format is object.
but when I display the text it automatically converted or treated as number
so it displays like 1.234567891011121317181 x e^21 ....
How to avoid this?
Thanks in advance.
Sankara narayanan Ekambaranathan....
In Actionscript I can do
var thing:MovieClip = new MovieClip ();
thing.somevar = 1;
and the thing object would have a variable called somevar.
Can I do the same in Javascript if I created an element using createElement?
Hi I wrote an application in flash AS3, and when I trace from flash the total memory usage of the total application is only about 9MB, But at the same time Task Manager Shows the memory usage as 110MB. Around 100MB difference.
Flash Trace Method System.totalMemory difference of the Trace from the Beginning of the application to end of ...
How can I establish connection of a Flash site with a database(i.e. MYSQLetc)?
I have 8 flash movies, each with 3 scenes within each one.
What is the most effective way (by which I mean, takes the least amount of time to implement and produces a file without each and every object used in the library) to combine these 24 scenes into a single flash file so that they play consecutively and can be exported as a singl...
package com {
import flash.display.*;
import flash.net.*;
import flash.events.*;
public class Test extends Sprite {
public var mc:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
public var buttonShape:Shape = new Shape();
public var fileRef:FileReference= new FileReference();
public function Test() {
I have a slider with arrows on the end to operate/advance it. If you hover over an arrow the slider slides. When you roll off/hover off the arrow the slider stops. The problem is that if you hover off to quickly it still thinks the cursor is over the arrow and it continues to slide. Is there any way to address this?
Is it possible to catch ALL exceptions at some top-level in Actionscript 3? If so, how?
At the URLLoader reference there is the following example:
private function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
var loader:URLLoader = URLLoader(event.target);
I cannot understand the URLLoader(event.target) syntax. It's not a call to the constructor, it's not a method invocation or a static method inv...
I've just started learning as3 and I've been trying to find a good tutorial on dropdown menu's using just xml and as3. Most of what I've come across so far are either static menus or menus driven with heavy use of the timeline.
Is it even possible to build a nice fluid drop down menu completely in code?
If so and anyone has some go...
I have a flash app that needs to download a file, whose name contains UTF-8 characters.
Internally, the filename is read from a UTF-8 XML file, e.g. "my filé.pdf". The code goes something like this:
url = get_filename_from_XML();
req = new URLRequest( url );
ref = new FileReference();
ref.download( req );
The problem is that the UR...
I am trying to capture ctrl-c.
I have noticed that many times, there is no KEY_UP event for 'c' key. I believe it happens in cases KEY_UP event for 'c' key should be thrown just before or after KEY_UP event for ctrl key. Why it happens? how can i catch the KEY_UP for 'c' key?
Hello. I use StackOverflow for the first time, so please be friendly and understanding.
Few days ago I got interested in ActionScript. I have downloaded FlashDevelop (a free IDE) and FlexSDK4. Then I have learned the basics from some tutorials.
For now I am not really developing any big project, I'm rather just doing tests.
Anyway, a sol...
I have an action script 2.0 request.
i have a flash movie with 7 check boxes. when the user has selcted a total of 4 check boxes the flash movie goes to another frame.
pretty simple
i'll contain all the checkboxes in a movie clip called mcCheckBox.
I just need to the code to make it go to a new frame once four check boxes have been...
Hi everyone,
does anybody know if disabling the security question in the flash player is ok? I need to know the exact facts by reference whether it is ok or not. I found some answers to this but they were assumptions but nor rigid. for instance a reference to Adobe's documentation that says any workaround is illegal.
Thank you all,
I am searching for a way to retrieve all emails addresses from a given string.
For example: if i have the string "AB CD [[email protected]]" i want to receive only "[email protected]".
I guess i should use RegExp and String match function, but i am not sure how.
Any ideas?
I have the following regex which suppose to match email addresses:
I have the following code in AS3:
var mails:Array = str.toLowerCase().match(pattern);
(pattern is RegExp with the mentioned regular exp...
How can i use a bitmap text (no anti-alias at all), i can't find that option , the same option that exists in the classic text field.
Try the following code:
myListener = new Object();
myListener.onKeyUp = function() {
if (Key.isDown(Key.CONTROL) && Key.getCode() == 67) {
trace("Ctrl+C key down!");
hold ctrl key and start pressing 'c'. From some point you will notice that there is no KEY_UP event fo...
I am using the JODConverter web service to convert an ODT-document to a PDF-file. I have some working Ruby code, that will load up the ODT-file and convert it using the web service. The resulting PDF-file is then returned to me and I can easily save it.
When I try to do the same thing in ActionScript, I seem to be facing some issues wit...