
Authenticating Drupal Users Using Remote Call to Active Directory Single-Sign-On, How do I do it?

QUESTION: Authenticating Drupal Users Using Remote Call to Active Directory Single-Sign-On(SSO), How do I do it? SPECS(DRUPAL_SYSTEM): Linux-CentOS-5.X, Apache-2.X, PHP-5.X, Drupal-6.X CONTROL(DRUPAL_SYSTEM): 100% control of Drupal server making call to Authenticating server using Active Directory Single-Sign-On SPECS(SSO_SYSTEM): Cur...

I am expecting this line to return the users domain and login, but I am getting the servers anonymous userinformation

Dim domainUser As String = System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Name In the example project I downloaded from I get the domain and user name I expect. When I use it in my project I get the anonymous windows account. The goal is to...

HTML - Understanding href and the link and base tags.

I often get confused with the href attribute, the link tag, and the base tag. I'm unsure how to properly link the CSS file so a file can be moved into a subfolder and still work (example later on) so I went ahead and found out how the href works when specifying a location. For your knowledge, I'm working with my localhost, so I have the...

Does it make sense to build a custom AD profile provider?

Hi all, On my current project we are using the active directory as a user repository and using AzMan as the application authorization store. Both of these are cover with the Membership and the Roles providers (plus the AzMan for operations authorization) The only thing missing is getting detailed info about the logged user. I could use ...

Does it make sense to build a custom AD profile provider?

Hi all, On my current project we are using the active directory as a user repository and using AzMan as the application authorization store. Both of these are cover with the Membership and the Roles providers (plus the AzMan for operations authorization). The only thing missing is getting detailed info about the logged user. I could us...

Using both Forms and AD authentication?

My ASP.NET MVC site requires forms-based authentication for some resources (downloads, discussion forum, etc). This works great with the [Authorize] attribute. However, I need my admin site (`~/Areas/Admin/*) to authenticate against active directory. With regular ASP.NET or classic ASP, I would just go into the IIS config and change th...

How to get Active Directory Attributes not represented by the UserPrincipal class

What I mean is that right now I am using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement and if I use UserPrincipal class I only see the Name, Middle Name, etc so in my codes it like UserPrincipal myUser = new UserPrincipal(pc); myUser.Name = "aaaaaa"; myUser.SamAccountName = "aaaaaaa"; . . . . myUser.Save(); How would I see the attribute...

-2147016672 "An operations error occured" System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement

Uisng this code ArrayList myItems = new ArrayList(); UserPrincipal oUserPrincipal = GetUser(sUserName); PrincipalSearchResult<Principal> oPrincipalSearchResult = oUserPrincipal.GetGroups(GetPrincipalContext(sOU)); foreach (Principal oResult in oPrincipalSearchResult) { myItems.Add(oResult.Name); } return myItems; I am getting an...

Active Directory Digest Authentication

Is there a way to do Digest Auth against ActiveDirectory ( or more specifically ActiveDirectory Lightweight Directory Service aka ADAM ) when the servers are not in a domain? I am trying to configure JBoss to auth users against ActiveDirectory Lightweight Directory Service (which is not in a domain). ...

Silverlight ActiveDirectore Autentification

How i can get Current User. And how i can validate user via Active Directory by user and pass. ...

Verify if password is correct

i need to verify if the password is correct for a user. i have this code: private bool checkOldPasswordValid(string password, string username) { using (DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("WinNT://" + Environment.MachineName + ",computer")) { entry.Username = username; entry.Password =...

Active Directory group authentication performance

I'm working on a web-based project that users will access after having been authenticated by Active Directory. My boss controls access to Active Directory, and wants to use groups to handle authentication to the application I'm writing. He's also provided me with a class to connect to pull the information I need from AD (logon name and a...

Trying to create a new Active Directory user, Invoke("SetPassword",pwd) throws "The RPC server is unavailable"

I'm trying to create a new user on my development active directory server using .NET System.DirectoryServices namespace. I try using the following code: DirectoryEntry dirEntry = new DirectoryEntry(path, "TESTDOM\\Administrator", "2109password", AuthenticationTypes.Secure | AuthenticationTypes.ServerBind); object o = dirEntry.NativeOb...

how to find LDAP path for creating a user in AD

how to find LDAP path for creating a user in AD?? ...

LDAP: How to get all users and groups from Active Directory

I am trying to get all the users and their associated groups from an Active Directory server, using a LDAP query. Apparently, Active Directory doesn't give me the primary group of the users. For example, this search: (objectclass=user) produces this result: # Test User, Users, dn: CN=Test User,CN=Users,DC=sub,DC=domain...

How do I dump users from active directory?

I'm struggling a bit with my simple console-dump-program. I connect to AD using DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domain, username, password); and from there I recursively loop thru every child by foreach (DirectoryEntry child in entry.Children) { Traverse(child); } Then I start getting mambo jambo dat...

Active Directory Web Services (ADWS) SDK

I recently come to know that there are web services by WCF for Active Directory. I presume this is not about LDAP. Are there any documentations or blogs about it as to what the default endpoints are or what the API looks like or does it even talk in SOAP? or can you please shed some light on how to connect to Active Directory Web Servi...

In c# how do I set the active directy field "office" so i can show the location of our users in Outlook

In c# I'm trying to set the office field When I do this: ADEntry.Properties[ "office"].Add( "Alaska"); It says office does not exist. Can anyone tell me where to get at this property? Thanks, Cal- ...

why I am geting this error: System.Runtime.interopservice.ComException on windows Authentication.

I am using Windows Authentication in every thing is ok in local but when deploying on different system of same domain then its working getting error in this line SearchResult userObject = adSearcher.FindOne(); Error system.runtime.interopservice.comException My code is WindowsIdentity winId = id as WindowsIdentity; if...

Query an AD domain via SSL

I have a domain and port number (636) as well as a username and password. I am trying to figure out a way to connect to this AD via Secure LDAP and get a users 'givenname', 'sn', 'mail', and probably a few custom attributes. However I have no idea how to do this in C#. I think that Microsoft may have a method for this available alr...