
Problem with embedding activemq to jboss application server

I'm totally a newbie in Java Enterprise and I have a lot stuff yet to learn. Right now I'm working which involves JMS using JBoss and ActiveMQ. An application sends messages to queues in JBoss and my goal is to access those messages using any message broker (in this case I tried to use ActiveMQ). So I think it's better for me to embed Ac...

Pump data into ActiveMQ from a JDBC data source

We have an application provided by a third party which takes a stream of market data (provided by said third party), and writes it into a JDBC compatible database. The only configuration parameters it has are the JDBC connection string, plus settings allowing us to pick what pieces of data we'd like to be stored in this database. This ...

ActiveMQ messagedriven bean to JSF

I am currently reading from ActiveMQ with a Message driven bean (EJB3) in the back end. The problem I am facing is that I have to update a table in my JSF page as soon as I receive the message from ActiveMQ in the message driven bean. Any suggestions of the technologies I can try would be great. I am currently using primefaces and glas...

Pre-built AMQP and STOMP client (as in GUI client)

Hi, I'm looking for a client (as in GUI client, not client library) to play with our MQ server and familiarize myself with its semantics. Something that will send and receive messages at the press of a button (or a text command) and maybe even update me about the status of the server queues and messages. Administration would be a bonus....

Jboss As 5 and activemq

Hello All, Does anybody know how to configure Activemq on Jboss 5.1? If so could he or she provide me with the example? Many thanks for any answer! Agata ...

JMX/RMI issues when starting broker

Hello fellow stackoverflowers. I have been getting a quite nasty error while trying to start up my brokers with ActiveMQ. It seems that, for some reason, the management context tries to start up something that is already registered. The top of the stack trace reads: [SpringOsgiExtenderThread-127] DEBUG

Is there a performance difference between creating startup queues vs dynamic queue in ActiveMQ?

Most of the examples that I seem to run into are using dynamic queues instead of queue defined during activemq startup (see activemq.xml file). Is there a significant degradation in performance if I use dynamic queue generation? ...

How does WCF turn a ServiceContract/OperationContract into a Message that can be serialized?

I'm starting to experiment with using ActiveMQ (in conjunction with the ActiveMQ.NMS bindings) to support some cross platform RPC messaging that we're looking at doing. As part of this I'd like to be able to define our RPC contracts in the manner WCF provides - eg. [ServiceContract] public interface IUsers { [OperationContract] ...

JMS / MQ confidentiality between clients

I'm designing a system where one server must send messages to lots of independent clients. The clients doesn't know about each other and should not be able to consume, peek or in any other way acquire knowledge about each others messages. I therefore wonder if JMS / ActiveMq have the ability to control which clients get which messages? ...

ActiveMQ Messaging problem

Hello. I have a ActiveMQ server, with STOMP connectors for iphone clients. I use JMS as pub/sub (iphone subscribe to a channel and get quotes of a symbol). But somehow it seems that the iphone is a very slow consumer, and the server keeps a buffer for each client. this one makes a delay in messages, the only get increased. I have config...

ActiveMQ + OSGi XML xBean configuration problem

Hi folks, I've been having problems configuring an ActiveMQ broker through an xBean-parsed external XML file. At this point, ANY help, tips, pointers, hints or even cheering-up are appreciated. Here's my issue: I'm trying to use an external .xml file to configure a broker. I have the following code in my spring bundle context: <bean i...

Is message priority inherently unimportant in message queue systems?

It seems like most of the messaging systems I've looked at have basic, if any, support for priority message queues. For example, the AMQP only specifies a minimum of 2 priorities. RabbitMQ, an AMQP implementation, doesn't support any priorities. ActiveMQ will be getting support for 10 message priorities in version 5.4 in a couple days. 1...

How to implement ActiveMQ with VM's using NAS

We're in the process of moving our .NET platform from using MSMQ to ActiveMQ. We pump 30+ million persistent messages through it a day, so throughput and capacity are critical to us. The way our MSMQ dependent applications are configured, is they write to local/private queues first. Then we have a local service that routes those messa...

ActiveMQ Camel Admin Routes

I have a simple Route written in Java and have the jar file deployed to activemq/lib and updated the activeMQ.xml to look for the route via the package can element. But the route is not showing up in the web admin console... wondering what other steps are involved... public class SampleConnectorRoute extends RouteBuilder { public void...

Spring / ActiveMQ schema validation from behind a proxy

Hello, I'm trying to run this JAX-RS web services which uses ActiveMQ and Spring, and have some definitions relating to both in the Spring context xml file. If i'm not behind a proxy, everything runs fine. However, when i'm behind a proxy, I get the following validation error: org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: cvc-complex-type.2.4.c: The ...

Would you use pub/sub or queues for long running background processes?

Hello, I have a webservice which receives requests to perform some data transfer operations within an Oracle database (such transfer operation takes about 30mins to 2 hours). I designed the webservice to use JMS for these processes. Once a request arrives, a message is sent to ActiveMQ, there's a listener class that receives those and t...

Acknowledge a message from a different Channel/Session in JMS

I need a message to be Acknowledged in a different Session than the one it is created in. If the consumed message is not ACKed in a given time, it should be added back to the queue. Is this possible using JMS( planning to use ActiveMQ as the broker). ...

configure the broker

Hello. I am using ActiveMQ as message Broker with something like 140 Topics. I am facing a problem that the broker keeps old messages, instead of discarding them in order to send new messages (so clients gets old data instead of current data). How do I configure the broker not to keep old messages? the important data is allways the la...

how to use multiple broker? (Stomp, ActiveMQ and activemessaging)

I am using ActiveMQ with stomp and activemessaging. I tried to follow the configuration steps in In my broker.yml, I have the following config development: adapter: stomp login: "" passcode: "" host: localhost port: 61613 reliable: true reconnec...

Embedding ActiveMQ broker in Spring-MVC Tomcat webapp

I have a small Spring MVC webapp (which embeds ActiveMQ) that is designed to run in a local Tomcat, and reliably message to a queue on a remote ActiveMQ. All of that's in place, except for the "reliably". At the moment, if the remote site goes down, the send fails dramatically. My send config: <!-- Connection setup --> <bean id="connec...