
powershell : how to query AD and exchange mailbox sizes

I just recently found out that exchange server2007 will no longer be supporting WMI, namely the service which uses \ROOT\MicrosoftExchangeV2. The old script I wrote output the ServerName, StorageGroupName, Storename, MailboxDisplayName, Size, TotalItems, DeletedMessageSizeExtended fields to a csv text file. How would I go about doing...

LDAP: why would the following use of DirectoryEntry return no members for a large global security group?

The following code works for 90+ % of global security groups, but for one very large global security group, it returns an enumerator, but no member objects of the group, even though the group has many thousands. DirectoryEntry group = groupResult.GetDirectoryEntry(); filter = "member;range=0-20"; group.RefreshCache(new[] { filter }); Pr...

Getting error message "Error: Add: Already Exists. <68>" when trying to modify a node in AD

We have node as following -CN=userMGMt,obapp=ABC,OU=myConfig,DC=dom1,DC=company,DC=com |-CN=seqNo=1,CN=userMGMt,obapp=ABC,OU=myConfig,DC=dom1,DC=company,DC=com |-CN=syncNo=1,CN=userMGMt,obapp=ABC,OU=myConfig,DC=dom1,DC=company,DC=com Whenever there is update in application, the current seqNo is incremented (by renaming the current s...

How to setup a Active Directory environment test?

The project I´m working on needs to auth its users against AD, and as a fallback check against its own user base. Now I need to test it outside the production environment. What is the best method to setup a Active Directory test environment? Currently I´m downloading a Windows 2003 Virtual PC image, and planning a VMWare virtual LAN. ...

Subversion with AD Groups with Linux?

I try to migrate a Windows SVN Server to Linux. I have configured Apache to validate against AD for Useraccess so only AD Users can logon. Now i have to set permissions for repositories with authz files. When i set permission with AD username it works, but AD groups it doesn't. The authz file looks like the following: [test:/] user1=rw...

ASP.NET How to get List of Groups in Active Directory

How can I get a full list of Groups in my Active Directory? ...

How to get list of all domains in Active Directory using C#

Can anyone please help me to get all the domains in Active Directory. I have tried many times, but all the programs are listing only the current working domain. How can I do this? ...

How to access the notes field on a GroupPrincipal object

I query all security groups in a specific domain using PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> results = ps.FindAll(); where ps is a PrincipalSearcher. I then need to iterate the result (casting it to a GroupPrincipal first ) and locate the ones that contains a specific string in the notes field. But the Notes field from AD is appearently...

WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole and universal vs. global active directory groups

Does anybody know how to make WindowsPrincipal.IsInRole("domain\role") work with active directory universal groups? Let's say the current user is a member of a group called Role in a domain called domain, and that the Role group is a Global group in active directory. The following code would then yield result = true: WindowsPr...

How to check if a Active Directory server is up and running using .Net?

Before trying to query the AD server I would like to check if it is alive and kicking. Looks like a trivial thing, but I haven´t found anything to elucidate this. How can I do that? ...

.NET: How to look up a user in Active Directory?

How do you look up a user in Active Directory? Some example usernames are: avatopia\ian avatar\ian [email protected] [email protected]\ian It's important to note that i don't know the name of the domain, and i shouldn't be hard-coding it. There is some sample code on stack-overflow that fails. using System.DirectoryS...

Authenticate and GetRoles of ActiveDirectory users in a disconnected WPF application via MembershipProvider

Hello, I have a project requirement where I need to authenticate against ActiveDirectory in a remote/disconnected WPF application. There is probably several ways to attempt to do this, but what would be the best approach using ActiveDirectory's MembershipProvider? I need to: Authenticate that the user exists. obtain the AD user's gr...

Secure Java SOAP web service - Active Directory authentication Trust

I want to build a secure web-service betweeen a Java producer and a Java consumer. I want to authenticate using Active Directory using the domain accounts that the producer and consumer are running under. Could you give me an example of this? (ie: AD trusted automated alternative to manual keystores.) ...

How to use setspn to enable two java command line processes to authenticate windows process execution identity

Assuming I have a client and a server java process running on the commandline. I want the identity of each to come from the windows process it is executing under (in order to associate permissions in AD groups). Assuming I have a working knowledge of setspn How do I get th...

exchange powershell : get-user has no Description property? (solved)

When I run get-user|get-member in powershell with the exchange add-in I noticed there is no description property. Does anyone know if it has been renamed to something else or another way of accessing it? ...

LDAP through Ruby or Rails

I've been attempting to hook a Rails application up to ActiveDirectory. I'll be synchronizing data about users between AD and a database, currently MySQL (but may turn into SQL Server or PostgreSQL). I've checked out activedirectory-ruby, and it looks really buggy (for a 1.0 release!?). It wraps Net::LDAP, so I tried using that instead,...

Finding who has access to this shared exchange server mailbox

How can I find all the users who are all having access to a shared mail box? We use a shared mail box in our application, this would be useful to know. A simple solution will be more useful. Code to do this in C# is also ok. Tools from microsoft will also be useful. ...

exchange powershell : finding the active directory office property (solved)

I wrote this small script to pull the office property from get-user by piping the exchange mailbox object. $server = "tms08" $arrUser = get-mailbox -Server $server |Get-MailboxStatistics |select identity foreach ( $id in $arrUuser) { $office = get-user -Identity $id.Identity |select office $out += $id.Identity } $out I don't get any...

How do integrate Delphi with Active Directory?

We need to validate an user on Microsoft's Active Directory using Delphi 7, what is the best way to do that? We can have two scenarios: the user inputs its network username and password, where the username may include the domain, and we check on active directory if it is a valid, active user. Or we get the current logged user from Windo...

Is there a way to query who are activesync/bb users through Exchange PowerShell?

Is there a way to query against exchange 2007 to distinguish who is either an active sync or blackberry user using powershell exchange addin? ...